Why do you dream of burning a witch? Why do you dream about the Witch? Add to calendar

The witch is a symbol that can turn our sleepy dreams into a real nightmare. She does not always look like in fairy tales, that is, she is an older woman, wearing a hat and black clothes. A witch in a dream may look completely different, but what does it really mean? To find out the answer to this question, refer to the dream book.

Why do you dream of a witch or sorceress - Freud's Dream Book

Witch - the meaning of the dream. A dream during which a woman dreams of a witch or sorceress can mean that very great potential lies dormant within her. She will have a lot of success if she uses her capabilities correctly.

In turn, for a man, a dream about a witch can symbolize his fear of women and a rather negative relationship with them. Sometimes the witch or sorceress is a reflection of a woman about whom the man has very bad memories, such as his ex-girlfriend or mother-in-law.

Why do you dream of a witch on a broom - Miller's Dream Book

The very sight of a witch in a dream may mean that soon we will try to look for rather unusual, sometimes even dangerous, entertainment. The witch in this case symbolizes a bad temptress - hold her, resist, so as not to get into any trouble. Dreaming of a witch on a broom symbolizes our dreamer nature and separation from reality.

A similar dream meaning concerns topics such as a witch flying on a broomstick. According to the dream book, dreams of this kind can be a guide for us on how to change our behavior. If a witch casts a spell on us, then this may mean that we really do not have any control over our own lives, we are too easily manipulated by other people.

Why do you dream about an evil witch - Vanga’s Dream Book

A dream during which the witch is evil and predicts the future for us can be a symbol of grief that still torments us. A lot depends on whether what the wicked witch says is a good or bad omen. An optimistic forecast promises an end to the problem, however, bad news suggests that one should wait for further developments of the situation and not succumb to environmental pressure.

Why do you dream of a witch burning at the stake: this foreshadows that a person from our close circle will be unfairly judged for something. If in a dream you see a person on whom an evil witch has cast a spell, then the dream book interprets this as a sign that serious changes will soon occur in our lives.

Why do witches dream in dreams - Dream Book of Nostradamus

A witch can be a good person. When in a dream we meet a witch on our way who is friendly towards us, we can consider this as a harbinger of receiving advice or a warning. The dream book advises that it is worth paying attention to the behavior of such a witch in a dream, perhaps she will give us valuable advice that should be used in real life. Sometimes a good witch, appearing in the form of a fairy or a wise old woman, symbolizes a woman close to our hearts, whom we can always count on - this could be a mother or a friend.
The dream book says that sometimes a witch is a symbol of a strict mother, that is, in the form that we are afraid of, and we try to follow her commands so as not to incur her wrath. The witch here symbolizes a part of the human subconscious that we have no idea about. Sometimes it is also a symbol of irrational ideas, especially about women.

Why do you dream about an old witch - Hasse's Dream Interpretation

In a mystical dream, seeing an old witch foreshadows the approach of events that at first glance seem very pleasant and cheerful. Time, however, will tell whether they will be a source of greater problems. Dreaming of an old witch - the dream book suggests that our inherent desire to dominate other people can do more harm than good. Feeling the fear of an old witch in a dream foretells that someone is using us in a rather indecent way. A witch on a broom - this promises a bad period in the development of your business. The crisis will also affect household and personal matters. For a man, a dream about a witch may be a harbinger that women, such as a lover, mother or mistress, will have a great influence on his life. You will have to submit to their strong influence, however, you must also take care of your peace of mind in order to have stability in life.

When trying to figure out why a witch is dreaming, you need to take into account her age, appearance, the dreamer’s personality and relationships, as well as other nuances.

Dream Interpretation: seeing a witch in a dream

According to Miller's dream book the sorceress warns that noisy fun can turn into humiliation and resentment. For businessmen, the dream foretells losses.

Vanga suggests that when a witch dreams, it is a prediction about the past. In reality, everything will change soon. Witches and witchcraft over herbs or water are an indication of the need to strengthen self-control. This is not the time to succumb to provocations and violently express temperament.

According to Ukrainian source a witch or sorceress in a dream means trouble. They will arise spontaneously.

Dream Interpretation of Yuri Longo indicates that witches and sorcerers mean a loss of self-confidence. The white magician warns that it is extremely undesirable at the moment to turn to unconventional healers because of the danger of running into scammers.

According to a modern source the witches' sabbath is a signal calling for attention. A dishonest person will try to drag you into a scam. When you dream of a witch in a house, uninvited guests will arrive.

