Services and prices. Water intake project development and approval

Contents of the handbook for designing and drilling water wells


1. Introduction:

a) an indication of an object for the water supply of which the drilling is planned, with the reduction of water consumption (daily, hourly and seconds);

b) the exact location of the well, the absolute height of the wellhead;

c) justification of the choice of the location of the wells, indicating the hydrogeological conditions and technical and economic factors (removal of the well from possible sources of pollution, outside the flooded flood zone, etc.).

2. Geological and geomorphological characteristics of the area and area of ​​work.

3. Hydrogeological characteristics of the area and area of ​​work.

4. An assessment of all natural, sanitary and economic factors, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of an aquifer. On the basis of this assessment, a comprehensively grounded choice of one or several horizons that best meet the requirements of the task should be made and, in connection with this, should be opened and tested; it should be established the expediency of drilling an exploration and production well and its depth is planned.

In a special part of the project, issues directly related to drilling and testing of the exploration and production well should be covered.

5. The project of production, which provides for the design of the well, the type of rock cutting tool, the diameter of the well, the diameter of the casing, the number of columns and the project geological and technical section of the well

6. Testing of the well in order to identify the compliance of the well production rate with the reduction by the experimental pumping.

7. List of geological and technical documentation.

8. The accepted water-lifting equipment.

9. Wellhead equipment.

10. Calculation and description of sanitary protection zones.

12. Applications and drawings.

Example of well design with water intake

The passport of the project of exploration and production well

Productivity, m / day

Depth of borehole, m

Operating diameter, mm

Piezometric water level, m

Specific production rate of the well, (l / s) / m

Well Equipment:

a) casing pipes (GOST 632-80) with a diameter of 325 mm and a thickness of 9 mm, m

b) the same, with a diameter of 273 mm and a thickness of 7 mm, m

c) the same diameter of 169 mm and a thickness of 5 mm, m

d) duty cycle of the filter,%

e) pump 2 ECV6-6,3-85, pcs.

Sanitary protection zone 30x30 m in size

Device for measuring water level EV-1m

Pump station for the standard project 901-2-116

Cold water turbine meter

Hermetic head on the series 4.901-16, issue. 1

Absolute wellhead mark, m

Explanatory note

I. The general part

1. Introduction

This project was drawn up on the basis of the contract No ... from ... 19 ... g. with the Agricultural Production Department ... of the region.

The project provides for the drilling of an exploration and production well with the subsequent organization of a water intake for water supply ... of a plant in the village ... of the district ... of the region.

The selected site for the well is located on the western outskirts of the village ..., 400 m to the west of the existing buildings and 4 km to the north of the river ....

The location of the projected well is shown in the drawings ..., agreed with the interested services and formalized by an act (see annex). The sanitary situation on the site is currently satisfactory. Geologically, the site for the well at the top is composed of loam. Groundwater level is expected to be expected at a depth of 15 m. There are no explored deposits of minerals in the area of ​​the projected well.

Initial data for project development:

1) task for designing an exploration and production well; 2) permission ... of the Basin Office for special water use; 3) the act of survey and selection of the location of the well for water.

The project was developed in accordance with SNiP II-31-74.

The well is put into operation if the quality of groundwater is in accordance with GOST, and also when obtaining a flow corresponding to the performance of the well in these hydrogeological conditions and the customer's request. If the negative results are obtained, the well will be liquidated by the same drilling team.

On the basis of a newly drilled well, a pumping station of the first lifting is constructed, a strict security zone is established and external power supply is provided.

2. Water consumption and water supply scheme

Currently ... the plant in the village ... is under construction.

With the commissioning it will require a water source. The required amount of water for the plant according to the standard project No. 814-0-133 "Inter-farm ... plant with a productivity of 10 t / h" is 40 m / day, of which 30 m / day - for domestic and drinking needs, 10 m / on production. Considering the one-shift operation of the plant, the water flow will be 1.4 l / s.

The operating well No. ... is located on the territory ... 500 m to the north of the projected plant site and can not be used due to the inadvisability of laying the water conduit through the double-track electrified railway.

For the plant's water supply, this project provides for the drilling of an exploration and production well with a production rate of 1.4 l / s.

The scheme of the planned water intake is as follows: water from the well by the first lift pump through a pressure pipe with a diameter of 100 mm will be fed into the plant's intrasite network (the design of an in-site network with a water tower is not included in the scope of this work).

