Norms of water pressure in residential buildings. Ways to increase the tap water pressure. High pressure also creates certain problems

Hello. Tell me, please, how much water pressure is normal for an apartment? Thank you.

Often one can observe how only a weak trickle of water flows from a fully open faucet. At this time, it should be considered what the water pressure in the water supply system apartment building  should be considered normal, and when it is possible to talk about violation of existing standards.

The causes of pressure decrease

Summing up all the special cases, it can be said that the reason for the pressure decrease is the mismatch of the feeding parameters with the conditions of water consumption. In theory, pumping stations must work with seasonal and diurnal changes, adding expenditure in the evening and on weekends, reducing it at night. In fact, many systems operate on an average schedule, so at peak times, when cranes are open in many apartments, the water pressure in the water pipe is significantly reduced. Especially it is felt by tenants of the upper floors of high-rise buildings. Before them, water with the necessary pressure characteristics simply does not reach.

In some cases, the reason for the pressure drop is the poor quality of the pipelines. In the presence of blockages or deposits on the walls, water flows badly because of the narrowing of the lumen.

Norms and needs

Unfortunately, strict norms and a clear answer to the question, what kind of water pressure should be in the water supply system ,   does not exist. GOST specifies that the optimal value of this parameter is 4 atmospheres. However, the standards are adjusted depending on a number of conditions (region, storeys, etc.). The range of possible values ​​is from 2.5 to 7 atmospheres, up to 10 atmospheres during crimping periods.

The units of measurement and the instruments used for measuring should be given special attention. The peculiarities of modern life include the use of sensitive technology, which is "not indifferent", what will be the pressure of water in the water pipe of the apartment building. If the parameters deviate from the requirements, the unit ( washer, massage shower, etc.) may simply not be included. The recommended values ​​are often indicated in different units.

  • In everyday life, most often used are units for measuring the water pressure in the water pipe, both bar and atmosphere. 1 bar = 1.0197 atm.
  • Specialists often also measure the water pressure in the pipeline in meters of water. 1 bar = 10.19 meters in. Art.

Necessary conditions for the work of household appliances and sanitary equipment

It remains only to understand the importance of the gauge for measuring water pressure in the water supply system, so that plumbing and household units work normally.
Usually two atmospheres are sufficient for most devices and units.  This pressure allows you to wash and take a shower, turn on the washing machine or wash the dishes. In conditions high-rise building  The maximum pressure requirements (4 atm.) are made by a massage shower and Jacuzzi.

What pressure of water in the water main of a private house can be considered sufficient depends, among other things, on the scheme of the irrigation system. To irrigate the hose or connect sprinklers to the general water supply system, at least 4 atm. and a minimum of 1.5 atm. to each of the water consumption points.

Methods of increasing pressure

The easiest way to solve the problem is if the cause of the pressure drop is the condition of the pipes. Replacing the communication, you can restore the normal mode of water supply. It is not difficult to find such a cause by experience. Comparing the pressure in the faucets of the bathroom and kitchen, checking how things stand with the pressure of water in the neighbors of the upper and lower floors, you can find a place where the pressure decreases. When auditing intra-apartment communications, it can be found out that the defect is eliminated and does not have any problems at all - an obstructed filter at the entrance to the apartment or installed on a certain tap can become an obstacle to normal water supply. The cleaning or replacing the device will resume the water supply in the optimum mode.

  • If the water flow is there, but its pressure is too low, it is recommended to use boost pumps that cut into the line before the water consumption points.
  • If periodically the water ceases to flow at all, it is hardly possible to do without a pumping station with a hydraulic accumulator. The presence of a reservoir makes it possible to always have a supply of liquid in the event of a water cutoff.

The disadvantage of additional equipment (especially when it comes to the drive) is the need to allocate for its installation a large enough space, which is much more difficult to do in a city apartment than in a private house.

Pressure in the water supply system is an important characteristic of a properly installed pipeline system. From this parameter depends the comfort and convenience of consumption by users of water, the safety of residents of apartment and apartment building. Moreover, many plumbing fixtures are very sensitive to the minimum and maximum working pressure in the pipes.

First of all, it is worth noting that the pressure in the water supply system depends on the type of real estate in operation and the pipeline system. Complexity of organization of central water supply, a huge number of influencing factors and individual features of buildings do not allow to unequivocally say what minimum or maximum pressure should be in the pipes.

In some cases, the deterioration of utility pipelines can reach a level of more than 120-130%, which immediately leads to a drop in the quality of water supply. This situation requires regular repairs, stopping the water supply and huge costs for the restoration of water supply. However, the only effective method  check the integrity of the pipes - this is to test, measure for compliance testing. In some regions, planned shutdown of hot or cold water supply is provided to replace emergency areas.

