Sewerage systems in a country house. Countryside sewerage at home - civilized living conditions in nature

Modern private homes for quality of living, convenience and comfort have long outstripped apartments in the city. The quality of services in individual homes is often higher than in urban settings. This is due to modern construction projects, a larger territory and the possibilities of a private home. All housing functions, including sewerage in a country house, can make life in it pleasant and convenient.

Many homeowners are currently building a sewage and wastewater treatment system. There are many reasons for this:

  • not always high quality work of construction teams,
  • saving money and time,
  • the availability of huge information on this topic
  • the widest choice of materials and tools

We design sewerage independently

However, self-implementation of such a project will require some building skills and knowledge about the installation of sewerage, compliance with sanitary regulations.

In case the house is still only on paper, no one has started construction work, then the sewage scheme a country house  should be included in the overall project. This will save time, money and get rid of subsequent rework.

Designing the sewerage of a private home is an important part of the work. This part of the construction work depends on the planning and location of sanitary facilities, which require the disposal of waste water and waste. The most convenient option, if all the points and nodes of sanitary ware are located compactly at close range.  In such a situation, they can be combined into one common collector and transferred to a storage tank.

If it is assumed that there are several bathrooms that are located in different parts, and there will also be a swimming pool or a bath, it is necessary to entrust the professionals of their business to make and realize the sewerage project in a private house. Otherwise, mistakes in construction and operation are inevitable, and their elimination will lead to loss of time and money. In addition, there will be clogging in the sewer pipes and there will be unpleasant smells both inside the house and in the local area.

The easiest way to do the sewage system in the cottage is if such a need arises. As a rule, in such small buildings there will be one washbasin, a shower cabin and a toilet bowl. To combine the drainage of waste and waste in this situation is not difficult and cheap.

Now industrial enterprises produce a large number of products, components of parts from various materials for the production of sewage works.

The most popular in the construction of sewerage in the country house are plastic products.

However, there are also pipes made of metal, the tanks are also steel or reinforced concrete.

Elements of sewage system

Sewerage in a country house can be a simple or complex branched system and consists of an internal and external system.

The internal sewerage system consists of the following elements:

  • elements of sanitary ware - toilet bowls, urinals, shower cabins and bathtubs, sinks and washbasins;
  • bends that are connected directly to the drainage points - risers;
  • sewer pipes, which are installed inside the premises of the house;
  • household appliances that require water in their work - washing and dishwashing devices.

Composition of the outer sewage system:

  • pipes that connect the outlet of sewage from the house with storage tanks;
  • containers for the accumulation and storage of waste and sewage;
  • filtering devices;
  • revision wells.

Sewerage by own hands in a country house can be built, but consultations with specialists, knowledge of its design and a great desire of the homeowner are necessary. In this case, it is recommended to use plastic pipes and storage tanks when building it. Their installation does not require special skills, they are light and relatively cheap. However, it is necessary to take into account, for example, that there are pipes for internal use and for laying outside the house, in the ground. They differ in their characteristics of strength and reliability.

For laying indoors, houses often use pipes made of polypropylene with a diameter of 50 millimeters. For the toilet, diverting pipes with a diameter of 100 millimeters are used. These pipes are durable and reliable. They can be mounted under the floor screed or fixed to the walls.

Sewage pits, septic tanks or modern local wastewater treatment facilities can be used to collect and store waste water from the house. When choosing them, you should take into account some features:

  • inclination and relief of the site;
  • climatic features of the region;
  • composition of the adjacent soil;
  • the expected amount of wastewater and waste;
  • the material possibilities of the homeowner.

Recently, ready-made storage tanks made of plastic have become popular in private construction. Their cost is comparable with the price concrete rings  or metal tanks. Mounting them is much easier because of the low weight, and you can do without special expensive equipment.

Also, when conducting sewerage in a private house, it is necessary to take into account the material costs of the homeowner during the operation of treatment facilities. This is the frequency of pumping out sewage, the amount of reagents or biomaterials for cleaning. And only taking into account all requirements to the sewage system, you can finally determine the scheme, the composition of the entire system.

The order of execution of construction works on the arrangement of sewage:

  • installation internal system  sewage;
  • digging an excavation to install a storage tank or a septic tank;
  • digging trenches for a pipeline with wastewater;
  • installation and insulation of external pipes;
  • installation of a septic tank or storage tank;
  • connection of all parts and elements in a single sewerage system.