3. Geological sketch and hydrogeological conditions of the area and area of ​​work

The location of the projected well ... and is characterized by a flat relief with an absolute elevation of 90.0-131.0 m. The main waterway of the district is the rivers ... and ..., the left tributaries of the river ....

The territory of the district has a two-tier geological structure. The lower structural tier, the Paleozoic foundation, consists of complex, sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rocks of the Paleozoic age. The upper structural stage is a layer of sedimentary rocks of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic age.

In the area of ​​design works, the folded foundation lies at a depth of more than 250 m and is of no practical interest in hydrogeological terms, since it contains highly mineralized waters that are not suitable for drinking purposes.

Mesozoic-Cenozoic formations are developed over the entire area of ​​the described region. Mesozoic rocks transgressively lie on the Paleozoic basement and are represented by Upper Cretaceous argillites and beidellite clays of greenish-gray color.

Of greatest interest from the hydrogeological point of view are deposits of Paleogene age, widespread in the region and represented by sediments of the Paleocene, Eocene and Oligocene.

Paleocene deposits (P) are widely developed in the described region. Lithologically, they are represented by a thick (100 m and more) sequence of gray and dark gray mudstones with small interlayers of glauconite-quartz sandstones and aleurites.

Eocene deposits (P) lie on the sediments of the Paleocene and in the area of ​​the works are divided into two horizons - the lower one (the Serov suite) and the combined Middle and Upper Eocene (the Irbit suite).

Lower Eocene sediments (P) are represented mainly by flasks, less often by trefoils and diatoms and are widespread in the area under consideration. The depth of their occurrence varies within the range of 50-150 m, increasing in a northeasterly direction. The capacity of the flasks in the area of ​​work reaches 40 m.

The Middle-Upper Eocene horizon (P) is composed of clay diatomites. The boundary between the underlying flasks and diatoms is distinct, without any trace of erosion. The power of the Irbit suite is more than 80 m. A general increase in power is observed in the east and in individual depressions of the ancient relief.

Deposits of the Oligocene age (P) in the region under consideration are less widespread than the underlying Eocene sediments. They form mainly watershed relief forms. Oligocene is subdivided into lower, middle and upper sub-divisions, the lower Oligocene being combined with the Upper Eocene into the so-called Chegan suite (P-P), represented by marine sediments of various clays.

The rocks of the middle Oligocene (P), isolated in the Chilikt suite, and also the Upper Oligocene (P) - the Naurzum Formation - are represented exclusively by continental fine-grained sands and clays. The thickness of sand in the area of ​​work varies between 13-40 m. They are not developed universally.

The Middle and Upper Pliocene (N) calcareous clays and polymictic sands with gravel in the form of thin interlayers and lenses are not widely distributed. These rocks are developed at the highest watersheds. In hydrological terms, they are of no interest.

The described complex of Paleogene formations is everywhere covered by Quaternary sediments (O), among which are: lake-marsh greenish-gray clays, peat deposits, alluvial clays and sands with pebbles and gravel, cover loams and clays. The thickness of Quaternary sediments ranges from 1 to 10 m.

Hydrologically ... the area is confined to ... an artesian basin, which is characterized by the development of ethnically located aquifers, separated from each other by waterproof clays. The chalk aquifer occupies vast areas and is an artesian basin of groundwater. He has a good enough water. However, high mineralization of groundwater (5 g / l and more) does not allow using them for drinking water supply.

In the aquifer of the Lower Eocene water-bearing rocks are gullies and sandstones, the water supply of which is associated with regional fracturing. This horizon lies quite deep in the area under consideration (50-150 m).

Plastovo-fissured water of the glass with depth strongly change its chemical composition. Within the same thickness of the flasks there are, as it were, two different aquifers, which are the same in composition of water: the upper, rather thin horizon of the flask contains hydrogen-carbonate-sodium waters, slightly mineralized, quite suitable for drinking; the lower horizon of the flask contains bitter-saline hydrocarbonate waters of sulfate-chloride sodium with mineralization up to 3.5 g / l and more.

In the bacteriological respect, the waters of the opaque horizon are impeccable.

The water-bearing horizon of the Oligocene deposits is represented by sands with interbeds of clay of medium thickness (by area) 10-15 m and encloses underground waters lying at a depth of 5 to 25 m, depending on the thickness of the overlapping sediments and the terrain.

The water content of the horizon is generally small and extremely uneven, depending on the thickness of the sand and their granulometric composition. The well flow rates vary from hundredths to 3-5 l / s.