Frequent problems

The most common among consumers is the problem with a minimum (weak) head of water. In such cases, there may be a failure of work gas columns, the inlet pressure in which should be not less than 1,2-1,4 Atm. Columns of different manufacturers in one way or another are demanding for water quality and pressure, but at a lower standard, the device goes into emergency mode and refuses to work.

The only possible way to solve this problem is to install a pump that increases the pressure in the water supply. It has a relay, a flow sensor and a speed controller. As soon as the consumer opens the tap on the washbasin or any other plumbing fixture, the electricity is automatically turned on from the mains and the pump pumps a certain volume of water, thereby increasing the head.

Especially relevant is the installation of similar equipment for owners of old buildings or with improperly installed pipelines. By mistake, many apartment owners make an unreasonable step, and install not specialized, but various household pumps, down to pumping stations, or vortex pumps. Even the presence of a relay and a pressure regulator will not allow such a technique to increase the pressure, because if the pipeline does not allow more water to pass, there is nowhere else to take it. The norm in apartments is from 1.5 to 5 Atm.

If the pressure is above 5 Atm., It makes sense to think about installing a pressure regulator.  This situation is dangerous because the increased pressure will rupture hoses, pipes, spoil the plumbing equipment. In addition, the high pressure is not entirely convenient for consumers. Some heaters, hinged boilers, or electric water heaters are equipped with a safety valve. Pressure in the water pipe can force it to work, which will lead to the flooding of the house or apartment.

Regulators are of several types:

  • dynamic - working only in the flow of water;
  • static - with a system of valves that allow you to keep the pressure in the specified range, despite the movement of water.

The fact is that in dynamic pressure reducers with prolonged absence of consumption, there can be an increase in the level, relative to that which should be in the specified parameters. It is better to install several pressure gauges, before the pressure regulator and after. Thus, it is possible to control not only the parameters of the pipeline operation, but also to monitor the contamination of the filters, if any, to test the valves on the boiler.

Private house and water pressure

In a private house, water supply is usually organized either from a well or from a well. Such systems are very profitable in terms of payment utilities, they allow you to achieve autonomy and high comfort when servicing a cottage or villa.

Despite the fact that the system is mounted directly to the owners' requirements, there may also be problems or mistakes made during installation that affect the quality of the water supply.

   Water supply system at home using a well

The most frequent breakdowns and problems are:

  1. Malfunction of the relay or the pressure regulator - feels like a sudden increase or decrease in pressure. You can also observe the lack of feed, or the step-like pressure. By itself, the control board is quite simple and hardy, but eventually contacts can oxidize, the membrane may lose its properties. A failed pressure sensor also carries a fire hazard, as it can cause a short circuit. Disconnect the pump from the electrical network, check the readings on the manometer and what the water pressure in the water pipe is on the device. If visible signs of reflow, contact closure or corrosion - replace the relay immediately.
  2. Torn - compensating capacity - an important element for the operation of the water supply system. The pressure switch operates in a certain range, which is provided by stretching and narrowing the special rubber pear. If it is unusable or ruptured - it will be immediately noticeable by the pressure of the water. Once you open the tap, immediately a powerful push of water will be felt. If the faucet is closed, the pump will immediately turn off. This is an incorrect work algorithm, which can not only make the use of a water pipe uncomfortable, but also cause a pump failure due to frequent on / off cycles. The membrane is easily changed by unscrewing the flange. It is important to find the cause of the failure of the pear, since the new one will not last long if the body contains jags, sand, rust.
  3. Like the second point, the situation can also occur when a large amount of sand is poured into the compensating tank. This happens rarely, but carelessness and negligence can lead to the failure of the entire pipeline system. Wells, wells can often be highly silted. Or, for example, a suspended pump breaks off and begins to feed sand from the bottom of the well. This leads to instantaneous clogging of the accumulator. Pressure will start to jump up and down, and if the cause is not eliminated in a timely manner, it is possible to catch sand in the pipes throughout the private house.
  4. Failure of the pump - the pump may eventually lose its original characteristics. This is due to the partial burnout of the motor winding, improper operation. Take out the pump and check its housing for cracks, bumps, corrosive shells.
  5. Constant pressure drop and cyclical pump starts - the problem is most likely broken check valve. Thanks to it, the relay is triggered by the pressure drop, and the consumer does not wait for water to be set in the tank every time. If the backflow valve plate is broken, jammed or damaged, the water will return to the well or well, which will cause the pressure to drop and the regulator to run. Frequent inclusion adversely affects the operation of pumping equipment, eliminate the cause as soon as possible.