Who dreamed of a witch in a dream

Witch in a dream woman reports the presence of a rival who threatens her well-being. However, the charming witch is the herald of a short-term love interest.

Dreaming Witch girl serves as a warning. The desire to have fun can lead to negative consequences, and casual acquaintances can cause harm.

Witch bride is a hint that not everything is going smoothly in the relationship. It is necessary to calmly, without hysterics and scenes of jealousy, discuss important issues with the groom.

Witch pregnant- a signal that the body is at risk of disease. You need to make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible.

The witch predicts risky adventures man. Events will bring a flurry of emotions, but it is better to postpone the implementation of important projects until a calmer period.

What witch did you dream about?

Witch woman with a repulsive appearance - to disputes with household members. Families will have to experience the pangs of jealousy.

The old witch is a warning. Soon after such a dream troubles may follow.

Also decrepit grandma the witch encourages the sleeper to take care of his own appearance. Due to insufficient care, there is a risk of looking older than your age.

Witch cat signals that there is a woman around who wants evil. Other animals, which in a dream are the embodiment of a witch, have a similar interpretation.

Good the witch is considered an auspicious prophecy. There will probably be a useful acquaintance with a wise person.

White the witch reports that you should listen carefully to the words of a new person in your environment. Thanks to timely advice received, many difficult situations can be avoided.

The dream calls for vigilance black witch. Among those around you, someone is secretly trying to cause harm.

Besides angry a witch means that new acquaintances may not be as pleasant as it seemed at first glance. You shouldn't share your most secret things.

Young a witch for women is a very positive sign. Failures will turn into benefits. For men, a charming witch means that he is attracted to women with a strong character.

In general, if witches in human form look attractive, then the vision is interpreted positively. A wise woman will have a beneficial influence on fate.

Ugly and scary witches are a warning. Because of someone's ill will, you will find yourself in the midst of an unpleasant and loud scandal.

A certain person from the environment is preparing to disturb the peace of the sleeping person if he has dreamed flying witch. Unfortunately, it will be very difficult to avoid troubles.

When you dream about a witch on a broomstick, also in reality you are likely to feel unwell. It is advisable to take preventive measures.

It’s good if you dreamed deceased witch. You will be able to overcome all problems.

Actions with a witch in a dream

Run away from a witch - an intuitive desire to avoid unpleasant people. It is important to listen to your inner voice.

Fight with a witch - dramatic changes in life. If at present the sleeper is not too happy with the current situation, he will have to rejoice that it will turn for the better. When you dream of a fight with a witch, and in reality everything is fine, the dream warns that it is too early to relax. People who are jealous of success can do dirty tricks.

In reality, the right decision will be made if it succeeds win witch

Kill witch - positive changes in fate. For those who are sick, killing a witch is a very good sign. There will be improvement soon. It’s good if you dreamed of a witch’s funeral. Troubles will soon be left behind.

choke witch - an indication that it is time to solve a long-standing problem or put an end to a long-standing conflict. If a witch blocks the access to oxygen, in reality the sleeping person is under a paranormal influence.

Burn witch is a neutral sign. To achieve the goal, you will have to change your own principles.

If you dreamed become a witch, in reality a situation may occur that causes anger. But it’s better not to take it out on others.

Regardless of what you read about the meaning of what a witch dreams about in each specific situation, the main thing is not to be afraid of what you see and not to be afraid of the future.

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

If a woman dreamed of a witch, then she had a strong and dangerous rival.

If a man dreamed of a witch, then he should beware of gambling.

See also: why do you dream of magic, why do you dream of a broom, why do you dream of a stupa.

Pocket dream book by T. Lagutina

Why does the Witch dream, how to understand the dream:

Dreamed of a witch - adventures await you in the company of pleasant people, which will end in disappointment.

To see that a witch is threatening you means that you will experience stagnation in business and a cooling of the spouses towards each other.

Dream Interpretation by A. Vasilyev

Why do you dream about a witch?

To dream of an old and scary witch is a symbol of unsatisfied desires for women.

For men, a witch is bad luck.

Dreaming of a young witch means causing damage and great real danger.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why do you dream and why do you see a Witch in a dream:

You dreamed of a witch - this means that you can find yourself in a company having fun in nature, but the consequences of this fun will only end in a headache and an empty wallet for you.

To see that you are a witch - you have to find yourself in a critical situation, when there is not enough time for anything and everything is literally falling out of your hands, and there is nowhere and no one to expect help from.

