Suffixes of different parts of speech in Russian. Suffixes of nouns. Features of writing individual suffixes

The correct spelling of suffixes in adjectives depends on many factors. For greater convenience, three basic rules have been identified, which are described in detail in this article. Here you will find out in which suffixes errors are most often made, on which category of adjective the spelling of consonants in suffixes depends, in which cases -n- and -nn- are written.

In Russian, the spelling of adjective suffixes depends on the grammatical features of the word, the method of its formation and meaning. Conventionally, the rules for spelling suffixes of adjectives are usually divided into three categories:

  • Writing vowels in adjective suffixes;
  • Writing consonants in adjective suffixes;
  • Writing in adjective suffixes " -n-" And " -nn-».

Spelling vowels in adjective suffixes

The most common mistakes made when writing vowels in the following adjective suffixes:

  • -chiv-, -liv- – always written with -And- (examples: hardy, reckless).
  • -iv- written in adjectives under stress (careless, beautiful), -ev- in unstressed position (root, style).
  • -ov- (-ovat-, -ovit-) written if the stem of the adjective ends in a hard consonant (businesslike, rustic), -ev- (-evat-) – after soft, sibilant consonants and ts (speech, reddish).
  • -onk- used if the adjective stem ends in g, k, x (tiny, dry), -enk- – after any other final stem letters (fair, kind).
  • -ensk- used in adjectives derived from geographical names (Kerch, Frunze), -insk- used in cases where the adjective is formed from a geographical name on -a (s), -i (s) (Yalta, Khimki).
  • -whose written in adjectives formed from nouns in -shka (feline, boyish).
  • -th used in adjectives formed from nouns in -ik, -chik, -nik (gardener, landowner).
  • -an-, -at- used in words like paved, waxed(in this case, it is possible to alternate the final roots of the word - board – plank).
  • -chat- used in adjectives formed from nouns with a stem on c (grain - grainy, tile - imbricated).
  • -insk- (-iy-) + -sk- used in adjectives formed from stems on -in (materin – maternal, Elizavetin – Elizabethan).
  • -them- written with emphasis (vulnerable, soluble), -eat- no accent (incessant, struck).

Spelling consonants in adjective suffixes

The spelling of consonants in adjective suffixes in some cases depends on their lexico-grammatical category:

  • -sk- used in relative adjectives (Canadian, giant).
    • If the stem of a word ends in -With- with a preceding vowel, then the final stem disappears (Odessa - Odessa, Worms - Worms, but Belarusian is Belarusian, Daugavpils is Daugavpilsian).
    • In adjectives formed from Russian geographical names for -sk- always written alone s (Privolzhsk - Privolzhsky, Amursk - Amur), in foreign languages ​​– two s (Damascus - Damascus, Etruscan - Etruscan). Exceptions: Basque - Basque, Oski - Oski.
    • When forming adjectives from nouns with a base on a soft sign (as well as -ry, -ny) it is not written in adjectives (jaeger - huntsman, Kuban - Kuban, January - January). Exceptions - month names (November, October, June), combination day-to-day, adjectives from foreign names ( Tien Shan, Taiwanese), adjectives with soft l (rural, April).
  • -To- used:
    • In qualitative adjectives (high, wide);
    • -ts (Cherepovets – Cherepovets, German – German);
    • In relative adjectives formed from nouns with k, h alternating on ts (barge hauler - burlatsky, weaver - weaver).

Spelling Н and НН in adjective suffixes

One N written in adjectives:

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  • No suffixes (green, lamb);
  • With suffixes -an (-yang-), -in- (duck, leather);
  • In prefixless adjectives windy, oily;
  • In adjectives spicy, red, drunk, zealous.

NN used in adjectives.

How to parse a word by its composition + TABLE OF SUFFIXES

To parse a word according to its composition means to make itmorphemic analysis , or indicate what morphemes the word consists of.Morpheme- the minimum meaningful part of a word.
Let's remember what parts a word can be divided into:


the main significant part of a word that related words have.