Underground waters of the horizon are fresh hydrocarbonate calcium-magnesium with mineralization of 0.15-0.7 g / l. These waters are capped by wells and single wells for household and drinking water supply to individual farms and small livestock farms.

At the site of the projected well, this horizon is not developed. The only reliable for the purposes of household and drinking water supply is the aquifer of Lower Eocene opoch.

II. Special part

1. Preliminary geological section

The well design provides for the discovery of the aquifer of Lower Eocene deposits.

The projected section was compiled on the basis of the geological section of existing well No. ... located 500 m to the north of the projected well section (Table 18).

Table 18.

Geological section of the projected well

2. Well design and production design:

1) the well is projected as exploration and production;

2) drilling method - rotary rotary with washing with clean water;

3) the piezometric level is expected to be approximately at a depth of 15 m;

4) the specific production rate of the well is assumed equal to 0.7 (l / s) / m based on the data on the existing near the existing well;

5) the projected production rate is 1.4 l / s with a decrease in the water level by 2 m;

6) the depth of the well is defined by hydrogeological conditions and is assumed equal to 70 m;

7) designed well design - with two casing string columns.

The conductor with a diameter of 325 mm covers unconsolidated deposits at a depth of 10 m. In order to isolate the aquifer from possible contamination, the annular space of the conductor is cemented with cementing to 2.3 m. The dry cement consumption is calculated according to EPER-27 calculation for construction work. The conductor is displayed 0.5 m above the wellhead. The operating column of pipes with a diameter of 219 mm is set in the interval 0.00-52.0 m. The well design and types of drill bits are given in Table. 19;

Table 19

Design of the projected well

8) after the drilling of the well, electric logging in the uncased part of the trunk (52-70 m) and gamma-ray logging along the entire trunk (0-70 m) is performed;

9) a collar with a radius of at least 3 m is cemented around the wellhead;

10) the water receiving part of the well is equipped with a filter of perforated pipes with a diameter of 168 mm; duty cycle of the filter casing is 35%; 588 holes per 1 m with a diameter of 20 mm; the filter is installed "vpota" in the interval 47-70 m; The working part of the filter is in the range of 52-68 m. After the well logging, the filter setting interval is corrected. The filter column settler is supplied with a wooden stopper;

11) the design of the geological and technical section is shown in the figure (Fig. 4);

Fig. 4. Geological and technical design

13) upon completion of drilling operations, executive documents are drawn up;

14) in the production of drilling and experimental work, it is necessary to comply with the "Uniform safety rules for geological exploration" approved by the Gosgortechnadzor of the RSFSR.

3. Well testing

In order to determine the compliance of the well production rate with the design data and establishing the dependence of the well production rate on the decrease, the well is tested with experimental pumping at two level depressions with a total duration of 7 days.

Before pumping through the well, water is pumped until it is completely clarified within 1 day.

Experimental pumping is performed with the maximum reduction of the water level at a rate of not less than 75% of the designed. The second reduction should be 3-5 m lower than the previous one, but in order to avoid errors in calculations, its value should be at least 1 m. The pumping time for each decrease is determined by the process of level stabilization, production rates, and chemical and bacteriological composition of water.

The duration of pumping at each drop of the project is 3 days. An indispensable condition is a continuous pumping process for a given reduction.

Casing pipes of a nipple connection with a diameter of 108-127 mm can be used as water-lifting pipes. The recommended diameter of blowing pipes is 19-37 mm. The immersion depth of the mixer is 40 m.

During the evacuation, the levels are measured every 5 minutes for 1 hour, and then every 1 hour. After stopping pumping, the water level in the well is restored.

At the end of each drop, water samples are taken for chemical and bacteriological analyzes (three samples for each type of analysis). The well is equipped with an electric submersible pump of ECV type.

The water intake after the complete completion of construction and equipment by its pump is to be tested by operating pumping to check the work of all water-intake structures, the productivity of the whole water intake as a whole. The pumping time at a constant production rate equal to the projected rate is 4 days. Operational pumping is performed for one drop at a production rate equal to the project one.

Water levels are measured by an air installation, water flow by a water meter. The measurement period is 1 hour.

The result of observations of the operational pumping out is made in the form of an act with the actual observational data.

The pump station above the well is recessed, automatic, consists of two chambers according to the standard design 901-2-116, with a ground-based cabinet and control equipment, and also with the electrical equipment of the unit.

In the chamber above the borehole there are: a headband, a plunger, a gate valve, a drainage pump, water meters, a shut-off valve, a non-return valve.