Big dream book

If you dreamed of a witch, this means that it is better for you not to strive for extraordinary adventures; they can lead you to disappointment and resentment.

To see that witches are attacking you means that your commercial affairs may suffer. Household chores will also bring disappointment.

Lunar dream book

Why do you dream about a witch:

if she is old and scary, then this is a symbol of unsatisfied desires for women. For men - failure. A young witch dreams of causing damage in reality and great real danger. Symbol of passion. Black Moon.

Dream book for girls

Why does the Witch dream according to the dream book:

This dream means that something is being planned against you, perhaps out of envy. So think about who it could be.

Dreaming of a Witch? See the following interpreter.

Lewis's Dream Book

Seeing a Witch in a dream:

In Christianity, a witch is the personification of evil. According to the New Wave, the witch is the goddess of mother earth. In Walt Disney World there are evil witches, good witches and a godmother - a sorceress who grants wishes. The meaning of this symbol depends on the context of the dream, as well as the dreamer's associations with the image of the witch in the dream.

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Seeing a witch in a dream means expecting danger, scandal, sadness, illness. If a witch touches you, it means an evil slander.

Attackers, advancing witches are a danger to commercial and domestic affairs.

Dancing witches - to your desire for adventure, fun, the result of which will be insults and humiliation.

Dream Interpretation of Emperor Peter I

Why do you dream of a Witch in a dream:

Seeing a witch is a sign of prosperity, prosperity and good neighborliness. Seeing a witch flying on a broom portends you troubles that will happen through your fault, due to your carelessness and carelessness.

Seeing yourself in the role of a witch is a bad dream, prophesying loss, a major loss. Perhaps such a dream means that all your efforts will be empty, and you will not achieve what you want.

To be present at a witches’ ball means that you will have to solve the problems that have arisen in the life of your loved one with your own efforts.

A dream in which a witch talks to you means that everything you have managed to achieve in life was given to you through hard and painstaking work.

Flying on a witch's broom is a sign of help and patronage, which you may not even suspect. Your fate interests not only you, but also people who have hidden sympathy for you.

Dream Interpretation of O. Smurova

Why do you dream and what does the Witch mean:

Seeing yourself hearing and casting witch spells is a sign of trouble and betrayal.

See also: why a sorcerer dreams, why a Witch dreams, why magic is dreamed.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why does the Witch dream in a night dream?

Seeing yourself casting some spells portends friction with your husband or lover based on different views.

If in a dream you are conjured to help by frail elders, then you will give in where you usually showed firmness and steadfastness.

To conjure in a dream with witch spells to do something for the benefit of your children - you will have a reason to doubt the selflessness of your friends towards you.

Seeing in a dream ancient witches in black mantles casting spells against the spirits of darkness is a harbinger of the fact that you will be able to counteract evil intentions with the kindness of your soul and thereby stop your enemies from sinful acts.

To see that you yourself are conjuring good spirits for the successful arrangement of your destiny - then an unexpected acquaintance awaits you, which will arouse mutual sympathy, and then unbridled passion.

Big dream book

Why do you dream about the Witch - dream analysis:

To see that a witch is casting a spell means that you will have quarrels with your other half.

If you heard someone else casting spells in a dream, then soon you will be convinced of the insincerity of your friends.

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why does the Witch dream, what does it mean:

Having seen a witch in a dream, many wonder what such a dream portends. The dream book can interpret it depending on the emotional state of the sleeper. If you experience a feeling of fear in your night dreams, then this is not a very good sign. If the witch is ugly and even disgusting, then expect a quick scandal. A few more options for why you dream about something like this are listed below.

evil witch

If you dreamed that a witch was attacking and threatening, then in real life you will be disappointed in household chores. In this case, the Modern Dream Book warns: your frivolity may cause problems at work. Be more careful, prudent and serious.

Having heard threats and curses uttered by a witch in a dream, try to be strong and as collected as possible in reality. The universal dream book claims that this is the only way you will be able to cope with the hardships and adversities of the world around you.

Having seen an evil sorceress in a dream, you should take a close look at your surroundings; nearby there is an evil woman trying to harm the dreamer. The plot will be explained as a bad influence, trouble and even a warning about a possible accident.

Good Witch

If you dreamed of a kind witch with a pleasant face, you will meet a wise woman.