Pressure problems can be caused by improper installation of the pipeline, violation of operational requirements, breakage or water supply features. Anyway, modern plumbing equipment can eliminate problems with high or low pressure in the pipes, providing comfort and comfort to consumers.

The familiar system of central water supply is a very complex structure. Many consumers often have to deal with water pressure fluctuations.

This is caused by changes in the pressure in the pipeline. But is it permissible and how to avoid the unpleasant consequences of such a phenomenon?

For this, it is first necessary to study the normative documentation, according to which any water supply system is designed.

The organization of any uninterrupted water supply system should be based on current regulatory documents.

They regulate the main indicators and specifications, which are observed without fail, indicating which water pressure should be in the water supply.

The basis is, according to which the design of central water supply systems for municipal and economic services takes place. However, for consumers, first of all, the water pressure indicators in the system are important.

According to the norms, there are several indicators:

Water pressure. At the maximum consumption of water in the building at the entrance to it (before distribution by consumer points) it must be at least 10 m.

This applies to single-story houses. When increasing the number of storeys for each additional level, you need to add 4 m.

As an example, you can consider a standard 9-storey house. For him, the input water column is:

10+ (4 * 9) = 46 m, or 4.6 atm.

It is worth noting that this is the size of the input stream. Before you send it to specific consumers, you should reduce the pressure to normal.

It should not exceed 6 atm. For hot water supply (DHW), data must be taken from, which regulates the organization of internal water supply in residential buildings.

According to the calculated indicators, the DHW pressure should be within the limits of:

From 0.3 to 6 atm.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the nominal values ​​for each sanitary appliance, for which the minimum free head should not be less than the following figures:

  • washbasin with mixer - 0,2 atm .;
  • bathroom and faucet - 0.3 atm .;
  • shower cabin - 0.3 atm .;
  • toilet bowl - 0.2 atm.

As accounting data, utilities take into account the average daily water consumption. The table shows the specific indicators for a well-maintained housing stock:

Photo: table of indicators of daily water consumption, l-pers.

It should be noted that these figures have significantly decreased - until 2000. They were 600 liters per person. In addition to the documents, the data from which are taken as settlement, there is one more - Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 23.05.2006 N 307.

These data refer not only to the central, but also to the autonomous water supply of houses. Therefore, when designing such a system, the above indicators should be taken as a basis.

When using a well, when calculating pumping equipment, its depth is taken into account. Those. for two-story house, water for which is supplied from a well depth of 30 m. The pumping equipment should create a pressure in the system not lower than the following indicator:

10+ (4 * 2) + 30 = 48 m or 4.8 atm.

If this figure is higher than 6 atm. - A system of pressure compensation (reduction) should be provided.

In what units is it measured

As indicators of pressure in the water pipe use standard physical quantities.

Water column value

This characteristic does not apply to system, but it is used for many hydraulic calculations. It corresponds to the hydrostatic pressure of the water column in 1 m at normal density indices.

For example, if it is necessary to pump equipment with water column parameters of 20 m, then it should provide water lifting to the same height.


Also a non-systemic unit of pressure. Its value is roughly equal to the 1 st atmosphere or 10 meters of water column.

Technical atmosphere

The initial reference point is taken as the atmospheric pressure value at the level of the World Ocean. It corresponds to the pressure that occurs when a force of 1 kg is applied to an area of ​​1 cm².

There is also an indicator of the Physical atmosphere, but it is not common in the territory of the Russian Federation.


The only system unit that is similar to the technical atmosphere. The only difference is in the definition. It is equal to the pressure arising at a force of 1 Newton per square meter.

Each of the above sounded values ​​is applicable to the water pressure characteristics in the water supply system. To change from one to another, you can use the following table:

  Photo: water pressure characteristics in the water supply system

Despite the current rules and regulations, utilities do not always comply with the optimum pressure in the water supply. In order to achieve a better indicator, several methods of stabilizing the pressure should be used.

How to increase the pressure

Before proceeding to the independent design of the pressure normalization system, it is absolutely necessary to contact the Housing and Utility Service.

Its representatives, according to the received complaint, are obliged to carry out measuring works and draw up the corresponding document.

If the minimum water pressure in the water pipe does differ from the normal one, then the Housing Administration should take measures to stabilize it.

But in practice this scheme practically does not work. What can we do in such cases, and do we need any independent actions?