Water-lifting equipment. As a water-lifting equipment, a submersible pump of the brand 2ECV6-6, 3-85 with a motor of the PEDV-2 brand, 8-140 with a power of 2.8 kW was adopted. The pump feed 6.3 m / h with a head of 85 m. The pump installation, determination of the number of required water-lifting pipes are performed on site.

Auxiliary equipment. To measure the flow of water taken from the well, a counter VT-50 is installed. The water level in the borehole is periodically measured by the EV-1M electrical level.

For trial operation of pumping water out of the well, as well as for direct supply to a mobile tank on a pressure pipe behind the head, a branch with a valve is provided, to which a flexible hose can in turn be connected.

The drainage of drainage water from underground chambers is carried out by pump VKS-1/16. To monitor the water levels in the drainage pits on a special stand, electrode level sensors are installed, which are included in the ERSU-3 level regulator-level indicator set.

Hermetic sealing of the wellhead is ensured by the device of the sealed head for the standard project of the series 4.901-16 issues. 1. in the composition of the concrete collar, wellhead nozzle, branch pipe, support plate, o-rings, gaskets, gaskets from rubber.

Protection of natural conditions. During construction work, measures should be taken to protect the existing natural conditions in the construction site.

Particular attention should be paid to the protection of groundwater, for which the establishment of a sanitary protection zone is envisaged in accordance with SNIP II.32-74. In this connection, a number of measures are envisaged in the construction site:

a) liquidation of inactive wells; b) on the newly constructed well - isolation from surface water by casing with annular cementation; c) sealing of the wellhead; d) creation of a sanitary protection zone.

Zone of sanitary protection. The device of belt zone I is carried out in accordance with SNIP II.31-74 and instructions CH441-72.

In the strict-regime sanitary protection zone (I belt), a section of 30x30 m is included in which the well and head waterworks are located.

On the perimeter of the zone, a barbed wire fence is mounted on wooden poles with a height of 1.6 m. The territory is planted with sowing of perennial grasses and planting shrubs. It is necessary to create security lighting.

The linkage of the sanitary protection zone and the pumping station is performed on site.

In view of the fact that the aquifer is reliably blocked by a thick layer of clay, it is not necessary to envisage the arrangement of the second zone of the sanitary protection zone in this project.

Bill of quantities and materials

1. Transport - transportation of a set of pipes and materials from the railway station by road of Class II to a distance of up to 250 km by road.

2. Construction of overhead lines:

4. Fastening of the well, m:

5. The equipment of a water-receiving part of a chink:

6. Cemented wells:

7. Experimental work:

11. Material for cementing:

14. Installation of a submersible pump of mark 2ECTS6-6, 3-85 with immersion in a well on tubing with a diameter of 50 mm:

18. Arrangement of sanitary zone of the first belt:

The head of the group ___________________________________________________ (FIO)

Name of the project organization ___________________________________________________________

The contents of the handbook on the design and drilling of wells for water:

   Section I.
  Chapter 1.
  SOME WATER INFORMATION  The cost of developing a water intake project - from 140 thousand rubles.
The information was updated on 04/04/2017.

Please note that the project of construction (reconstruction) of the water intake (water intake junction, VZU) is not related to the draft of water intake according to the 463 order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, these are different documents.

The project of water intake for fresh water, produced in an artesian well for drinking and domestic needs, is drafted by the owner of the subsoil block. The development of this document is a prerequisite for the legal operation of artesian wells (RF law "On Subsoil").
An obligatory condition for the commencement of works on the creation of a draft water intake is the availability of a license for the extraction of groundwater. In addition, an assessment of the water resources reserve should be carried out, followed by a source for the state balance. The protocol for the approval of water resources is issued by the State Commission on Reserves.

Purpose of the water intake project

The document contains a description of the geological and hydrogeological conditions of the deposit, a resource extraction scheme has been drawn up, according to which groundwater reimbursement is provided. The project contains reliable information on the relief of the site around the source of fresh water, the lithological structure of the well, the depth of the aquifer and the sources of its formation. Important sections of the project documentation are:
   scheme of the engineering system of water intake (location of equipment, observation and reserve stations);
   list of measuring instruments;
   operating mode (recommendations);
   volumes of groundwater production.
  This information is necessary for the development of a well operation program in such a mode that, on the one hand, meets the needs of the owner of the subsoil in drinking (and technical) water, on the other hand, ensures the replenishment of the extracted resources.

