Heating rates in the apartment. The norms of heating the apartment and the possibility of compensation for lost heat

The Mayor of Moscow signed on July 14, 2015, which was legalized by an increase in the coefficient of 12/7.

And repeatedly pointed out the illegality of the application of such a coefficient.

However, the aforesaid decree states:

"To establish that if the payment for heating by the population is produced
was conducted monthly (in equal shares) within a calendar year, taking into account the standard (0.016 Gcal per 1 sq. m.), the volume of thermal energy
installed in the heating period for heating needs up to the day
entry into force of this resolution,
  other relation than the ratio of the duration of the calendar year in months to the duration of the heating season in months (12/7), is subject to revision taking into account the ratio 12/7. "

The consequences of this "legitimization" is not difficult to foresee.

The coefficient 12/7, increases the monthly standard of heat consumption by 12/7 times from 0.016 Gcal / m 2. up to 0,027 Gcal / sq. m., that is on 59%

While Rules for calculating the amount of payment for utility services for heating (approved. decree   Government of the Russian Federation of August 27, 2012 No. 857), as amended and supplemented by: September 10, 2013  the method of calculation with a coefficient of 7/12 has already been approved:

1. In the event that the public authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation decides on the implementation by consumers of the payment for the municipal heating service, evenly for all the calculated months of the calendar year, the amount of payment for the utility service for heating is determined by applying the periodicity factor for the consumers paying the utility fee for heating (hereinafter - coefficient of periodicity of payment), determined by dividing the number of months of the heating period in a year by the number of calendar months in the year. In this case, charging for utility services for heating is carried out in each accounting period of the calendar year.

2. Calculation of the amount of payment for utility services for heating is carried out in the following order:

a) the amount of payment for the utility service for heating in the i-th non-equipped individual heat meter for the residential building, as well as the fee for the communal heating service in the i-th not equipped with an individual or common (flat) (apartment) or non-residential premises in an apartment building that is not equipped with a collective (common house) heat metering device is determined by the following formula 1:

The total area of ​​the i-th living quarters (apartments) or non-residential premises;

The standard of consumption of municipal heating services in a residential building, established in accordance with Rules  establishment and definition of standards for consumption of public services, approved decree  Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2006 N 306;

K - coefficient of periodicity of payment, determined in accordance with paragraph 1  these Rules;

Tariff for thermal energy, established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

  That is, it's 7/12, not 12/7!

While the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on the provision of utilities have already been amended (approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2013 N 344)

1. In the Rules for the Establishment and Determination of Standards for the Consumption of Public Utilities, approved by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation

Federation of 23 May 2006 No. 306 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, No. 22, Article 2338, 2012, No. 15, Article 1783):

add the following paragraph 3.1.

How comfortable it will be to be in an apartment building depends largely on whether it is warm in it or not. The air temperature in a city apartment is one of the most important factors in the formation of an optimal microclimate. But for different rooms the temperature is different. Therefore, in this article, the norms of heating of living quarters and the main causes that cause insufficient heating will be considered.

The norm is understood as the temperature range at which activation of the compensatory mechanisms of warming or cooling does not take place. It should be noted that most people feel comfortable when the temperature is in the range of +21 to +25 degrees.

For different population groups this indicator is somewhat different. For example, according to studies, the optimal air temperature in an apartment for children and women is + 23-25 ​​degrees. And for men, these values ​​are slightly lower and are within + 21-23 degrees. Psychologists and hygienists have identified the standards of heating in the apartment, in which a person feels best - it is 18-24 degrees above zero. Therefore, the minimum possible temperature in the room is +18 degrees.

It is at this size that a person can stay in a house for a long time without outer clothing and without prejudice to one's health. Regulate the heating norms in the apartment legally. In the cold period of time, certain climatic parameters should be maintained in apartment houses and apartments. All this is detailed in the documentation. According to the norms, there is also a calculation of the payment for heating. In different cases, the norms are set differently.

Since the heating parameters in the apartment depend on three factors:

When does the heating season begin?

Considering the norms for the inclusion of heating, it becomes clear that the heating season begins from the moment when the average daily temperature outside the window for 5 days does not exceed +8 degrees. The supply of heat ceases if the outside temperature is above +8 degrees, and this situation lasts more than five days.

As a rule, the heating season lasts from mid-October to early April.

But it is worth noting that social facilities, educational institutions can apply for the start of heating before the deadline. Usually 1.5-2 months before the start of the heating period, a heating test is carried out in the city houses. At all entrances, announcements about the timing of the test run are pasted. This is done in order to check the integrity of the system.