Negative factors:

  • at an unstable index of pressure, a hydraulic shock may occur. Its consequences are often very detrimental - violation of the integrity of the pipeline, failure of plumbing fixtures;
  • work of household appliances that consume water. This applies to washing machines and dishwashers. For their normal operation, the pressure in the water pipe must not be less than 0.4 atm. Otherwise, there are failures in work and breakdowns;
  • comfort level. With a weak head, it is quite problematic to take a shower or corny dishes.

Consider the most common case, when the pressure is significantly below normal. For normalization, the following methods can be applied.

Video: pumps for increasing water pressure GIDROSNAB TOP 12

Installation of a hydraulic accumulator and a centrifugal pump

The accumulator is a metal tank, which is divided into two parts.

  Photo: hydroaccumulator

They are separated by a plastic membrane. One of the chambers is filled with water from the system, and the second serves as a limiter.

When the water pressure reaches a certain value, the membrane does not allow the system to fill up further. To regulate the pressure in the air chamber, a nozzle is provided in the structure for injecting (bleeding) air.

The accumulator is installed together with the centrifugal pumpwhich produces a forced withdrawal of water from the system.

To automate the control of the operation of this system, the following components are required:

  • pressure switch. It is connected to the pump and operates when a certain level of water pressure is reached;
  • manometer - allows you to visually monitor the current performance.

For the installation of this system, it is necessary to calculate the consumption, since in the case of a pressure drop in central system  below 0.2 atm. The pump automatically stops operating.

Important! Consider the relatively small capacity of the accumulator. In most cases, it does not exceed 100 liters.

As an alternative to this scheme, we can consider a complex method - pumping station  with storage capacity. Pumping station - is already assembled in one design, a hydroaccumulator and a pump. In the overwhelming majority of cases, all protective and control equipment has already been installed in it.

  Photo: pumping station

The pump station is connected to the central water supply and the main line to the storage tank is already running from it.

In the event of a complete shutdown of water, you can use the reserves from the tank. Some prefer to save and install only the pump, connecting it to a common system.

But this approach is accompanied by the following unpleasant factors:

  • fast wear of pumping equipment. With uneven pressure, the automation will soon fail;
  • water will be pumped, which will lead to a water hammer;
  • if all the tenants of the house install such pumps, then a "struggle" for the pressure will begin, which will lead to deterioration common system  water supply.

How to reduce the pressure in the aqueduct

Increasing water pressure in the water pipe is very dangerous for local pipelines and sanitary equipment. With its constant value, pipes can break out, the performance of the instruments may deteriorate.

To solve this problem, you can use several methods. The most effective is the installation of a pressure reducer in the place of connection to the common water supply.

  Photo: pressure reducer

Its principle of operation is based on the interaction of two forces - the pressure of water and springs. The spring presses against the water intake chamber, thereby regulating its pressure. In this case, the force of the spring compensates for the excess pressure. A typical scheme of the water reducer is shown below.

  Photo: water reducer circuit

Adjustment is by means of a rod. It is important to observe normal head pressure. To do this, it is recommended to install a pressure gauge, which should be located immediately after the reducer.

Before proceeding with the design of a pressure normalization system in hot or cold water pipes, it is necessary to know the current indicators.

Important! It should be taken into account that the head can change over time. This is clearly visible in the morning and evening hours, when the water intake in apartment buildings is most active.

To accomplish this task, you will need statistics that are best obtained as follows:

  • to make a schedule of measurements. It is best to do this 4 times a day - in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening and at night. Indications should be taken within a week;
  • determine the minimum and maximum headings;
  • compare the results with the above standards.

According to the data obtained, it is possible to choose the optimal method for controlling the pressure in the water supply.

  Photo: water manometer

The device must be installed in close proximity to the connection point to the common central water supply.

In addition to this method, there is also a "folk method". To do this, take a standard plastic liter bottle. In the lid, install the tube, which is installed in the flexible shower hose. detailed instructions  This type of pressure measurement is shown in the video.


There is a definite formula for calculating water pressure in the system. Its full part with all the introductory ones is quite difficult for practical application.

Therefore, it is customary to use a simplified version, which is calculated for a standard cross section of nozzles in a 0.85 cm mixer.

To calculate, you need a 3-liter can, which will be filled when the crane is fully open. It is important to note the exact time of its filling.

The formula is as follows:

P = 21.22 / t²,

where R  - pressure indicator (kg / cm²), t  - time filling of a farm  liter cans, sec. Experienced the following results:

  Photo: calculation of water pressure in the pipeline

Pressure regulator

The water pressure regulator for water supply systems has a nearly identical design with a water reducer. The only difference is a more extensive safety system - an emergency valve, which opens when the water head is exceeded.

  Photo: water pressure regulator for water supply systems

Important! If such a situation arises, the excess pressure is absorbed by the membrane. If there is a discrepancy between the parameters of the water pressure in the central water supply system, it is necessary to take measures to normalize them.

