What should you never do in Egypt? Customs and traditions in Egypt. Character of the Egyptians It is customary to tip in Egypt.

In most cases, those who choose tours to Egypt bring with them extremely positive emotions. But it happens that the local culture, and especially the way local residents communicate with visitors, scares them away from this wonderful country forever!

How to communicate with the local population of Egypt?

Since 2003 he has been working in the tourism sector. He has continuous sales practice in many directions, including Egypt. He always goes on study tours.

“I can answer unequivocally: since after all, we flew to Egypt to visit, we, of course, need to communicate politely and culturally. Girls (women) - kindly, restrain their emotions, do not flirt unnecessarily :), clarify even in small things, double-check everything. For men, express your thoughts more specifically, don’t be rude. Remember, all issues can be resolved only in a positive mood."

Alexandra Ermachenkova, head of the inbound tourism department of the Magavia Service company. Experience in tourism – 4 years. I have already visited 14 countries around the world. Been to Egypt 3 times. The Taba resort is considered his favorite Egyptian city.

"Easily and naturally, emotionally, with a smile, looking into the eyes, at arm's length - all this will be perceived as an expression of sincerity and will indicate a trusting relationship. When entering into a conversation with the local population, you must remember that this is an eastern culture and a different culture ". Therefore, sometimes for our tourists it seems mysterious and exotic. In my opinion, you should never compare cultures, it is no worse or better, it just has its own characteristics, which are important to understand and accept, respecting local traditions and customs"

Zanevskaya Anna, manager of the travel company Paradise Travel. She has been working in tourism for 3 years, she first discovered Egypt in 2009, after which the Red Sea became a favorite place to spend the New Year holidays. He believes that tourism is not a job, but a way of life.

“As a rule, the first serious communication between our citizens and the local population occurs when checking into hotels in Egypt, and often, trying to get a better room, due to their hot temperament, tourists make the most important mistake, and as a result - negative emotions and a ruined first day long-awaited vacation. If you start screaming, and worse, waving your arms in front of an Egyptian, remember - he will never, ever meet you and fulfill your request! When checking into a hotel, for all questions, it is better to contact the hotel guide of your tourist tour operator. Another point of close contact with Arabs is the market. Unfortunately, most sellers in Egypt are not particularly polite and have good manners. Their main task is profit, while deceiving a tourist in Egypt is not considered something shameful. My main advice - if you like something, be sure to bargain, in this case you will earn respect from the merchant. And remember - Arabs never give change! Don’t respond to calls to see something for free; you don’t have to answer every merchant you pass by to the question “How are you?” And, of course, the basic principle of successful communication in any country is courtesy, a sweet smile and the use of basic phrases in the local language!!!"

Kira Lapitskaya, tourism specialist at the Technostar travel agency, a joint Belarusian-Egyptian venture. Work experience in the field of tourism – 15 years. Repeatedly visited Egypt and in particular the cities of Hurghada, Sharm El-Sheikh, Safaga, El Gouna, Soma Bay, Cairo.

“When communicating with Egyptians, if the need arises, be friendly, smile, respect their mentality, show tolerance, remember that local residents are not required to speak Russian, so remember the words and expressions of the language you studied (usually in Egypt they speak English, German, etc.) From personal experience, I have always found understanding and good attitude during communication in Egypt, as well as in other countries, because how you behave yourself is how they will answer you."

Do you know how to properly address Egyptians? How to behave if you are invited to visit Egypt? Egypt is a country of contrasts, as vibrant and unusual as the character, traditions and culture of its local residents, so it is important to know the peculiarities of communication with its people.

When going to Egypt, as well as to any other foreign country, it will not be superfluous to find out the nuances of communication with local residents and study their everyday traditions.

Contrasts of Egypt

The tourism business is the most important source of income for Egypt and practically its normal existence. After all, the country has a lot of desert lands that are unsuitable for habitation, so tourists in Egypt are treated with special care. The first communication with the local population occurs when purchasing a visa and going to the hotel.