In the Russian language there are words that consist of one root:mushroom, metro, lane O, island, weather A.
Also, there are words consisting of two roots:heat O move, water O pad, myself O var.
From three roots: water O dirty e treat fucker.
From four roots:electr O light O water O treat tion.


a significant part of a word that comes after the root and is intended for the formation of new words.

Some words may have two suffixes: podberezovik - suffixes - ov - And - IR - .


this is a significant part of the word, which is located before the root and is intended for the formation of new words.


This is a variable part of a word; it serves to connect words in a sentence.

So, in order to parse a word according to its composition, you need to find the ending in the word, for which you need to change the word.

For example, in the worddrive.

Changing the word: trip Ouch , or trip at , then you can see - the variable part -A . Let's put a frame around it, this isending.

Next we will find the root, for this we will select a single-root word -By rides , re rides . Comparing these words, we see that part of the word does not changerides . That's what it is root.

Then we'll find prefix, for this we need to again select cognate words -By rides, under travel It can be seen that the prefix comes before the root, i.e. in our case it is part of the wordBy .

And finally we will findsuffix, which comes after the root and is intended to form a word, in our case it is part of the wordTo .

We made it:

Now let's look at the most common suffixes of nouns:




mold To ah, paw To A


Ray IR, plastic bag IR


hair OK, snow OK


years chick, forge chick


rut box, ban box


fur Nick, yard Nick


handkerchief ek, wreath ek


cool yok, guy yok


house ishq oh coat ishq O


spots yshk oh, per yshk O


spring ear and, woman ear A


mountains yushk oh gender yushk O


lamps points ah, dud points A


sit Echk oh this Echk A


apple onk oh, dev onk A


hand yenk oh, a knife yenk A

looking for

hut looking for a, hand looking for A


teach tel, build tel


dachshunds ist, programs ist


bunny onok, wolf onok


fox baby, tiger baby


gulch at oh, wolf at A


fox yat oh, tiger yat A

The most common suffixes for adjectives are:




Saturdays n y, famous n th


sample ov oh, canvas ov th


rings ev oh, every day ev ny


poor ovat oh, small ovat th


well done evat oh, son evat th


swing onk oh, lie down onk th


gray yenk yay, white yenk th


Belarusian sk yay, Mongolian sk th


happy Liv oh, brag Liv th


holes chat oh, smoke chat th

Suffixes on verbs:




jump A yikes, jerk A t


se I t, ve I t


hard e oh, look e t


smooth And yeah, driving And t


they say O t, count O t


I'll jump l ah, sowing l And

Examples of word parsing:


1. Select the ending, look for words with the same root: schoolwow, school. Endingth.

2. Find the root: school -schools A, school Nick. Root school

3. We are looking for the suffix: coldn oh, youth ny - adj. Suffix in the word prishkoln y - n.

4. Now the prefix:at estate, atmaritime That is, the prefixat.


1. Ending, change the word: boletus, boletusam, boletus ov. Ending And .

2. Root: boletus -aspen A, aspen Nick. Root aspen .

3. Suffix: nut ov oh, aspen ov oh, - ov -. And the suffix - IR -: boletus IR, Mokhov IR.

4. Prefix: under blanket, underbirch tree Consoleunder .

One of the ways of word formation in the Russian language is the suffixal method. Schoolchildren begin to study the topic “What is a suffix” in elementary school.

A suffix is ​​the significant part of a word that comes after the root. But there are also those that come after the end of the word.

Note! Suffix and postfix are not the same thing. A postfix is ​​a suffix that follows the ending.


The suffixal method of forming words in the Russian language is considered the most common.

All suffixes are divided into:

  1. Word-forming. For example, taste (noun) – taste-n-y (adj.), swift (adj.) – swift-o (adv.), breakfast (noun) – breakfast-a-t (verb). As a result of the addition, new parts of speech were formed.
  2. Shape-forming. They are called objective assessment suffixes. Thanks to them, word forms acquire an emotionally expressive coloring. For example, wise (adj.) – wise-ee (comparative degree of the name adj.), mother – (no one?) mat-er-i (Gen. case).
  3. Formative parts of speech.