When laying pipelines inside and outside the house, it is important to take into account and execute the slope of the pipes, since the water flow will occur by gravity, and that there will be no further congestion and fatty congestion.

The drainage pipe for waste water in the climatic conditions of the central part of Russia should be installed to a depth of at least half a meter from the soil level. Even in severe frosts, there will be no ice in the pipe if the slope is properly organized. It is not worthwhile to make a large ditch of the drain pipe, since it will be necessary to dig in too deep a storage tank.

If there is a high groundwater level on the site, it is not possible to make an ordinary cesspool or build it out of brick because of the complexity of the work. In this case, the most acceptable option is the installation of finished tanks of plastic.

As a result of the above information, we can conclude that if we build a private house  - the sewage system must be designed in advance and included in the general project of the residential building. All other options will lead in the future to additional material costs and work. With the proper organization of the sewage system in the residential building, the necessary level of comfort and amenities will be provided.

The device of autonomous sewage system has one essential drawback - frequent pumping of sewage and waste, which are formed as a result of human activity.   And these are additional, sometimes very significant expenses. Therefore, in recent years, the means of biochemical purification have been widely used. Such tools are good at cleaning up waste water and significantly reduce the frequency of their evacuation.

The construction of a country house is a laborious process. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the main points and details in its formation. Sewer system for country houses and villas is an integral part. The construction of this sector is on the first place, in order to avoid negative consequences in the ecological sphere. There are many ways of laying sewer systems, connecting septic tanks and all kinds of sewerage units. Simplify the action can be, if the right approach to the selection of sewerage for buildings outside the city.

Components of drainage for buildings outside the city

Sewerage for a country house  : what to choose? The answer to the question lies in the structural and constructive features  this drainage system. Separate the main components of suburban drainage:

  • Internal is a complex of connected pipes to all plumbing devices in the house.
  • The septic tank is a reservoir for processing and collection of waste water.
  • The outer element extends from the internal drainage to the sewage system.
  • The organization of the waste complex is carried out with the help of of different types  pipes: polymer, cast iron, asbestos-cement, and ceramic.

Important: the use of cast iron or concrete pipes is not recommended. This is due to the awkwardness of the modifications.

   Pipes for external sewerage

Types of sewage

Each second suburban building is equipped with a sewage system, this design is missing only on small country plots. Conditions outside the city do not allow you to quickly and correctly connect the complex. The result - suitable option  autonomous drainage of local orientation:

To determine the sewer system in a country house set a number of requirements:

  • Analysis of soil cover on the territory.
  • Calculation of the level of occurrence of groundwater.
  • Identify the dimensions of the area for the disposal of the waste complex.
  • Estimated volume of wastewater.

Local sewerage system

The components of drainage elements - septic tank, cesspool, and biological treatment station are present in different versions. How to choose a sewer for a country house, taking into account the characteristics internal parts  drain system. A common problem is the classification of drainage elements on the basis of:

  • The scheme of the device of the water drain. A variant is selected based on the type of waste components (food utilization, water treatment for a bathroom). The minimum for the price can be a bio-toilet, but the option is not very convenient, especially in the winter. The owner of the house outside the city will not be comfortable with this simplified sewer system. The remaining types of local drainage will cope with any type of waste.
  • Structurality. This item is characterized by the definition of the functions performed by drainage (sewage accumulation, processing or purification). The simplest accumulator is a cesspool with a filtration bottom. Complex designs act as septic tanks, biological filters, purification stations. These modifications will save the site from the unpleasant odor and multiplication of bacteria.
  • The development of a suburban area includes not only centralized and local sewerage. In cottages it is possible to install internal and external drainage. The internal drain is equipped with a pipeline (100 mm - diameter) and a slope to the outlet part, which includes taps for plumbing fixtures.

The ventilation modification is placed at the beginning of the drainage. External sewage system - a network section connecting the outlet part with cleaning structures. The organization takes place with the help of cast iron, asbestos cement and plastic pipes. A pipeline with a slope of 70 to 120 cm is placed to the side with the outlet of the pipe.

Important: the correct arrangement of sewerage indicates a simple operation. If clogs develop over time, they can be eliminated with a special cleaning cable.