At the specified time, tenants of apartments should stay at home. After all, during a trial run, a system leak may occur. The installation and commissioning of the heating system is obligatory, and after the installation of the heat supply system or its repair and modernization. This allows you to check the readiness of engineering systems. And also bring them to the desired operating parameters.

Standards of apartment heating

The normative temperature in living quarters is + 20-22 degrees. Of course, some deviations are possible. The temperature is from +18 to +24 degrees. But, if the room is angular, it is most exposed to wind and frost. Therefore, for such apartments the temperature should not fall below the mark of +20 degrees.

Depending on the type of premises, the following standards are established:

During sleep, the need for warmth is somewhat reduced. Therefore, according to GOST in the period from 24:00 to 5:00 in residential buildings, the temperature can be lowered by 3 degrees. If the start of heating in the apartment building occurred, and the batteries do not give proper heat and the temperature in the apartment is below the normative level, residents have the right to apply for the recalculation of payment for heating services and not to pay for the heat they do not receive.

What are the features of heat supply systems for urban apartments?

Sometimes, the temperature in the room with the beginning of the heating season is at a level lower than the established standard. There can be many reasons for this. Knowing how the heating system works in an apartment building, it is much easier to identify problems and eliminate them.

In brief, the functioning of the system can be represented as follows. From the central boiler house, the heat transfer medium is transported through the main pipelines to the heat unit of the house and distributed to separate apartments. If the heating systems do not sufficiently heat the room, additional adjustment of the hot water supply is performed. It is produced on a heat point. For such purposes, special circular pumps are used. The above method of water supply is called independent.

There is also a dependent heating system in the apartment building, in which the coolant enters the batteries of apartments directly from the CHP without additional distribution. Also, heat supply systems, depending on the wiring diagram, can be single-pipe and two-pipe. Competent and correct distribution of heating in the house is a guarantee of efficient and high-quality heating.

In the case of an apartment building there are a number of shortcomings. The big disadvantage is that in the process of transportation hot water loses a lot of heat. The coolant is supplied from the bottom upwards. Therefore, on the upper floors, often the batteries are hardly warm.

With this wiring scheme, it is not possible to adjust the radiators. It is also not possible to replace the batteries without draining the entire circuit. But the situation is solved by installing jumpers. Such a system of heating a multi-storey house on the one hand is characterized by savings, but on the other hand it contributes to the uneven distribution of heat across the apartments. Residents of the upper apartments in winter are very cold.

But it allows more evenly to heat all apartments on all floors of the house. The two-pipe type circuit differs in that the water cooled in the battery does not flow back to the same pipe, but into the return channel.

Why is the temperature in the apartment below normal and what should I do?

If the start-up of a multi-storey house heating system has occurred, and the batteries remain cold or barely warm, you should contact the utility to determine the reasons for the inefficient heating. Employees of the service must come, fix the deviation of temperature from the norm established in the act. Within a week the problem should be solved. Otherwise, tenants have the right to apply to higher authorities.

A common cause of cold batteries is the air cork formed in the system.

If there was a heating shutdown in the heating season, then most likely this is temporary, and is associated with repair work. And, perhaps, one of the neighbors decided to change the battery or add new sections, which led to the need to turn off the heating.

In rooms with a central type of heating is most often installed. Sometimes in a block of flats heating pipes become clogged and their flushing is necessary. Do this only professionals. After all, this requires special knowledge, skills, experience. It will require special hydropneumatic equipment, a mixture of water and compressed air. Cleaning of heating systems can be carried out without flushing risers. This procedure owner of the apartment can hold and independently. The truth takes work a lot of time and requires the dismantling of batteries. All this allows increasing the efficiency of the system.

Poor heating can be associated with the fact that the power of the heating battery is low. This situation can be caused by the peculiarities of mounting the equipment. For example, if you install a radiator in a niche, then its heat output will be several times less. If the battery sections are insufficient, the system will also not be able to heat the entire room as required. Therefore, it is so important to install heating units of the required capacity. According to the norms, the power of the radiator should be 1 kW per 10 sq.m.

Some tenants use electricity for heating. Of course, for such heating the house price is quite high. But this heating method is the easiest to operate, and also the most reliable. Electric heating can be purely electric, water and combined.  Consider how many kilowatts you need to heat your home using an electrical type of heating. This value depends on what the owner of the apartment plans to use for heating: an electric boiler, a convector or a "warm floor" system.