Stages of development of the water intake project

At the preliminary stage (pre-design works), the water resource needs of the water users are determined. Data obtained analytically are used for. Further, it is being developed about the possibility of organizing water supply. The next stage is, then the documentation for drilling the well into water is being developed.

After receiving (approve territorial sanitary inspection bodies) and conducting engineering and survey works at the site of drilling wells, a detailed development of the sections of the water intake project begins.

After the preparation of all sections is complete, you must send the material for the independent examination. It checks both the theoretical part and the engineering calculations of the documentation. After receiving a positive conclusion, the development of the work assignment begins.

What materials are submitted to the organization that develops the draft water intake

The water intake project can be objectively compiled only after obtaining a complete information picture about the site of the groundwater field. In addition to the above legislative documents (licenses, opinions on the sanitary condition of the facility, the protocol for approval of reserves), the terrain mapping, data on the composition of water obtained in accredited laboratories are provided.
  Important! The composition of the source documentation is determined by the operating conditions, the specific operating mode, the number of consumers.

Geodin services

To order a water intake project for an artesian well in the Moscow region, call us or send an electronic application. The specialists of our firm have sufficient experience and qualifications to perform the work promptly, in full compliance with the requirements of the legislation in terms of content, sequence of sections and document processing.

The draft water intake is a project as part of the technical documentation of the enterprise. It is developed for facilities that operate artesian wells for both domestic and drinking water and industrial water supply.

Terms of development (subject to the availability of the necessary source documentation) can be an average of 3-4 months. The cost of forming the necessary project document for one well (or one water intake site) is 99,000 rubles. The agreement is included in the price.

The basis for the development of this type of technical documentation is the Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation No. 463 of 27 October 2010 and Government Decision No. 118 of 03.03.2010. In addition, the need for its formation and coordination is dictated by the content of the Law "On Subsoil" No. 2395-1 of 21.02. .1992.

In the absence of a developed and approved document, the exploitation of an artesian well is illegal, and as a result, a significant fine may be received from the monitoring organizations.

Features of the development.

The project is necessary in the following cases:

  • when developing subsoil,
  • putting the well into operation,
  • its direct exploitation,
  • as well as during liquidation.

The development of the document under consideration is preceded by such stages as:

  • assessment of the water reserves contained in the well;
  • obtaining a license for subsoil use;
  • development, examination and approval of the draft ZSO.

The project that regulates the lawful withdrawal of water from wells is a rather serious type of documentation, for the preparation of which it is necessary to have certain knowledge and experience. Therefore, for its formation and coordination, it is worth turning to a specialized organization, which, moreover, must have a license to carry out works in the field of subsoil use.

For what purpose is it being developed?

The main objectives of the formation of this document are:

  • compliance with the proper quality of groundwater,
  • protection of aquifers,
  • monitoring the compliance of the presence in the well of sufficient for the intended use of water,
  • control and protection of the environment.

All of the above factors also serve to extend the life of the water wells. In addition, the development of the project makes it possible to ensure compliance with the license for water use, and its absence may become the basis for suspending the previously issued licenses.

Accordingly, the content of this document makes it possible to use the well in the planned scope of work, while allowing compliance with legal requirements and providing protection for both people and the environment.

  • hydrogeological characteristics of the deposit and information on the degree of its study;
  • the analysis of the water intake system system and the characteristic of its use mode;
  • data on the compliance of licensing conditions for water use with the actual operating conditions of the field;
  • information on the compliance of the composition of the used waters with sanitary and hygienic standards;
  • information on the compliance of previously established sanitary protection zones with the requirements of sanitary and epidemiological standards;
  • a list of measures aimed at ensuring industrial safety in the extraction of water, as well as operation and maintenance of the downhole;
  • information on activities aimed at protecting the environment and reducing the negative impact on it when using a water intake;
  • information from the production control program that allows monitoring of groundwater.

Documentation necessary for the formation of the project.

To draft the subsoil user it is necessary to prepare the initial package of documents, which may vary depending on the area of ​​activity of the facility operating the water intake unit (VZU).

In general, the required documentation for the development will include:

  • a protocol containing information on the approved groundwater reserve issued to the Rosnedra company after the protection of the relevant report;
  • previously issued and valid license, confirming the rights of the contracting authority to use subsoil (in this case, the extraction of groundwater);
  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusions on sanitary protection zones and quality of produced water;
  • information on routine observations of such factors as the chemical composition or groundwater level;
  • graphic materials, including the plan for the placement of VCU.