  Element of external sewerage of a country house

Sewage pipeline installation

Begin the installation of pipes with the definition of height. The necessary bias (2%) is calculated. This is the standard measure for placing pipes in a drainage complex. If you take a bathroom, here the sink is located at the very bottom. In this case, the connection tee must be located at a certain level. It is possible to install a sewage system in the ceiling area of ​​the basement. Provides the right slope and good sound insulation. Pipes should not be laid above the freezing level of the earth. Installation ventilation duct  - the second step for normal operation of the sewage system. The stand prevents jumps in the drainage pressure, protects the water seals from evaporation. Provides aeration of the septic tank.

Important: laying pipes from the outside should go deeper than the freezing sector of the earth at 0, 5 m. If this is not possible, the pipes are insulated and installed together with the heating cable. This part is carried out at the bottom of the pipeline.

The construction of a cesspool

The design works on the principle of fluid accumulation from plumbing devices, and their subsequent treatment for bacteria. The bottom of the pit is covered with loose substances (pebbles, crushed stone, turf), which create the simplest stock complex. Types of sewage pit:

  • The bottom is lined with turf or other loose material.
  • The depth of the pit is covered by a sealed iron container.
  • To isolate the cesspool drain, use a brick, plastic or metal container.

Important: overcrowded cesspool per 1 cubic meter provides a violation health requirements. The reason - harm to health around. In order to avoid a negative situation, you should call a special group to eliminate waste.

The model of the pit of the modern formation is represented in the form of a plastered groove where it is established ventilation tube. The standard dimensions of this sewerage detail: no more than 3х2 m, localization on the area of ​​at least 5 m from the cottage and 2 meters from the neighbors. Availability cesspool  on the site requires free space  to enter the sewer machine.

Option - mechanical septic tank

The construction, consisting of chambers for sewage filtration, is called a septic tank. The liquid in this modification passes through several stages: sedimentation, clarification and processing by anaerobic substances. A solid sediment settles on the bottom of the first compartment of the septic tank. At the outlet, purified water enters the sewerage system. The modification has a number of advantages:

  • The minimum price.
  • Absence of dependence on electrical appliances.
  • Practicality of the model.
  • Protective function against the appearance of unpleasant odor.

The mechanical cleaning tank is represented by a finished product, which gives positive results in wastewater treatment. Septic is a more loyal solution after cesspool.

Mechanical septic tank  with the filtering field

Cleaning complex - universal execution

The application of biological treatment systems is popular in suburban areas. Formation includes a septic tank, which conducts the initial stage of water purification by anaerobic bacteria. The structure is equipped with a biological filter, which removes pollutants and sediments. This process is carried out by running water through the expanded clay, and biofilm. The reservoir (aerotank) purifies the liquid with sludge compounds. Acceleration of the action depends on the air supply to the bio-cleaning station. A more expensive version of the sewage system is equipped with finishing devices that remove impurities up to 99%. Main types:

  • Finished factory modification.
  • Modular complex, installed in accordance with the requests of the buyer. The structure can be made of a metal base, durable plastic and concrete.

The combination of additional elements of the bio-cleaning station regulates the sewage capacity. For a typical summer residence such a complex does not work, for a cottage or a country house is an excellent option.

When purchasing a biological treatment station, the following is taken into account:

  • The presence of high reliability in the equipment.
  • The period of operation of the station should be such as the service life of a country house.
  • Mounting the plant must comply with the requirements of SNIP.
  • Formation of the sewage system should include free access to the replacement or cleaning of parts.
  • The installation of the station should not consume much energy.
  • Availability of an acceptable cost for the buyer.

  Installation of electrical septic tank

Autonomous drain with aeration and stormwater

Modification with aeration is an innovative model among cleaning complexes. Due to the compactness of the texture, the station is easily mounted in a special foundation pit. Drainage is made of polymer material. The design is ergonomic, simple structure and affordable cost. Place the station so that the pipe connected to it does not have bends.

The owner can secure the foundation of the house thanks to the installation of a storm complex. Drainage performs the function of protecting against premature destruction. The main action of the drain is the assembly and drainage of water, which accumulates on the site. Mounting of the roof of the storm drain occurs at the first stages of building the roof of the house. On the finished surface installed trays that collect water and funnels, guiding it through the drain pipe.