In addition, according to their composition, suffixes of the Russian language are divided into simple and compound.

The root of the word contains the main lexical meaning. The function of suffixes is to complement and clarify it. Let's look at examples of each group.

Note! The word may contain several suffixes: slave-owner-ch-esk-iy, blackmail-ist-sk-iy.

Noun suffixes

They represent the largest group.

Suffix table:

Action or its result-eni-: walking, saving

An-/-yan-: rude

Out-: expensive

In-: heroine, washout

From-/-et-: cooing, frozen

L-: crammed, bullied, sinker

A subject endowed with a characteristic/character; his condition-stv-/-estv-: bankruptcy, scam

Eats-/-ost-: niceness, inconsolability

Izm-: athleticism, humanism

From-: directness, phlegm

In-: adrenaline, gasoline

L-: profit, reality

Collection of persons-stv-/-estv-: dominion, kulaks, supremacy

From: deafness

Place of residence of subjects (divided into male and female)-an(in)-/-yan(in)-: parishioner, Armenian

In-: Englishman

Ank-/-yank-: fugitive

Ec-: Brazilian

K-: Asian, assistant

Type of activity of subjects-l-sh-ik-: fan, dyer

Ar-: pharmacist, shepherd

Ak-: fisherman, leader

Alei-: fools

An/-yan-: giant, little boy

Tel/-itel-: executor, cultivator

East: adventurer, bandura player

Ach-: dodger, weaver

L-k-: fortune teller, milker

Chick-/-shchik/-chits-: welder, pilot, rocket scientist

Ets-: fighter, army man

Un-: sorcerer

L-: barker

Ik-/-nick-: forester

Female gender designation-ad-: hell

Theirs: merchant's wife, deer

Its-: mistress, priestess

Sh-: cat - cat

Name of household items-ets-: bident

-(n)ik-: crusher, thimble

In-: crossbar

L-: started singing

Chick/-schik-: refueler

L-k-: heating pad

Tel-/-itel-: thickener

L-n-ik-: washbasin

Name of premises, containers, territories-(n)ik-: spruce forest

L-n-: bedroom, bathing room

L-k-: piggy bank, steam room

N-its-: hospital, sugar bowl

Types of fish or types of meat-at-in-: rabbit meat
Animal names-an-/-yang-: eagle
Names of berries and trees-n-: cherry, apple tree

Itz-: sorrel

N-ik-: strawberry

In-: currant

Note! The spelling of the morpheme is in most cases unchanged. But there are also those whose writing is determined by the rules.

Adjective name suffixes

Impact/result of action-al-/-ate-: empty

L-: rotten, skillful

East: blizzard

Enn-/-onn-: sworn, subsidized

K-: catchy

Linen: embroidery

N-/-nsh-: absurd, useless

Material, property or quality-tel-n-: observant

Ovat-/-evat-: whitish

Liv: cowardly

Sk-: friendly

An-/-yang-: leather

Ensk-/-insk-: rustic

Chat-: patterned

It-/-ovit-: poisonous

Ov-/-ev-: pear, garden

Yves: playful

Uch-/-yuch-/-yach-: melodious, wandering

Enn-/-onn-: traditional

Body parts, appearance-ast-/-at-: bespectacled, shaggy
Belonging to someone/something-ov-/-ev-: mechanics, grandfathers

In-: goose, daddy

Geographical names-sk-: Smolensk, Kuban


Verbs indicate action. Despite this, verb morphemes carry some semantic meaning of this action.

Conventionally, they can be divided into the following morphemes:

  • General action:

A-/-z-: have breakfast, trump;

I-: to labor, to fish;

Nicha-: flirt;

Ova-/-eva-: trade, steal.

  • Onomatopoeia:

Well-: gasp, click;

-(k)-a-: hiccup, groan.

  • Transition from one state to another:

Ova-/-eva-: to grieve;

E-: become wild, become prettier;

A-: to upset;

I-: enrage, anger;

Well-: go blind.