A guide who speaks good Russian will be assigned to the group; along the way, he will tell you something about his homeland. Checkpoint employees will always be polite, welcoming and attentive to tourists. All of them are distinguished by an excellent knowledge of the Russian language; many studied at Russian and Soviet universities. They value the place very much and get to work with tourists after careful selection.

You should not think that all Egyptians are as sincerely friendly and friendly as the security clearance workers. Outside the hotel, when you go out on your own to explore the city, you will be faced with ostentatious hospitality solely to lure more money out of you. For this purpose, the townspeople spare no effort or imagination. Therefore, it should be remembered that the territory of a hotel with security and remote densely populated areas of Egyptian cities are radically different.

Character of the local population

Remember that Egypt is a special world, its culture is Arab culture and it is different from the culture of the Slavs. The local population is extremely emotional, never verbally expresses their true feelings; if an Egyptian gives you the floor, it means absolutely nothing, it’s a kind of verbal pattern for decorating his speech. Egyptians always have some intention, especially towards foreigners, and a pre-made plan for its implementation.

Egyptians are very easily offended and offended; they do not understand criticism addressed to them. The most innocent gesture or word or action can be perceived as a deadly personal insult. They themselves willingly mock the Russian Ivan the Fool, but the reciprocal mockery of the local fool instantly infuriates them. Egyptians are sensitive to hints, ridicule, and innocent humor; they are characterized by impulsiveness, lack of restraint in assessments and actions, and exaggeration of the perceived offense inflicted on them.

All these are signs of the essence of any Arab person, but among the Egyptians these features are exaggerated. This is due to their self-awareness of their own exclusivity, pride in their origin. The reason for this is the ancient glorious history of the country. Today Egypt has become the bearer of the traditions of Islam, since its people are born of a mixture of Hamitic-Byzantine roots with the descendants of Semitic conquerors.

How much is an Egyptian word worth?

The psychology of Egyptian residents is structured in such a way that they tend to invent unusually beautiful and vivid fairy tales, and they themselves believe in them. They exist perfectly in their invented myths and legends, they are extremely comfortable in them, they do not accept the laws of modernity, its frantic rhythm, therefore they have great difficulty adapting to the realities of life. Their word means nothing to themselves, it is just a beautiful sophistication of speech, as the Egyptians think.

The tendency to invent fairy tales grows out of the habit of the local population to voice words that have nothing to do with the real state of affairs and are often the exact opposite of the truth. While describing their myth, they get so carried away that they sincerely do not see the inconsistencies between reality and their fantasies. One cannot even say that they are liars and deceivers; these definitions are not entirely suitable for the Egyptians. The word “truth” or “truth” is also inapplicable to the Egyptian who fantasizes and believes in his fairy tale.

When communicating, Egyptians gesture wildly, this helps them express their emotions. One should be lenient towards certain gestures, since they are different from the gestures familiar to Europeans. A gesture that is offensive to a European in Egypt does not mean anything bad, and vice versa, an Egyptian may be offended by a completely innocent gesture from a foreigner.

The safety of a trip to Egypt, a country with strict traditions and little tolerance for “dissidents,” largely depends on the behavior of the tourists themselves. No matter how hospitable the locals may seem, you should always remember that the difference in mentality can create a disaster from something unnoticeable to a Russian.

Women simply must know how to behave in Egypt. In a country where the majority of the population adheres to the Muslim faith, very strict requirements are imposed on the behavior of women, so even modest gestures and manners according to Russian standards can represent a model of promiscuity for a Muslim.

Outside the hotel

Inside the hotel you can walk around in a bikini and revealing clothes, but outside the hotel you will have to dress more modestly. The streets of Egypt are a territory subject to the laws and morals of the Egyptians, people with hot southern blood.