  Scheme of sewerage with aeration and livnevkoi

After choosing a sewer system, care should be taken for minor risks that may arise:

  1. Waste receipt balance. The pipeline should be simplified and rectilinear. This will ensure the easy flow of waste in the right direction. Situations when the pipe can not be made even in the bending and connecting sector are installed revision couplings and wells.
  2. Pipe connection. It is inadmissible to organize the fastenings and turns of the pipeline at an angle of 90 degrees. The flow direction should be smoothly distributed through the pipes. This process is carried out with consecutive mounting angles.
  3. Compliance with the diameter of the pipeline. Reduce the size of pipes in the direction of water movement is impossible. This contributes to the expansion of the pipe structure. The internal sector of the containers must not contain protruding parts.
  4. Installation of a return sewer valve. The device passes the waste only in one direction. In the event of a reverse load, the valve closes the drain, protecting the house from flooding with harmful substances.
  5. Mounting grease trap. The design includes two tanks with a special clearance. The interaction of these pots allows you to remove fat that gets into the sewer. Install the device in the kitchen sink.

Modern country houses are inconceivable without such benefits of civilization as water pipes  and sewerage (including torrential), but their owners often have to create convenience on their own. Absence of central water supply and sewage network  It is not an insuperable obstacle, since they are replaced by stand-alone installations. Proper installation of the sewage system can be entrusted to professionals, but this is not always a guarantee of quality and requires additional costs. The abundance of information and video, the availability of materials and ease of installation - these are the reasons why the canalization of a country house with their own hands is arranged quite often.

What is included in the sewage system

The local sewage system is a whole complex, including:

  • internal equipment (plumbing devices and piping);
  • the external main, serving for diversion of drains;
  • a cesspool or a septic tank for collecting sewage.

The complexity of the system depends on the number of plumbing and its placement around the house. Its installation requires compliance with all technological and sanitary standards. General scheme  the sewage system is divided into two circuits - internal and external, each of them has its own peculiarities and nuances.


Preparation of the sewerage project is carried out simultaneously with the general plan of the house. Plumbing must be placed compactly so that it can be connected to one manifold or riser if there are several floors in the building. The diagram notes all the plumbing equipment, the location of the pipes connected to it, the pipe entry into the house. Making up the project, take into account and external drainage system. The main line from the house to the septic tank should lie below the freezing level. With a complex system of connections of devices or the presence of a pool, it is difficult to compose a competent sewer design independently. Errors in the scheme turn out to be significant problems, and require an expensive alteration, so it's better to immediately entrust professionals work on the plan. The draft estimates for the purchase of material.

Internal loop device

The installation of a sewage system inside the house is performed from plastic pipes  with a diameter of 110, 50 and 32 mm. A smaller diameter is installed for the drainage of shells, showers, baths.

For the installation of the riser and connection with the toilet, a pipe Ø 110 mm is used.

Propylene or PVC pipes  They have a smooth surface that does not interfere with the drains, they do not overgrow and are not corroded. The material for interior works is made of gray plastic, this is important, because it is not suitable for laying a street trunk.

Docking of pipes  is carried out by crossings and oblique taps. When turning the pipe, avoid an angle of 90º, so it is better to use two 45º taps. The horizontal connection of pipeline sections is performed by tees and oblique elbows, which differ in a smooth shape, so they are rarely clogged. The sewage system must have its own ventilation, it is carried out by a pipe pipe. This is a continuation of the riser, which is displayed on the roof. The pipe ensures a stable pressure in the system. The branch pipe should rise above the roof by 50 cm, be located on the leeward side and away from windows. In one-story houses, instead of a fan pipe, a vacuum valve is used, it is installed near the toilet.

Sewage from the sewer pipes moves by gravity, therefore it is necessary to create a slope of at least 2 cm per 1 m. Otherwise, the system will not function properly.

The outer part of the system

To the outer contour are the pipes transporting the drains to the receiver and the storage tank. The choice of autonomous sewerage depends on the amount of sewage and the wealth of the owners. The device of the canalization of a country house can be the following:

  1. Cesspool  , at the bottom of which there is a filter made of sand and crushed stone. Its walls are made of bricks or concrete. This option is designed for a small amount of water and poses a danger to the surrounding area due to the possibility of blockage by drains. The principle of the pit - water seeps through the sedimentary rock, and solid fractions remain at the bottom. After a while they must be pumped out. This is the most economical and cost-effective way to recycle sewage.
  2. Double chamber septic tank  , consisting of two or three wells. The first section of the building is sealed, for its use, use concrete rings or fill the screed with the floor and walls of the excavated pit. In two places - at the inlet of the discharge pipe from the house and at the overflow place, make holes. In this part, the effluents will be separated into water and solid fractions. The use of reinforced concrete rings accelerates the installation of a septic tank, depending on the size of the well, enough to lay 2-3 rings on each other. They are connected by metal reinforcement, the joints are covered with cement mortar. Clarified in the first compartment, water flows through the overflow pipe into the adjacent chamber. This part does not have a sealed bottom, it is replaced by a layer of sedimentary rock up to 50 cm. Such a sump requires a rare cleaning with a sewage machine and will cope with a large volume of sewage. On top, the septic tank is closed by a slab with a hatch. If you add aerobic bacteria to the clarifier, the cleaning process will accelerate, and the unpleasant odor will decrease.
  3. Accumulative plastic tank  . Safe sealed tank, which requires minimum work on the device. It is enough to excavate a pit of the right size and connect a sewer pipe. The drawback of such a model is the need for frequent pumping of drains from the reservoir, and this is an additional cost for wastewater.
  4. Biological cleaning stations  - modern high-priced systems installed in large-scale houses. They cope with a significant amount of waste water and perform water purification. Pumps and compressors of the station require the connection of electricity. Installation and commissioning of complex devices is best entrusted to specialists.

Selecting a location for local sewerage installation

Installation of sewerage is performed according to existing health standards. Due to their observance you will protect the house and the plot from unpleasant consequences in the form of flooding by drains or getting them into drinking water. The receiving septic tank or pit must be 10 m away from the house, for sealed tanks the distance can be reduced to 5 m. The distance to the well is not less than 30 m, if the ground is sandy, it is increased to 50 m. The maximum depth of the cesspool is 3 m, and it should not reach groundwater. If the water in the soil is at a high level, then only a plastic tank can be installed. In addition, it is necessary to ensure unimpeded passage of the sewage machine, because they will periodically drain the sewage system.

External pipeline

Begin the installation of pipes, through which the drains will go to the septic tank, it is necessary after its installation. Usually when self-contained device  Polymer pipes are used, but for this purpose, iron and ceramic are suitable. The listed materials are rarely used due to the complexity of installation and high cost. If polypropylene pipes are selected for work, they are placed in a concrete box. This material is brittle and may not withstand mechanical stress. When choosing a direction, you should avoid turning, they increase the chance of clogging. The depth of laying of the outer pipes is about 1 m, it increases in the northern regions. At low winter temperatures it is necessary to protect the highway with a casing from a heater.

Do not forget about the slope, which for a pipe section of 110 mm equals 2 cm per meter. Stagnant liquid in the pipeline in winter will cause the sewerage to freeze, so do not neglect the rules.

At the bottom of the trench sand is poured a layer of 10 cm, it is laid with a tube of orange plastic, designed for operation in the ground. Between them they are fastened with special couplings. Installation starts from the septic tank, the first pipe is introduced into it, gradually the main line is brought to the entrance to the house. After the end of the installation, the trench is filled with sand and then with soil.

The self-contained sewage system is a complex and responsible process, it requires a lot of labor for excavation or the attraction of special equipment.


Thanks to this video, you will learn a lot about sewerage in a country house, the sewage treatment system and the environmental problem in connection with water pollution:

A photo

Getting rid of domestic sewage is the main problem that all owners of country houses face. When building a cottage, you should carefully consider the system of sewage facilities, weigh all the pros and cons of this or that equipment. After all, from the right choice in many respects will depend on a comfortable and unnecessary restless residence in the house.

Central sewerage system

The ideal option is centralized system  sewage system, which is not only convenient to use, but also very effective. But not all suburban settlements are equipped with such a system. And where such communication facilities are provided, it is not always possible to connect to their use. The distance, the cost of laying pipes, and sometimes the paid permission to the sidebar often force the owner of a country house to abandon such a seemingly profitable prospect.

Then the question arises: Which autonomous sewer system for a country house to give preference?  There are several options, let's look at the proposals now available.

The most primitive, but also the least expensive at the moment is the usual cesspool. A sealed container is placed in a section into which waste water flows from the house and outbuildings. One already fact of periodic cleaning of the cesspool with the help of a sewage machine makes the use of such a sewage system burdensome, expensive and dependent on utilities. For a house with permanent water supply, this option is not suitable also because it is always necessary to economically use water and often check if the container is full. In addition, the cesspool often receives rainwater or ground water. In this case, it is necessary to order special equipment quite often. A lot of trouble is connected with the placement of the cesspool: there must be an entrance to it (for a sewage machine). Do not place a waste water tank near wells, wells, do not recommend in a radius of 30 m from it to grow fruit and garden crops.