Otherwise, with connivance, not only the plumbing equipment may suffer, but the entire internal layout of the pipes.

Video: crazy handles - homemade water pressure gauge

For the smooth operation of plumbing devices, it is necessary that the water pressure in the water pipe meet a certain indicator, which is usually calculated individually. But accurate calculations do not guarantee that in practice the water head will be optimal. Owners of country houses are most often faced with the problem of low water pressure in the pipes. It can be solved through the introduction of equipment.

Tap water pressure is measured in bars. The value has an alternative name - atmospheric unit. Under a pressure of 1 bar water can rise to a height of 10 m.

In urban networks, usually the pressure is 4-4.5 bar, which is enough to maintain multi-storey buildings.

High pressure  in the water pipe can cause the flow of the pipe, so it is important to pre-calculate the optimum level of pressure yourself

According to normative documents, in particular the instructions of the collection SNiP 2.0401-85, the permissible pressure for cold water varies from 0.3 to 6 bar, for hot - from 0.3 to 4.5. But it does not follow from this that the pressure at 0.3 atmosphere will be optimal. Here only allowable limits of pressure are given.

Residents of private houses are forced to calculate the pressure in the water pipe individually. In the event that the system is autonomous, the head may exceed the limits permitted by regulatory documents. It can fluctuate around 2.5-7.5 bar, and sometimes reach 10 bar. The standard values ​​for the normal operation of the system with the pumping station are the interval 1.4 - 2.8 bar, corresponding to the factory setting of the pressure switch indicators.

If you provide an excessively high pressure in the system, then some sensitive devices may fail or malfunction. Therefore, the pressure in the pipeline should not exceed 6.5 bar.

Artesian flowing wells are capable of giving a pressure of 10 bar. Such pressure is able to withstand exclusively welded joints, most of the fittings, shut-off and control units under its action are destroyed, resulting in leakage in the areas.

Determine what kind of water pressure is necessary for the normal functionality of the suburban house water supply, it is necessary taking into account the used household appliances. Some types of plumbing devices do not work at low pressure.

For example, for a Jacuzzi you need pressure of 4 bars, for a shower, fire fighting systems - 1.5 bars, for a washing machine - 2 bars. If you provide for the possibility of watering the lawn, then there should be a strong head in 4, sometimes - in 6 bars.

Household plumbing fixtures connected to the water supply are able to operate correctly only from a certain pressure, which is usually not less than 1.5 bar

The optimum pressure indicator for a country house will be a mark of 4 bars. This pressure is enough for the proper operation of all plumbing devices. At the same time, most fittings, knots of shut-off and control valves are able to withstand it.

Pressure in 4 bar can ensure not every system. Usually for country houses, the pressure in the water pipe is 1-1.5 bar, which corresponds to gravity flow.

Causes of low pressure in the aqueduct

AT country houses Water in the water supply network comes from wells or wells. If the system is completely autonomous, then to create the right head, two things must be considered:

  • the need to ensure the rise of water;
  • it is important to make a true hydraulic calculation and correctly implement it in practice - to provide the necessary pressure in points and points remote from the catchment area, located at different heights.

From this follows the two main problems of individual water pipes.

  1. There are not enough well resources - the flow rate of the hole does not allow to maintain normal pressure, and, consequently, to increase the head.
  2. There is a lot of water in the well, so pumps can pump high pressure (up to 6 bar), which can lead to rupture of connections, leaks, and rapid deterioration of equipment.

In the first case pumps pump liquid, creating its circulation before the occurrence of a certain pressure, but in time it weakens. In the second case, it is necessary to select a pump with a capacity that is equal to the daily rate of water consumption.

The flow rate of water in the pipeline directly depends on the well production rate and its quantity

Nevertheless, most private house owners are worried about the issue of how to raise pressure in their own water pipe competently, rather than lower it, because only a few artesian wells. Most of the holes, however, generate a weak pressure of water, or even not at all capable of producing any pressure.

If the house uses standard household appliances, it is enough to raise the pressure to 2.3-2.5 bar - this wave is enough for their uninterrupted simultaneous operation with good pressure. If the house provides a jacuzzi or irrigation system, then there is a need for higher pressure.

To measure the pressure, a pressure gauge is used. It is bought separately and built at the point of entry of water into the house. Also there is installed a water meter. Some equipment comes with a manometer. For example, a heating boiler, if the FGP is envisaged.

Principle of pressure adjustment water supply networks  Private houses are the same as the autonomous system, the network differs only in size

A simple manometer has a scale of 0 to 7, which allows you to install it in an apartment, a private house.