  1. Don't walk around bareheaded. A beautiful scarf will protect you from the sun and the greasy looks of men, for whom any woman with her head uncovered is already a libertine.
  2. Cover your shoulders and stomach. A woman with bare shoulders is stripped to the waist. And an open belly is the height of indecency. In general, closed clothing on a woman is one of the main safety requirements in Egypt. This is precisely the understanding used by the Egyptians. The consequences of flashing your bare shoulders include glances, words, and harassment.
  3. Do not leave the hotel premises alone. Even with covered shoulders, wearing a headscarf and dark glasses. Only with a male escort. In response to the question of whether you are married, always say that you are married, and it is better to wear a ring on your finger.

Rules of conduct for women in Egypt may seem strict to those who are going on vacation for the first time, but tourists who have visited the country always recommend adhering to these tips.

In general, the basic requirements for the rules of behavior of tourists in Egypt can be reduced to several points:
  1. Be more modest. This means dressing more modestly, speaking more quietly, not pointing at anything, not waving your arms. In general, the palm in Egypt is a sign of protection, so waving your hands in front of the faces of Egyptians (Russian tourists are characterized by Italian emotionality in gestures) means insulting them with mistrust.
  2. Don't walk alone.
  3. Do not pester local residents with questions; it is advisable not to meet their gaze.
About lefties

For left-handed tourists, safety in Egypt may depend on seemingly very familiar things.

Egypt is an eastern country filled with secrets and a special attitude to life. The Egyptians are a friendly and non-aggressive people, but very law-abiding, rather poor and mostly poorly educated (read more about the character of the Egyptians in the article “Egyptians: portrait against the backdrop of a pyramid, skyscraper and tourists”). In addition, they are very traditional, conservative and committed to their customs and traditions, like all the peoples of the East. Therefore, in order to avoid getting into unpleasant or even dangerous situations, you should have at least a general idea of ​​the country and its inhabitants, and while in Egypt, follow the rules of behavior that will make your stay in this fabulous country pleasant and cloudless.

Egyptians are friendly people who treat tourists kindly and hospitably. Like all nations, Egyptians appreciate it when tourists visiting the country respect their culture, customs and traditions. Therefore, when coming to Egypt, it is important to remember that you are a guest, and your behavior should be respectful and dignified. To do this, you need to know some national features of the traditional life of Egypt, which will help you get the most out of your trip and avoid incidents and troubles.

They greet you by their clothes...


Clothing is a large and complex behavioral topic for the entire East, including Egypt. But we won’t go too deep and will give only a few general recommendations, primarily for women.

The most important thing is to have a good understanding of where you are. If you flew from Moscow directly to Sharm el-Sheikh or other resorts in Sinai, then you have nothing to worry about: short skirts, shorts, pareos and open shoulders will not cause a furor and boos. When moving from the Sinai coastal resort area to Cairo and from Cairo to Sinai, Russian tourists usually experience culture shock; it seems to them that these are two different countries. If you are traveling to mainland Egypt, you should absolutely avoid anything that exposes your skin, except your feet, hands and face. The main thing here is to understand that you are not limiting your own freedom, but taking into account the mentality of local men and taking care of your own comfort and safety.

No, you are unlikely to be subjected to physical violence, but you will easily receive an indecent spanking, groping, whistling and unpleasant grins. It must be remembered that Egypt is a Muslim country, and Islam requires a very specific style of behavior from a woman. Also, women are not recommended to walk alone, again for reasons of how others perceive you. Don’t go into coffee shops for locals unless absolutely necessary; only men usually gather there; of course, no one will kick you out, but you are guaranteed to be taken aback for a few minutes and feel “uneasy.”

Men in shorts and T-shirts with bare shoulders will also look indecent on the streets of continental Egyptian cities. The point here is the innate chastity of the Egyptians and their adherence to Islamic principles. However, for those who have already traveled to Muslim countries, for example, Tunisia or Morocco, this is not news.