A more rational option is the use of a septic tank. This simple construction allows mechanical cleaning  domestic sewage. Naturally, in such a case, an insignificant part of the waste is filtered out, and the wastewater necessarily requires additional purification, using sand-gravel filters or special filtering wells. The erection of such communications requires both monetary and time costs, but the quality and the result of such sewage leaves much to be desired.

An innovative system in this area can be considered aeration stations that carry out a deep biological treatment of wastewater. Thanks to modern equipment, we now have the opportunity to use a convenient, reliable and profitable system that relieves us of the hassle associated with the disposal of domestic waste water and the purification of domestic water.

One of such modern and innovative sewerage facilities is the septic TOPAS  , patented by engineer from Czech Republic Jan Topol. His invention is based on the natural process of fermenting organic matter. Inside the station air is supplied, and favorable conditions are created for the vital activity of microorganisms. The fermentation process accelerates, the bacteria multiply and process organic substances. As a result of such intensive activity of microorganisms, activated sludge  , which decomposes nitrates, ammonia, eliminates pathogenic bacteria. Additionally, it purifies wastewater by natural filtration.

Sewerage for a country house TOPAS  It is very convenient to operate, because it only requires periodic pumping of activated sludge  . For this purpose a special pump is designed, that is, there is no need for a sewage machine. Moreover, a muddy sediment is formed as a result of natural processes, so it can be used as a fertilizer for ornamental plants.

Several models of this station allow you to choose the option that will satisfy the needs of your country house. For example, the smallest system TOPAS 5  suitable for a small family of 3-4 people. Sewer for a country house TOPAS 5 slightly more than 2 sq.m. For installation, it is usually not necessary to dig a large pit. The tightness of the container removes unpleasant odors, and the strength of the material and resistance to corrosion - increases the service life. In addition, the system has an aesthetic appearance, because you can see only the green cover of the station, barely visible among the lawn.

Of course, the septic tank TOPAS is more expensive than some other sewage options for a country house, but 50 years of serviceable work (namely, such a period of its operation), without extra costs for its maintenance, costs a one-time investment of money! Agree, the sewerage of a country house is a delicate matter, but once you make the right choice, you can not raise this issue for 50 years.

Today, suburban housing is gaining popularity, and this can be explained by the fact that now with the help of ready-made and time-tested solutions, you can create conditions that will be even better than in a city apartment. The key requirements for comfort can be attributed to the installation of an autonomous sewer system at your country house.

Moreover, modern solutions allow you to install such a system on the site where they live for a long time, as well as in a new house, cottage or cottage. Of course, the canalization in the country house is optimally arranged directly at the stage of its construction. This solution will not only significantly reduce the amount of work on the site, but also use plumbing during the final stages of finishing the house.

As for the interior of the sewer system at home, there are usually no problems, the solution is standard, although it can have certain nuances due to the number of connection points and the design features of the house.

With the external system of reception and disposal of domestic wastewater, the situation is more complicated and the choice of an autonomous sewerage system for the treatment of sewage will be directly determined by your comfort.

To autonomous sewerage  country house as much as possible satisfied your needs for discharging domestic sewage and, at the same time, required minimal time and money for your services, it is worthwhile to consider all possible solutions to the problem.

Today, various solutions are used that allow collecting and disposing of sewage from the house without risk of contaminating the site and creating a source of unpleasant smell on it. These can be attributed to self-made systems of autonomous household sewerage, and solutions made by industrial methods, the use of which significantly reduces the volume and complexity of works on the installation of treatment plants.

Sewerage of private country houses, cottages, cottages are divided into two types according to the principle of action:

  • Storage sewerage system based on hermetic capacity;
  • Outside sewerage  flow type.

Both these solutions are available both in the form of self-made structures, manufactured directly on site, and in the form of ready factory solutions that only need to be installed and connected to the outlet sewage pipe  from home.

Even when you order a turn-key installation of a self-contained sewer, and the company's specialists select its type and model, it is worthwhile to have an idea of ​​how to solve this problem. It is necessary to understand fundamental differences, and therefore the advantages and disadvantages of the systems of autonomous sewerage and do not doubt the correctness of the proposed solution.