If you see a joyful witch or even several, then Aesop’s dream book interprets this as an omen of a strange, even adventurous adventure, into which the sleeping person will very soon be drawn.

Miller's dream book believes that the dream of a kind and sweet sorceress marks a certain undertaking, but, despite its tempting nature, the consequences will be the most unpredictable.

Another explanation for why such a plot is dreamed of is the search for entertainment and amusement, which will later bring disappointment and even become a source of danger.

Rituals and medicine

If the dreamer saw a ritual being performed in a dream, then this is a sign of lack of confidence in his abilities. The universal dream book advises to be bolder. This is the only way to achieve what you want.

If you dreamed that a witch was preparing a potion, then this is a clear sign that you will lose interest in life for some time. Aesop's Dream Book warns that this will happen due to illness or one's own emotional experiences.

Various interpretations

A witch-sorceress, possessing magical knowledge received from the Devil, is capable of becoming a werewolf and taking on various images, passing through walls, etc. The Universal Interpreter will help you find out why such a phenomenon occurs in dreams.

It must be remembered that the appearance of a witch in a dream is interpreted in different ways. If you yourself have become the owner of secret powers, then in reality you are trying to show others your power.

To be a magician yourself in a dream is a great surprise. It can also mean the sleeper's anger, which he is holding back. You are probably angry at someone and cannot cope with this negative feeling on your own.

If you dreamed that your beloved became a witch, then in reality this means some cooling of her feelings.

If you dream that his mother-in-law came to the sleeping person in this form, then relatives are interfering with your plans. You should not listen to their advice, only then will the business bring profit.

But killing a witch in a dream means that in reality life will improve and become much better. The modern dream book interprets such a plot as a sign of a fatal mistake. In any case, you should find out what the witch is dreaming about and be careful.

If you dreamed of a flying witch on a broom, then this may be an omen of illness. A similar dream is also interpreted as a harbinger of the appearance of a person who can create a lot of problems and even destroy a quiet life.

For a patient to see a witch in a dream, it means a speedy recovery, but only if unconventional methods are used for treatment. Often such a plot is a symbol of an inexplicable event.


    I dreamed that it was like a wedding at a friend of mine, as soon as we entered the church, I saw her friends and all the witches with black eyes, and one of them got really angry when she saw me. She then came up to me in the back row where I was sitting and wanted to do something to me, stretched out her hands, and I began to read the Our Father in a row, and she died. Why is this? A very strange feeling.

    • I also had a terrible dream; For some reason, at the beginning of my class I was sitting at a table and eating, several children were sitting next to me, a girl came up to the tape recorder and played songs. I ate; everything was fine, but suddenly the girl turned on a scary song, took out a knife and started cutting everyone. Before my turn, I noticed a pan in another room containing body parts of other children. The second time it was like this; I appear in that room again, but I remembered this dream... I took the gloves out of my pockets... This same song turned on, the witch just started attacking the child, and I hit her in the nose and woke up... the 3rd time is the same as the 2nd time -oh time...But today; I appear there again, wait for that song and start putting on my gloves. One didn’t get dressed, and I said, I went to the toilet, put on the second glove and decided to run away, I went to the balcony, and the witch followed me. She says - come out - the witch again - why are you afraid of me? - I come out and say, because I know who you are! - She says so? - She took out a knife. And I quickly took my daughter and straight into her stomach. And I woke up. What does this dream lead to?

    For several nights in a row I have been dreaming about a very evil and terrible witch trying to kill me. I start saying prayers and disowning myself. I fight with her for a long time and in the end she dies. At the same time, I constantly think about the child and transfer all her strength and attention to myself so that she does not touch her.

    What if you dream that a good witch and a sorcerer are trying to escape from the lair of an evil but young witch. And while the sorcerer reads the spell from the book, the good witch holds a magical shield and fights back so that the evil witch does not harm. The good ones stood in a room stuffed with books and other magical things (it seemed to me that this was the room of an evil witch, since she was surprised to see them), and both stood in some kind of drawn circle, and the sorcerer was reading. When I finished reading, the “good ones” evaporated, disappeared from the circle and from the room altogether. And the evil witch remained furious. I would like to point out that they were all young and beautiful. But I didn’t participate in this, I just watched from the sidelines, but no one noticed me, as if I was invisible. I know it sounds crazy. But I still wanted to know the interpretation of this dream. You don't dream about something like this every night. Help please :)

    In a dream I saw how one woman kills people with a knife directly to the brain. I saw how she killed like in a horror movie, it wasn’t scary at all. But she told me something. After that, I killed her just like she killed other people, I killed her directly in the brain with a knife. But after that I killed several more people and killed my little sister. That's when it was incredibly scary. Please tell me what this dream is for?