Methods of increasing the pressure in the pipeline

If the pressure in the water pipe is low, the reason can be as follows.

  1. There is water in the pipeline, but there is no pressure.
  2. There is no water in the pipeline on the upper floors.

To solve the first problem, it is necessary to introduce a pump in the system, which increases the pressure, to solve the second, to install a storage station.

The introduction of a pump to increase the pressure

If the water in the pipeline is present, but there is no head, then a discharge pump is installed. Also, the device can be installed in case there is no pressure in the apartment with centralized heating.

The reason for the lack of pressure can be as follows:

  • the well is remotely located at home;
  • the capacity of the base pump is not sufficient to ensure the supply of water to the upper floors.

The pump is usually mounted at the entrance to the home pipeline network in front of the manifold or the first tee.

There is one drawback of central pumps - they create a vacuum, that is, can pump saturated air with water. The usual centrifugal pump is sensitive to the air content of the liquid, so it is worth giving preference to the vibrational modifications.

The water pump is powered by an electric motor. The inner element rotates, thereby increasing the pressure in the pipes. The body of the device is usually made of durable plastic

To install the device in apartment house  it is important to choose a modification of the correct capacity, otherwise the owner of the "pumped" water pipe will lower the pressure in neighboring apartments. It is recommended to place the pump on a pipe leading to a particular household appliance.

In general, the pump cuts into the common pipe, which is responsible for supplying water to the apartment or house. The device itself is quite compact and is inexpensive.

Main types of injection pumps

There are models with dry and wet rotor (flowing). Elements of a pump with a wet rotor lubricate the passing fluid. Devices of this class do not require additional maintenance if they are initially properly connected.

The electric pump, in contrast to the vibrating pump, is installed between the water pipe and the source of water

A pump with a dry rotor has a good capacity, but it needs regular maintenance, gives out quiet sounds when working, reminiscent of the squeak of a mosquito. Its details are protected by a waterproof damper, so you will have to clean the device once a month.

By type of operation, the pumps are divided into the following types:

  • a pump that increases the pressure in manual mode and has a manual control. The model works constantly, does not have automatic switches. The device has a simple, simple design for ordinary people; most often the device is used in "warm floor" systems;
  • automatic pump - starts only when the crane or household appliances are turned on. After they close, it turns off.

The automatic pump costs more than manual, consumes little energy, reacts quickly to changes in pressure and today is the most in demand.

It is quite easy to choose a pressure pump. It is important to determine the following:

  • on a hot or cold water  the device will be installed;
  • the necessary level of pressure - the higher the value, the greater the pressure in the system.

Accordingly, the higher the head, the greater the power and throughput of the equipment.

It is equally important to choose a pressure pump with the brand in mind, because in the event of a breakdown, not every repair service will take care of the production model of an unknown company. The most famous and recognized manufacturers are Grundfos, Wilo, Sprut. Each firm specializes in the production of various modifications of the device.

For example, Grundfos produces circulating pumps of small volume, Wilo develop models with built-in accumulator.

To connect a circulation pump, you need to:

  1. Cut off the water on the plot.
  2. Release water from the pipeline and the system as a whole.
  3. Cut off the part of the pipe in which the installation will be made.
  4. Attach fittings and nozzles to the joints.
  5. Cut the equipment into the water pipe.

It is also acceptable to use a polypropylene or rubber hose for easy installation. In modern circulating pumps  such pipes are included.

Increasing the pressure of the storage tank

When in the house pipelines stand without water or in case there is water on the ground floor, but does not reach the top floor, it is necessary to purchase a pumping station. It is also introduced into the system when the network pressure is less than 0.2 bar and the flow rate is less than 2 l / m.

Any pumping station operates according to one principle. Mount it at the point of conjugation of the external or internal branch of the domestic pipeline network

The principle of its work is the following. The pump pumps the liquid into the station (tank or hydraulic accumulator), which operates under a pressure of 1.5-2 bar. Water arrives until the moment when in a tank there will be a head in 1.5 or 2 bars. If the station is equipped with accumulators, then the pressure created can be an order of magnitude higher. After generating the required pressure, the pumping station is automatically shut down.

Special pressure sensors have been introduced into the design of the storage station. When the head drops to 1.5 bar, the main pump turns on, and when it goes to a certain point, it turns off.

A system with a pump and a storage tank has a number of nodes, which makes it difficult self-assembly. In order for the equipment to work correctly and smoothly, it is better to contact the specialists (+)

The pump in the station can be one of two types - centrifugal or vibratory.