  • Endowing with a quality or attribute: -and- blacken, blush.
  • The reflexive postfix -s-/-sya- denotes independent performance of an action: wash, shave, sleep, rejoice, be interested, peck, burn.

Note! The same suffix can form different parts of speech and have several meanings. For example, words with the suffix -i- can be an adverb or a verb.


Presented in the table:

Note! Generalizing and indefinite postfixes -to, -, - form not only adverbs, but also indefinite pronouns.

Participles and participles

Suffixes of participles and gerunds carry the grammatical characteristics of these parts of speech.

Participle suffixes:

  • -om-/-em-: readable, attractive;
  • -ash-/-box-: loving, breathing;
  • -ush-/-yush-: chewing, reading;
  • -vsh-/-sh-: knowing, extinguished;
  • -im-: stored, translated;
  • -enn-/-en-: shortened, defeated;
  • -nn-/-n-: connected, written;
  • -t-: sung, warmed.

Suffixes of gerunds:

  • -in-: having said, done;
  • -lice-: rising;
  • -shi-: having brought;
  • -uchi-/-yuchi-: being, playfully;
  • -a-/-i-: hearing, stroking;
  • -va-: acknowledging.

Suffixes with emotional and expressive coloring

Diminutive suffixes express an attitude towards an object, its quality and attribute. They give a positive or negative connotation to the lexical meaning of words, exaggerate or understate the meaning of the subject.

These include:

  • -enk-/-onk-: night, light;
  • -enk-/-onk-: little shop, ladder;
  • -ts-: golden;
  • -ashk-: goosebumps;
  • -in-: bull;
  • -search-: wolf;
  • -ets-/-its-: brother, water;
  • -ik-: zero;
  • -chick-: shop;
  • -ok-: hair, shoe;
  • -k-: daughter;
  • -inc-: dewdrop;
  • -points-: chicken;
  • -ushk-/-yushk-: hostess, village;
  • -ishk-/-ishk-: log, little piece of gold;
  • -glasses-: flower;
  • -echek-: little man;
  • -ears-: bread, pebble;
  • -yshek-: pimples;
  • -ekhonk-/-okhonk-: small;
  • -eshenek-/oshenek-: alone;
  • -smallly-/-smallly-: quietly;
  • -enechko-/-onechko: lightly.

Note! Many suffixes are subject to the rule of alternating vowels and consonants (mustard - mustard plaster, treat - potchuyu).

Useful video

Let's sum it up

The morphemes listed in the article are the most common. Remembering what suffixes there are in the Russian language is not an easy task. To avoid common mistakes in writing, it is recommended to use a dictionary.

In contact with

The spelling of suffixes is closely related to morphology. There are different rules for writing this morpheme; they are studied differentiated for each part of speech. Let's look at what verb suffixes there are.

Suffix -ova-/-eva-, -ыва-/-iva-

These suffixes form imperfective verbs, which are followed by the question “what to do?” For example: draw, dance, paint, dance.

Morphemes -ova-/eva- form imperfective verbs from other parts of speech, usually from nouns:

  • command - to command;
  • sample - try;
  • envy - to envy;
  • excitement - to worry;
  • expense - to spend;
  • grief - to grieve;
  • conversation - to talk;
  • participation - to participate;
  • feeling - to feel;
  • sympathy - to sympathize;
  • stroke - to hatch.

The spelling of these morphemes is checked using the first person singular verb form. numbers in the present tense. In order to put the verb in the required form, you need to ask the question: “What am I doing now?” The answer will be:

  • I'm dancing now;
  • I am drawing right now.

As you can see, the verb ends in -y. In this case, the suffix is ​​written -ova-/-eva-.

Examples of words in which the verbal suffix -ova-/-eva- is emphasized:

  • I envy - envy, greet - greet, explore - explore, organize - organize, writhe - uproot, worry - worry, peck - peck, attack - attack, pursue - pursue, use - use, quarrel - quarrel.

Morphemes -yva-/-iva- also form verbs, which are followed by the question “what to do?” For example: take a bite.