    I dreamed that I fought with a witch, read prayers and baptized her, she turned from a beautiful bright woman into an old woman. I pushed her out the door and down the stairs, she most likely died.

    The witch was swinging on a stick, holding her hands, with her long hair flowing in long white clothes, approached me and licked my cheek, and immediately squeaked, moaned, saying that Jesus lives in me, then turned into a small black one like a hat and disappeared into the ground .

    And if you dream that you are at school with a friend and there are scary witches flying around the school, but they are not old and do not cause disgust. And when they fly they laugh. Evil. They fly and look into the windows, and you hide from them behind the teacher’s table, for example, but at the same time you are not very scared.

    I dreamed that I was in a dark forest. Suddenly I notice that the bark of one of the large trees opens and there is a light on. Coming closer, I see a staircase leading down, on either side there are scary witches who want to touch, but don’t touch. I go downstairs and enter a bright room. I was just turned on by the sight of the witches there. Sexy, beautiful, they surrounded me. The main witch came and I made love to her. Subsequently, I began to go there often. There they gave me brown paper, and I began to write a statement), but I will say one thing, I did not have any fear or feeling of threat.

    I dreamed that I was talking to a witch at the window in the room, I didn’t know that she was a witch, there was someone else in the room (I don’t remember), I asked her why she came, she seemed to say that everything was fine, and gave me a vine to hold. And outside the window a wind began to rustle and I heard my children calling me for help, screaming - mom, there are ghosts flying here, help me, I want to go to them, and the witch distracts me with conversations. And I feel that there is someone else in the room, but I don’t see who. Then I finally ran to the children and saw that my daughter was hanging on the window sill from the outside and someone was pulling her. I jumped out the window after the children and saw many witches there, flying over the children and wanting to drag them away, I started to drive them away, threw the children back out the window and she also returned to the house. And there were two witches, and I took a big knife and hit one of the witches in the chest, but the knife didn’t even penetrate her, it bounced off like iron. The witches evil dissipated in my face! And then I remembered that I had that branch in my hand - a vine in the form of a wide slingshot, and I looked that it was a willow, and I began to whip the leaders with this branch and they got scared, and the place where the branch hit lit up like sparks with a white light, bright as a small lightning discharge. I screamed, I won’t give up my son, I won’t give up my children, and I kicked out the witches. And when I went out into the street, there was a whole flock of them and it seemed like they all started disappearing; the children thanked me for saving me. Please decipher my dream, it was very scary, and I also clearly saw the clock 3 minutes past midnight!

Seeing a witch - new acquaintances will drag you into an unsafe adventure, which, at best, will end in financial losses.

Being a witch means a scandal awaits you because of your frankness.

To escape from a witch - they will tell you false lies, which will greatly affect your relationships with others.

You are surrounded on all sides by witches - there are ill-wishers around you who seek to destroy your life's work.

Imagine that water, preferably holy water, is pouring on the witch. The witch, as in a fairy tale, melts.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

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Seeing a Witch in a dream

Seeing a witch in a dream is a harbinger of scandals and gossip, illnesses and failures that will damage your reputation.

If she is ugly, then expect a scandal, and if she touches you, then beware of a conspiracy.

Meeting her by chance means that soon you will have to leave home and live among strangers.

To receive an insult or injury from a witch in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that you will be in a great and unpleasant dependence on people.

Seeing many witches during the Sabbath is a sign of unbridled fun and frivolity, from which your business can seriously suffer.

See interpretation: fairy, coven, fairy tale.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Seeing a Witch in a dream

Symbolizes the “old woman” in a woman, pointing to negative female psychology, which can also appear in the image of a red-haired woman.

Interpretation of dreams from the Free Dream Book

What do Witch dreams mean?

The symbol of the foremother characterizes the forces of nature awakening in us.

A scandal awaits you because of your frankness.

A witch is a wise woman who combines destructive and creative traits.

Even her hut “on chicken legs” symbolizes this contradiction.

She turns to a person either with the open, Good side, or with the back, Dark side. Therefore, the witch is an archetype of the generalized mother nature.

We all know how kind and fertile Mother Nature is, and how angry she can be.

A person can dream of a witch at turning points, crisis moments in his life.