By type of suction, distinguish:

  • designs with a removable ejector - capable of generating a pressure of 5 bar. The ejector is immersed in the well, and the tank itself can be located at home, since it practically does not make noise during operation. The station is mainly used in cases where the source of water is deep, and its disadvantage is the sensitivity to mechanical elements - sand, dirt, etc.
  • equipment with integrated ejector - suitable for shallow (up to 8 meters) wells and wells, efficiently operates in dirty water, is not sensitive to airborne, but has a high noise level, so it is usually installed in special outhouses.

Models with a storage tank are economical (they start when the tank is emptied), but they have many drawbacks - they generate a small head, they have large dimensions, and a gap in the construction can occur, as a result of which the room can flood.

The stations with the tank are practically not used today. To replace them came models with a hydroaccumulator. They are small in size, they do not rustle at work. Set the device can be in the basement, utility room, a separate annex. At the same time, the risk of leaks is minimized. But the accumulator has a small reserve of capacity (about 25 liters) and it is not installed on wells with low production rate.

Also, the stations are divided into surface ones (when the pump is located on the ground) and submersible (the device is submerged in water), wells and wells.

To increase the level of water pressure in the apartment pipeline, pumping stations are not used due to structural features and noise during operation.

Despite its impressive cost, the pumping station has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • it is possible to set any desired pressure in the house, which will allow using any plumbing fixtures, including those that require high-pressure operation;
  • the water supply will be uninterrupted even if it is not in the central line (thanks to the storage tank).

There are disadvantages of the system - it is cumbersome, takes up a lot of space.

It is important to correctly determine the amount of storage capacity. Take this value taking into account the average daily rate of water consumption. If the family consists of 3-4 people, then a day will be enough for about 500 liters of water.

In calculations, it is also important to consider that water should be updated from time to time in order to avoid the occurrence of bacteria.

If there is enough water in the tank (or the pressure in the system drops), the pump starts automatically, which pumps up the necessary pressure in the network, and after reaching a certain mark, it turns off

It is important to timely and regularly clean the storage tank, because it accumulates pathogenic bacteria. Prevent their reproduction of small bags of technical silver, placed inside the tank.

It should be remembered that there should be no stop valves on the overflow pipe. If the float valve fails, water will flow through it.

It is also necessary to install a bypass, so that in the event of a breakdown of the station, it is possible to shut down the system without completely shutting down the water supply.

Roller number 1. How to choose an electrical station. In the video you can learn about the features of the choice power station  with accumulator:

Roller number 2. Installing the storage pump. Video describes the main points when installing a pressure pump:

As you can see, it is not difficult to raise the pressure in the water pipe. To solve the problem, a pressure pump or a special pumping station is used. If the pump can be mounted on its own, the installation of the station should be entrusted to professionals.

Normal pressure in heating systems, cold and hot water supply, allows them to work with maximum efficiency. That is why when designing these networks it is very important to focus on the norms of water supply pressure.

If the pressure is below optimal, it will become inconvenient or even impossible to use the water pipe. And if higher - there is a risk of failure of working units and water-separating devices.

What you need to know and do to optimize the operation of such systems, you will learn from this article.


Norms of pressure in the water supply system are regulated by SNiP 2.04.02-84 and

According to these documents, their admissible boundaries should be within the following limits:

  • Cold water supply 0,3-6 atmospheric units;
  • Hot water supply 0.3-4.5 atmospheric units.

These are extremely permissible values ​​at which the system will work. But how to work is a completely different matter. But first things first.

What is the pressure in the pipeline

The unit for measuring the head is 1 bar. This pressure, which creates a ten-meter water column on the surface.

It is also often measured in atmospheric units, which, by their numerical values, are practically equal to a bar. More precisely, 1 bar = 1.0197 atm. The difference is insignificant, so it does not matter much.

Which head is considered optimal

According to the same building codes, the working pressure of cold water in an apartment building should be equal to four atmospheres.

But in fact it can be higher, and below this value - depending on which floor the apartment is located on, and on the activity of water consumption by neighbors. Small deviations in this or that side are permissible, and 4 bars at the entrance is the pressure that will ensure a comfortable and safe use of the system for all consumers.

A slightly different situation with private low-rise buildings. Since the maximum height of water rise in them rarely exceeds 10 meters, then there are other norms of water supply: the pressure of 2-3 bars is considered normal.

All of the above concerns mostly cold water supply. The operating pressure in the hot water supply system may be lower, since the main appliances, which require a certain head for normal operation, are powered from the HVS.