Also, if necessary, developers can be requested and additional documents relating to the operation of the well.

Stages of development.

Stages of the development of a document authorizing the lawful implementation of the withdrawal of water from wells are formed on the basis of information to be displayed in the composition of project documents. Among the main stages of writing the project can be identified:

  • collection and analysis of information about the location of the studied bunker;
  • description of hydrogeological conditions of the site in question, as well as its geological structure;
  • analysis of the current state of the VCU, as well as the mode of its use;
  • compilation of information on a possible reassessment of the volume of groundwater;
  • receipt of the report of sanitary and hygienic services on the compliance of the quality of extracted water and sanitary protection zones with the norms established by legislation;
  • development of measures aimed at ensuring industrial safety;
  • assessment of the impact of the extraction process on the state of the environment;
  • the development of measures to monitor the state of surface water.

The above list of stages of the drafting allows us to conclude that its development is accompanied by a thorough analysis of all the documentation of the customer enterprise relating to the subsoil area under study, which can only be carried out by highly qualified specialists who have previously had experience in preparing such technical documentation.


Technical documentation developed to comply with the operating conditions of water intake wells is subject to mandatory coordination in commissions. Their activities are regulated by the Rosnedra authorities, geographically located at the location of the water intake site under consideration. The composition of the commissions requires the presence of representatives of monitoring organizations that control subsoil use, nature management, environmental protection, as well as technological and nuclear supervision.

The established task is to determine the compliance of the customer's data on the well, its condition and water quality in it with the requirements of the current legislation, as a result of which the enterprise receives either a positive decision on the project or a reasoned refusal to coordinate it. The timing of consideration of submitted projects is, as a rule, not less than 30 days from the date of their transfer to the controlling organizations.

In addition, do not forget that the duration of the project is determined by the validity of the license for water use and does not depend on the time of receipt of the document on a positive decision when it is agreed upon.

Responsibility for violation of the license requirements.

For the lack of a developed and coordinated water diversion project (which is a condition for the violation of the water use license granted to the enterprise), the Code on Administrative Offenses provides for the liability imposed under Article 7.3. At the same time, the amount of a fine for legal entities can be from 300 to 500 thousand rubles, which is several times higher than the cost of developing the project itself. Officials may be fined for the amount of 20 to 40 thousand rubles in case of detection of this violation.

Also, do not forget that a draft law has now been published with a new version of the Code of Administrative Offenses, according to which it is planned to toughen penalties in case of non-compliance with licensing conditions, for example, the use of sanitary protection zones for other purposes, which are also described in the technical documentation for the water use object.

12.08.2015 09:21

The draft water abstraction is a document that defines the license obligations of individuals or organizations using groundwater for personal or industrial purposes. Failure to meet the requirements specified in the license within a specified period entails heavy fines and cancellation of rights, on the basis of which the subject disposed of the subsoil.

To justify the projects, complex surveys should be carried out at the site where the well is to be drilled or the exploited wells are located. The time allotted for exploration is determined by the peculiarities of the natural conditions, the nature of the relief, the exploration of the area from the point of view of hydrogeological research, the magnitude of the planned water consumption.

The draft water abstraction is a detailed technical documentation containing the rules and sequence of operation of underground water resources granted for use. The document should reflect the following information:

  • Brief geological and hydrogeological assessment of groundwater.
  • Technological characteristics of water intake (number of wells, power of the water treatment plant, types of pumping units and power equipment, etc.).
  • Determination of the degree of compliance of actual data on the extraction of water resources to licensing conditions.
  • Measures taken to ensure operational safety when using a groundwater source, during the repair of downhole equipment.
  • Activities implemented as part of the environmental protection program and ensuring environmental security in the use of subsoil.
  • Assessment of the actual state of the external environment and actions taken to reduce the negative impact on it.
  • Integrated program of continuous environmental monitoring (monitoring).
  • Based on the information contained in the documentation, it can be argued that the field development project is simultaneously a guideline and reference manual that fixes the subsoil user's duties and the permitted actions related to the well operation.

As a rule, when developing a project, there are some related tasks that need to be addressed in order to optimize the process of water intake or bring it into compliance with legislative norms.

Obligation to draw up a water intake project

This section contains information on the geological structure of the site under study. Data on aquifers are collected, the degree of natural protection against pollution (filtration characteristic) associated with human activities is determined, and the quality of groundwater is assessed.