During the period, for example, of growing up, when he overestimates the relationship with his mother.

When the place of an ideal mother is replaced by a real, living woman, with her inherent shortcomings and advantages, When the love of a young man or girl is shifted to a new object, And the mother fades into the background.

The exciting forces of human nature echo in the image of the witch the forces of all-encompassing nature.

Interpretation of dreams from the Self-Teacher on Dream Interpretation

Dream about a Witch

Seeing witches in a dream means that you better not strive for extraordinary adventures: they can lead you to disappointment and resentment.

If you see witches attacking you, your business affairs may suffer. Household chores will also bring disappointment.

According to D. Loff, meeting someone who is endowed with supernatural powers, or acquiring such powers in dreams, occurs very often.

If you yourself use these forces against others, then you either want to show the degree of your power, or you strive to equalize the forces with the enemy, who currently has the advantage.

Another reason could be that you want to vent your anger or make someone feel romantically attracted to you. In this case, you can project your power onto a stranger who represents someone you know.

If someone uses his power against you, then in real life it seems to you that he is too actively influencing your life or is plotting. Analyze how successful your or someone else's attempt to use magical powers is.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

What does a Witch mean in a dream?

can use an aspen stake or a branch for her magic spells: striking this branch into the chest of a sleepy person, she inflicts an invisible wound on him and greedily drinks his blood.

A famous gathering place for witches for the Sabbath on Kupala Night is in Kyiv on Lysaya Gora.

They send dryness “to the zealous hearts, to the white body, to the black liver, to the hot chest, to the violent head, to the middle vein, and to all 70 veins, and to all 70 joints, to the most loving bone.

Let this very dryness ignite a zealous heart and boil the hot blood, so that you can’t wash it down with drink, or eat it, you can’t fall asleep, you can’t wash it off with water, you can’t go on a spree, you can’t cry tears,” etc. .

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the ancient Slavs

Meaning of Witch dreams

If she is old and scary, then this is a symbol of unsatisfied desires for women.

Bad luck for men.

A young witch dreams of causing damage in reality and a great, real danger.

It is also a symbol of passion.

Black Moon.

Interpretation of dreams from the Astrological Dream Book

Meaning of the dream Witch

Witches - sectarianism, danger.

Witch with a spoon - herbal medicine is appropriate.

A witch with a dead man - widowhood, danger, death.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Tarot

Interpretation of sleep Witch

If you dreamed of a witch, unpleasant news probably awaits you.

Someone is trying to complicate your life with their interference, which will affect your destiny in a far from pleasant way. A witch performing a magical ritual on you portends you to be unsure of your abilities and attempt to resort to the help of an influential but unreliable person.

A witch who looks like your wife, your beloved girlfriend, is a dream foreshadowing a temporary cooling of relations with your other half.

If the witch in a dream looks like your mother-in-law, your relatives will probably try to prevent your plans from becoming a reality.

But you should not listen to advice in this case - the implementation of plans promises profit.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of men

What does the Witch predict in a dream?

It is possible for the patient to be healed if he uses non-traditional methods of treatment.

In all other cases, seeing a witch is an inexplicable event.

To be a witch - you will be very surprised.

Interpretation of dreams from the Newest Dream Book

What does it mean to see a Witch in a dream?

If you dreamed of a witch, beware of rash actions, casual acquaintances and close relationships - they can cause many serious problems for you. Wait some time, and in the meantime, avoid proactive actions - most likely, they will not bring you the desired results.

It is believed that the appearance of a woman witch in a dream does not bode well for a person. Such a dream means that someone has become the object of black witchcraft and must be careful. On the other hand, a dream about a witch symbolizes the animal nature in a person and means his desire to break with the rules and norms imposed by society.

Interpretation of dreams from the Intimate Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Witch

A witch in a dream warns you that your thirst for adventure and wild fun among friends can suddenly lead you to humiliation, disappointment and resentment. If you were attacked by a witch in a dream, you will be disappointed in commercial or domestic affairs.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

The meaning of the dream Witch

A witch seen in a dream foreshadows noisy fun, which will later turn into tears for you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Universal Dream Book

Seeing a Witch in a dream

A dream in which witches appear to you means that you can find yourself in a company having fun in nature, but the consequences of this fun will only end in a headache and an empty wallet for you.

To be a witch in a dream means to find yourself in a critical situation, when there is not enough time for anything and everything is literally falling out of your hands, and there is nowhere and no one to expect help from.

Interpretation of dreams from