For each of these devices there is a regulatory pressure on water supply:

  • Maximum "requests" for a bath with a Jacuzzi system - it requires a pressure of 4 atmospheres for normal operation;
  • Approximately the same, or slightly less, is needed to irrigate a large area through stationary sprayers;
  • Washing machine and dishwasher will not work at a pressure below 2 bar;
  • With the comfort of taking a shower it will be possible if the minimum head in the system is 1.5 atmospheres;
  • At least 1.5-2 atmospheres will also be required for autonomous fire extinguishing devices if the house is equipped with such a useful system.

Council. Buying such household appliances, always pay attention to its performance, including the value of the minimum pressure for which it is designed. You can get this information from a consultant or an instruction manual.

In a private house with autonomous water supply, it needs to be designed in such a way that the pressure in the system is sufficient for all consumers - even with simultaneous operation of all taps and appliances. In other words, the pump should be taken with a margin of power.

How and how pressure is measured in the system

Measure the pressure in the pipelines with special devices - manometers.

  • On heating systems they are always, and heating boilers  most often come complete with a manometer.
  • There are they and at the input of water in apartment buildings.
  • But private traders, if they want to control the pressure in the water supply system, one has to take care of this independently, manually installing the measuring device next to the meter.

These household measuring instruments  can have a scale from 0 to 6, 7, and even 10 atmospheres. In the network, such jumps and periods of water supply under high pressure are really possible. But they should be avoided, keeping the pressure in the range from 1.5 to 4 bar.

Note. With a lower head, water-consuming appliances will not be turned on, it will become inconvenient to use a shower. But too high pressure can cause much more trouble, leading to the appearance of leaks, breakage of valves and other plumbing. Especially if this is the working pressure in hot water supply.

Creating and maintaining pressure in an autonomous aqueduct

The problem of excess head is rare, so let's talk about how to raise the pressure in the water pipe to an acceptable level. In both a private house and a city apartment, you can find an opportunity to do this if you include special pumping equipment in the system (see).

Features of autonomous water supply

From a centralized stand-alone water supply system is characterized by the following features:

  • Before submitting water to the house, it must first be raised to the surface from a well or well. What part of the pump's power is wasted.

  • Provision of standard pressure in the cold water supply system is required for all points that are at different distances from the pressure generating unit and can be located at different heights.

  • The water source may have too low a flow rate in order to maintain a normal pressure in the network for a long time. As long as there is water, the fluid will flow with a good head, but as the well becomes empty, it will weaken, and then the flow of liquid into the system will cease altogether.

  • If there is enough water in the source, but there is a too powerful pump in it, a constant supply at high pressure can lead to premature deterioration of the system.

Almost all of the listed problems are easily solved by the right selection of water-lifting equipment. In addition to the one that is associated with insufficient pressure.

How to optimize the pressure in the water supply

To solve this problem, there are several proven ways:

  • You can include in the system, which will force to raise the pressure in it. It makes sense to do this only if the water in the source is in sufficient quantity, but it comes to remote or high-positioned points of consumption, losing most of the pressure along the way. Such pumps can be controlled manually or automatically. The second method is preferable, since to control the start and stop of the pump, when necessary, the automation will be itself.

For reference. Such pumps can be installed in apartments of multi-storey houses. But in this case you risk leaving the lower neighbors completely without water.

  • If the flow rate is insufficient, using an boost pump will only exacerbate the problem. In this case, it will be solved only by a pumping station with a sufficiently large reservoir for accumulating water. It works according to the following principle: while there is no water extraction, the pump pumps water into the tank. It is a hydraulic accumulator (see), which due to the presence of two cavities (water and air) creates pressure in the cold water supply system - the norm is set by the homeowner. After filling the hydraulic accumulator, the pump is turned off and the well is replenished. When the faucet is opened, water enters the system from the reservoir with a preset pressure. When it falls to the minimum set value, the pump turns on again and pumps up the water.

  • Another way involves the use of large storage capacity. If you put it at the highest point of the house (in the attic or attic), it will be filled with the main pump, as in the previous case, and the consumer is fed by gravity. But to achieve a decent pressure in this case is unlikely to succeed. It is better to buy an additional pump, which will pump water from the barrel. Then it can be installed anywhere, even in the basement.

It is important! The storage tank must necessarily be equipped with float valves, which will disconnect the pump when it is filled and prevent overflow.


As you probably understood, the pressure standards in the water supply system can be quite different from the real values. If the house is not equipped with complex devices, the work of which depends on the presence of a certain pressure, the lowered figures will not bring any special discomfort. Because for washing dishes or taking a shower is quite enough and one and a half atmospheres.

If the pressure is even lower, this is already a problem that needs to be addressed. How can this be done, you just read, but see the additional video in this article will not be superfluous.