Cumulative septic tank

Technically and erected on the site and the ready storage cesspool is a sealed container with a lid or a hatch in which the sewage accumulates. As far as the filling of such suburban sewerage, the capacity is required to be released, that is, to cause the sewage machine to be pumped out.

This is followed by two main disadvantages of such a country-type sewage system:

  • A limited amount of wastewater taken, which requires home owners not only to pay attention, but also to economize the use of the country house sewage system;
  • Constant expenses for calling a special vehicle for pumping out sewage, which can be quite expensive, especially at a considerable distance from the city.

Such containers can be erected directly on a section of brick or concrete construction, and can also be used factory-made, which is simpler and more reliable. Despite the existing shortcomings, an autonomous suburban sewerage of a storage type is used in areas where the house does not live permanently, or 1-2 people live. Also, it can be used as a temporary solution, with the subsequent replacement for suburban sewerage flow type.

Flowing septic tanks

Such systems of autonomous sewerage make it possible to purify a significant amount of sewage, therefore, the tenants of the house will not have to limit themselves in using the benefits of civilization. Like storage tanks, septic tanks of the flow type can be erected directly on the site by arranging several connected sedimentation tanks and a drainage field, or bought in ready-made form.

The manufacture and installation of a multi-compartment septic tank made of concrete rings, brickwork or a monolithic reinforced concrete structure is a time-consuming and time-consuming process. In addition, for such a system of homemade suburban sewerage, it is also necessary to create an aeration field or a set drainage wells  for additional treatment of drains by soil.

In addition to a significant amount of work and low maintainability, self-erecting septic tanks occupy a considerable area, which in some cases may prove to be the decisive factor in rejecting them.

Therefore, today, when an autonomous suburban sewage system is selected, preference is often given to ready solutions in the form of a multi-compartment, non-volatile septic tank factory. The capacity of the product is made of plastic, which guarantees a long service life. When installed on the surface, only small maintenance hatches are withdrawn, which are hermetically sealed and do not create an odor in the area.

In a set with a septic tank, one or several ready-made sprinklers are installed, which perform the function of post-treatment by the soil, they are placed under lock-up at the required depth, therefore the place above such a treatment plant can be used at its own discretion.

If the autonomous sewer should occupy the minimum space, meet all modern requirements and be quickly installed, the choice should be stopped at the sewerage station.

Autonomous sewerage stations

These systems began to be used in out-of-town construction  not so long ago, but very quickly managed to gain popularity. Country sewerage on the basis of such a station requires no more than 1-2 square meters for installation, and it can be mounted in close proximity to the house.

The degree of water purification up to 98% percent allows to discharge it into the gutter without additional processing and even to use for irrigation. Such an autonomous sewage system has only one essential drawback or feature - for a normal functioning it needs constant availability of electricity.

Of course, what kind of canalization of the country house to choose and install, should be decided by an experienced specialist after studying the features of the site, the number and types of plumbing fixtures and the wishes of property owners.

How to order installation of autonomous country sewerage

When you have decided to create favorable conditions for a comfortable life outside the city, contact our company Moskomlekt, which will ensure the design and installation of an autonomous sewerage system. You just need to submit a request in a convenient way for you, and our specialists:

  • Will study the features of the site, the house and your needs;
  • Will pick up the best option  systems;
  • Develop a project and make an estimate;
  • They will buy and deliver everything necessary to the site;
  • They will mount the system and carry out commissioning.

You will also be provided with the necessary warranty documents and will give detailed instructions on the operation and maintenance of the autonomous sewage system.

What is the cost of installing a country sewer system

The price of the system and its installation in the company "Moskomlect" is calculated by the estimate and depends on:

  • Type of septic tank;
  • Models of treatment plant;
  • Features of the site;
  • The need for additional work.

With the average prices for our services, you can find out in the table to orient yourself in the approximate amount of the cost of arranging this necessary engineering system.

The cost of installing a cleaning station without taking into account the price of the station and the supply trenches

Types of jobsUnit. amend.PL5 stationASTRA 5 station
Scope of workPrice, rubScope of workprice, rub.
Preparation of a pitM39,5 11350 5,2 6320
Removal of surplus soilM39,5 5900 5,2 2980
Preparation of sand-cement mixture for fillingM34 2790 2,7 1085
Backfilling of cavities with tampingM34 1250 2,7 800
Total:21290 11185

When you need high-quality autonomous sewerage with optimal parameters, contact OOO Moskomplekt. In addition to the installation, you will receive professional assistance in servicing such systems.