The suffixes -yva-/-iva- produce imperfective verbs from perfective verbs:

(what to do?) experience - (what to do?) experience.

The spelling of these morphemes also depends on the 1st letter. the only one real numbers time. Let's remember the question: "What am I doing now?" And the answer will be: “I’m dancing now,” “I’m finishing now.”

After this, we determine that at the end - yu/-ivayu.

Examples of words in which it stands out:

I choke - choke, invent - invent, swing - swing, educate - educate, bite - bite, refuse - refuse, search - search, grease - grease, hang - hang, paint - paint, saw - saw, unwind - unwind, take apart - take apart, draw out - draw out, loosen - loosen, scatter - scatter, wink - wink, hang - hang, test - test, shudder - shudder, think - think.

Suffixes in participles

The morphemes - ova-/-eva-, -ыва-/-iva- are preserved in active participles.

This is due to the fact that participles, denoting a characteristic of an object by action, are formed from verbs, and the spelling of verbal suffixes is preserved in them. For example:

Verb suffix -va and the vowel before it

If the stress falls on the final part of the verb, you cannot highlight -ova-/eva-, -ыва-/-iva-, since the suffix will be different - va. It is always stressed, and this differs from previous word-forming morphemes. For example, it is highlighted in the words:

  • weaken;
  • fog up;
  • poly;
  • prod-va´-t;
  • hum.

This suffix forms the imperfective form of the perfective and appears in the form of nes. V. and disappears in the verbs of owls. V. This will help highlight it in the word:

  • weaken (sov.v.) - weaken (nesov.v.);
  • fog up (sov.v.) - fog up (not sov.v.);
  • water (sov.v.) - water (not sov.v.);
  • thread (sov. v.) - prod-va-t (non-sov. view);
  • hum (sov.v.) - sing-va-t (non-sov.v.).

Appearing in verbs, it takes on the stress, and the vowel in front of it turns out to be unstressed and turns into an orthogram. To select it, the following rule is applied: To correctly write a vowel before the stressed suffix -va, you need to omit this suffix.

Suffix -e-

This verbal suffix is ​​written in intransitive verbs from which questions cannot be put in the accusative case:

  • blackness (from what?) from grief;
  • seriousness (from what?) from problems;
  • rusty (from what?) from humidity;
  • white (from what?) from old age.

Such verbs contain the meaning of an action that occurs without outside influence, and this meaning is introduced by the suffix -e.

Vowels before the suffix -l-

The past tense verbal suffix -l- is usually found after spelling vowels: ver...l, drive...l, hover...l, measure...l, detour...l, despair...l, stuck...l, sit...l, clean...l.

To choose a vowel before -l-, you need to put the verb in the initial form. The vowel that comes before -t will remain before -l:

  • twirl - spit;
  • winnow - winnow;
  • start - started;
  • depend - depended;
  • measure - measured;
  • repent - repent;
  • bow - bowed;
  • cherish - cherished;
  • hope - hoped;
  • travel - traveled;
  • despair - despair;
  • stick - glued;
  • soar - soar;

  • listen - listened;
  • sow - sowed;
  • clean - cleaned;
  • smell - smelled.

Is the reference. It is also preserved in the gerunds before -v- and -louse-: desperate lice, stick-in, listen-in, sow-in, clean-in.

Task for consolidation

So, when you know what verbs there are and how they are written, you can move on to the practical part.

Letters are missing in this text. It is easy to restore if you remember some of the learned rules governing the spelling of verbs.

It is interesting to watch monkeys living in trees. You can look at them and photograph them, because they, without experiencing fear, freely perform various miracles of dexterity. They don’t jump...but flutter...from branch to branch, swing...and somersault on the vines. Everything that seems attractive to them, the monkeys tear it off, grab it with their tenacious paws, inspect it, sniff it and try to taste it, even bring it to their ear to listen. They pawn some things on the cheek, and discard others as unnecessary.

Without any hesitation, they beg for gifts, look out for the most beautiful things, and don’t yawn, keep your eyes open.