The development of the document is an obligation approved by the RF Law "On Subsoil", Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources No. 463 of October 27, 2010, certain legislative acts adopted to regulate the use of natural resources. The main goal of the project was to provide conditions for the safe and efficient operation of groundwater. The provisions fixed in the document help to solve other important tasks, in particular:

  • protection of the aquifer from all types of pollution;
  • protection of the territory adjacent to the well from industrial pollution;
  • ensuring conditions for the maximum life of the well.

The project should list the drilling techniques and the types of equipment (technical devices, instrumentation) that are supposed to be used to organize the operation of the well.

The project documentation is compulsorily agreed with the commission, which is created on the initiative of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use, or an authorized local authority. The commission includes representatives of the Federal Agency and the Federal Service for Supervision in the Field of Nature Management, as well as employees of state environmental protection services and local authorities responsible for carrying out environmental protection measures.

After consideration of the documentation, the commission approves the project or refuses to agree, providing motivated arguments.

What is the purpose of the hydrogeological conclusion?

A document compiled by a hydrogeologist on behalf of an organization or an individual is not strictly informative. It is necessary to obtain a license for the use of mineral resources, as well as for the drafting of drilling projects and the project for the development of sanitary protection zones for the water intake section (one or several wells). That is, without the conclusion it is impossible to obtain some binding documents and, accordingly, to organize the water supply of the facility. The conclusion can be drawn up with respect to the projected or already operating well, for which the legislative documentation has not been previously drawn up.

Based on the data on the aquifers and the mineral composition of the rocks presented in the conclusion, the specialists select the drilling technology and plan the operation of the artesian well.

Data collection for project development

  • Collect information about the site or area where the deposit is located.
  • Drawing up a hydrogeological conclusion.
  • Collection of data on the qualitative composition of water.
  • Collection of data on the environmental situation.
  • Collection of data on the soil composition of the development site.
  • Analytical generalization of information.

The main provisions contained in the technical design

  • Information about the area where the wells are located.
  • Natural, geological and climatic conditions.
  • Information on the conditions of subsoil exploitation.
  • Description of target aquifers.
  • Information about the water-bearing rocks.
  • Reserves, the quality of groundwater.
  • Technical conditions (characteristics of the water intake complex, water treatment technology).
  • Well construction and their actual state.
  • Equipment of operated and observation wells.
  • Information about closed and suspended wells.
  • Indicators of extraction of water resources and deposits (in fact).
  • Comparison of actual production figures with the terms of the license agreement.
  • Conclusion on the sanitary condition of the site around the well.
  • Plan of measures for the protection of subsoil, the environment and ensuring industrial safety.
  • Plan for conservation (elimination) of wells and land reclamation.
  • Conclusions, conclusions.
  • Tables, schemes (graphic materials are presented in the established format).

The initial data on the reserves of groundwater resources, technical and analytical indicators should comply with the regulatory requirements set out in the "Regulations on units of values", which are allowed for use in the Russian Federation. The individual indicators are approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 31, 2009 N 879.

Responsibility for the lack of technical documentation

The drafting and approval of a technical project for the development of a groundwater field is a prerequisite for all those who use the mineral resources for drinking and technical water, including those who have already obtained a license. Normative documents of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation regulate the procedure for the development and coordination of documentation.

Rosprirodnadzor is responsible for carrying out the respective inspections. In the absence of a water intake project, an act on the fact of an offense and a warrant with an indication of the period for the development of documentation is drawn up from the subsoil user, and penalties are provided.

In case of violation of duties by representatives of public services regarding inspections and submission of reports containing information on the availability of water withdrawal projects from subsoil users, they are subject to administrative penalties and financial sanctions.

Development of a technical project is responsible and multi-stage work, which requires serious professional training and practical experience. If you want to get a literate document that will be approved without return for revision, use our offer. We guarantee that the documentation will be compiled objectively, correctly drawn up and agreed upon in law.

The information was updated on 03/09/2017.

The cost of project development is from 140000 rub.

The creation of a technical project for the development of a groundwater field is carried out within the framework of the requirements of the RF Law "On Subsoil", in accordance with the provisions of RF Government Decree No. 118 (dated 03.03.2010), Order of the Ministry of Nature of the Russian Federation No. 463 (27.10.2010) and regulatory legal acts that determine the legality of the exploitation of state property.