As in all Muslim countries, in Egypt it is customary to take off shoes when entering an Egyptian’s house, and even more so, into places of worship. When entering the mosque, you will have to leave your shoes under the supervision of a guard or gatekeeper. It won’t be stolen here, but it can be “accidentally mixed up,” and therefore, for complete guarantee, it is better to give the gatekeeper a small baksheesh, half a pound. You can also take your shoes with you and carry them in your hand, but do not forget to fold them with the soles inward, as they are “unclean” in the literal and figurative sense of the word and can offend the feelings of believers in a sacred place for them. Please note that you must take off your shoes not only when entering a mosque, but also when entering many Coptic churches. Inside monasteries there are especially sacred chapels and rooms where it is also forbidden to enter with shoes, for example, the Chapel of the Burning Bush in the Orthodox Monastery of St. Catherine on the Sinai Peninsula.


When coming to an Egyptian’s house, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to take a small gift with you, for example, sweets for tea or something else tasty, but in no case meat, you might not get it. You can give souvenirs taken from home, but it is better if they have some practical meaning; Egyptians are not rich and value practicality. If you have established friendly relations with an Egyptian and his family and have taken several photographs together, it would be good to forward these photographs to them upon returning from Egypt to your homeland. In this way, you will strengthen the friendship that has arisen, and next time you will be received as if you were family.

... escorted by the mind

Left hand taboo

This rule applies to all aspects of Egyptian life: the left hand is considered “unclean” by the Egyptians. For example, they perform hygienic procedures in the toilet or take off their shoes. Accordingly, under no circumstances should you take food with your left hand, especially from a shared bowl! You also cannot pass or take objects with your left hand, and, of course, you cannot greet or make any signs directed at people with your left hand. If you are left-handed, during your stay in Egypt you will have to force yourself to overcome your nature and forget about your left hand, use your right hand as your main operating hand, at least in the presence of the Egyptians. To avoid involuntary actions with your left hand, it is better to generally learn to hold it behind your back.

Topics for conversation

For obvious reasons, it is not worth discussing with the Egyptians the abundance of military personnel and relations with Israel, Palestine, as well as the confrontation between the Arab and Western worlds. If your point of view is different from that of a local Egyptian, this may lead to unnecessary discussion. It’s better to limit yourself to meaningless phrases like “all people are brothers” and move the conversation to another, safer topic, like the culture of Ancient Egypt or the Nile floods.

Also beware of questions regarding gender relations. and the topic of female circumcision, the Egyptians take an unusual, and perhaps shocking, position on these issues, so this topic is unlikely to contribute to the establishment of friendly relations. By the way, when visiting an Egyptian, you should not sit at the table next to a person of the opposite sex, or stare at women and give them compliments. Regarding compliments, the most you can afford is to tell the Egyptian in a gentle manner that he has a very beautiful and cozy home, and to wish health to his children, relatives and wife.

Removal of souvenirs

It is possible to export antiques and antiques from Egypt only with a special permit, and it is impossible for an ordinary tourist to obtain such a permit. Therefore, do not hope that if you purchase a truly valuable item cheaply from an antique shop, you will be able to smuggle it across the border without hindrance. Even a solid baksheesh will not help, since the export of historical valuables from the country is a crime against the state and is brutally prosecuted. In the best case, they will simply take it away from you, in the worst case, you will pay a large fine, measured in thousands of dollars, and until you pay it, you will spend time in an Egyptian prison, which will not give you any pleasure. It is also forbidden to take with you or even pick up fragments of statues and stone blocks in places where monuments are concentrated, so it is not recommended to take with you a piece of the Luxor Temple or a stone from the foot of the pyramid.

The export ban also applies to Red Sea souvenirs. All shops selling shells or coral in Sharm el-Sheikh are illegal, and there is even a tourist movement calling for a boycott of this illegal trade, which violates the ecological integrity and safety of the Red Sea. If you find a Red Sea shell at the airport, you will be fined a thousand dollars. The alternative is the same - prison.

* * *
If you think about it, there is nothing complicated in the rules described above, but by following them, you will protect yourself from unpleasant surprises and leave a good memory of yourself.


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