The purpose of project development

The main goal of the project for the development of a groundwater field is the creation of favorable conditions for the commissioning of an artesian well, its daily use, sanitary protection, and liquidation.
  These actions are necessary to protect natural resources from possible damage (bacteriological, radiological or chemical pollution), preserve the ecological balance of the terrain, control over the consumption of fresh groundwater in the region.
  The availability of this document, starting from 2010, is one of the mandatory license obligations of the subsoil user. The lack of a technical draft of water abstraction will be a legal basis for suspension of the license (and, consequently, for the legal operation of the well).

Who makes the technical project

The owner of the subsoil plot is responsible for the creation (the project for the development of a groundwater deposit). At the time of the development of the document, the user of the subsoil must be issued a license to operate an artesian well, and groundwater reserves - consist on the state balance. Thus, the project is made only after the completion (and legislative design) of the reserve of groundwater.

Initial data for project development

The initial documents for the development of the technical project are the following documents:
   actual indicators obtained as a result of observations made at the water intake site (chemical composition, water level stability, percentage of mechanical impurities);
   changes in water indicators in dynamics;
   cartography data, etc.

Analytical data used in the development of the project

The water intake design reflects all data related to the operation of the artesian well:
   hydrogeological characteristics of the deposit;
   climatic conditions of the area;
   parameters of water-bearing layers;
   design of the water supply facility (water intake, reserve and observation wells);
   results of change of heads (levels);
   the characteristics of the measuring equipment used for the study of groundwater in a continuous mode;
   activities that help ensure industrial safety in the exploration of mineral resources;
   assessment of groundwater resources;
   Assessment of the initial environmental state of the environment (before well development);
   feasibility study of well efficiency;
   the conclusion on the compliance of water quality with the requirements of legislation (drinking water, industrial exploitation, economic needs, medical and resort sources);
   plan for the protection of subsoil;
   a plan to ensure the safety of maintenance operations;
   program for monitoring groundwater status;
   information materials on the conditions of conservation or liquidation of wells;
   graphic confirmations, tables (in applications).

General requirements for the design of the water intake project

The design technical documentation for well development should contain the amount of data sufficient to conduct an objective study of design solutions.
  Detailing of individual sections of the project depends on the features of the terrain and terrain, the complexity of the geological section of the field.
  Changes and additions to the draft water abstraction for groundwater contain only those items that have been subjected to adjustment or processing.
  The title page should contain information about the user (name of the organization), the vultures about the approval and approval of the project, the name of the document (project), the name of the subsoil block, the time period for compiling the documentation.
If the project includes several parts, then each of them begins with a separate title page and contains brief information relating to the relevant part. The tables that are titled are placed on separate sheets (not under the text).

Harmonization and approval

The project documentation is subject to agreement with the executive body (commission) established in the Department for Subsoil Use of the Central Federal District (Tsenternedra), the Ministry of Ecology and Nature Management of the Moscow Region.
  The applicant (owner of the subsoil) submits to the territorial body an application and copies of the documents specified by law for each type of deposit, taking into account the objectives and scope of operation (license, state expertise of water resources, expertise of engineering and geological surveys, conclusion on the geological structure of the well, etc.) .

The commission includes representatives of the FS on supervision in the sphere of nature management, specialists in technological, nuclear and environmental supervision. Based on the results of the study of a technical project for the development of groundwater, the commission passes a positive opinion or sends a refusal to agree the document with an explanation of the reasons for the negative decision to the owner of the subsoil.
  The basis for refusal is the inconsistency of the given documentation with the operating conditions of the subsoil, which are defined in the license, or these data contradict the regulatory requirements of the legislation of Russia, the government of Moscow and the Moscow region.

The document can be returned for revision on condition of non-observance of the order of items or in the absence of the main sections that should be included in the structure of the technical project.
  If the technical project is not approved, the certificate attached to the returned document must contain the signatures of the responsible persons (the chairman of the commission or his deputy).

The decision on approval (positive opinion) is signed by the secretary of the commission or his deputy. A seal of the Department for Subsoil Use of "Tsenternedra" is put on the project.
  The technical project agreed upon in the public service of the Central Federal District is finally approved by the owner of the subsoil block and from the moment it is signed acquires legal force.

Geodin specialists carry out tasks on drawing up technical projects for the development of a groundwater field, guided by legislative acts, regulations, technical guidelines, information obtained during geological exploration, and analytical data.
  Each project, created in Geodyne, is a reliable objective document, which, after agreement, will confirm your right to extract groundwater. Call us if you do not have, and our engineers will carry out the assignment on contractual terms, as well as carry out work on the reconciliation and registration of the title deed in Moscow.