Electric boiler is better to choose three-phase. The power of the equipment is different. To determine the required capacity of the boiler, it is necessary to divide the area of ​​the house by 10. So if the area of ​​the house is 140 square meters, a boiler with a capacity of 14 kW will be required. To save, you can set a two-tariff mode of using electrical energy. For convectors, the calculation is carried out according to a similar scheme.

The "warm floor" system is the most convenient heating option. Since for each room you can set a certain temperature. For a house with a total area of ​​90 sq.m. the electricity consumption will be between 5.5 and 9 kW.

Thus, there are legal norms of temperature in apartments. And if these norms are not complied with, the heating system of the apartment building does not heat the room sufficiently enough, the tenants of the house have the right to contact the Housing and Utilities Service to identify the cause of the situation and demand improvement of the quality of heat supply.

The standards for heat supply in apartment buildings are set by the state. The documentation indicates the climatic conditions that should be in the cold season.

Based on this, the cost of utilities is determined. It is important for citizens to know the rules, because no one can deceive them.

The level of heating in apartments is regulated by the following documentation:

  • GOST 30494-96. It recorded the microclimate in residential buildings. It determines the optimal and permissible levels;
  • SP 23-101-2004. The document specifies the rules that builders should take into account when building a house. This makes it possible to create an optimal microclimate in housing;
  • SNiP 23-01-99. Defines hygiene rules;
  • SNiP 31-01-2003. Sets the internal temperature level.

Based on this documentation, different types of premises are defined.

Residential buildings are classified in the first category. Temperature and humidity are optimal only if they create conditions for a normal human life.

There are parameters that cause discomfort, but they are considered acceptable. The air temperature should be equal to +20 degrees and above, and the humidity should not exceed 80%.

Cold in the apartment

Although the law clearly spelled out the norms of heating, in the cold season many residents are complaining about the cold. What is the reason?

This may be due to the deterioration of engineering communications. The equipment has failed and is no longer performing the same functions. In many rooms it is not changed, but simply repaired.

In this case, the overhaul of the central heating systems will help. But the tenants do not solve these issues.

There is another way to eliminate the problem - the inclusion of additional sources in the apartment building. The latest development is the heating of gas boilers and a "warm floor" system.

What is established in the regulations

The following data are indicated in the legislation in relation to heating:

  • The heating season begins with a decrease in the average daily street temperature to +8 degrees. If this is observed for about 5 days, then it is necessary to heat the room. The heating season is coming to an end with the temperature rising to +8;
  • The minimum temperature is set according to the type of room. Its definition must be fulfilled in every room. The thermometer is located 1 meter from the walls and 1.5 meters from the floor;
  • Hot water must enter the house during the year, and its temperature should be from +50 to +70. Deviations are possible only by 4 degrees. If these rules are violated, then tenants have the right to reduce utility payments by 0.15%.

Citizens need to write a statement about the reduction of water temperature or heating. He is served in a supervisory organization. Upon verification, an act is drawn up. Violations must be eliminated within 7 days.

The law prescribes the companies' obligation to supply heat throughout the heating season. The accident can not last more than 16 hours. At this time, the temperature should be normal.

Principles of Standards

Laws set norms that should be respected by municipal organizations. Regional leaders can make changes based on the climate. This is established by local authorities with the help of relevant documents.

What if the standards are not met in an apartment building? Residents have the right to apply to supervisory organizations.

Now there is a bill on which the maximum tariff indices are determined. This is established from various factors, including local conditions.


The standards are not only for heating in the house but also for humidity. This indicator can vary in the apartment for various factors, for example, due to a malfunction in the ventilation. The problem should be solved by municipal institutions.

In winter, humidity should be within 30-45%, but 60% is permissible. And the temperature norm is + 18 + 24 degrees. Norms for humidity are not in the kitchen and bathroom, as these rooms have operational features.

Calculation of heat

Knowing the principles of calculation, you can determine the cost of heating in the house. The rules are established by the administration of the settlement on the basis of standards. They are used to determine the amount of payment.

Normative rules usually last about 3 years. If there is an increase, then it will certainly settle.  The municipal service appeals to the administration about the increase in the cost of heating. If the offer corresponds to reality, then the tariffs go up.

Rules for heat supply are installed in gigacallories. The calculation takes into account:

  • Climate;
  • Average temperature parameters;
  • Type of room;
  • Materials;
  • Quality of engineering structures.

If earlier the payment from tenants was taken only for the resources spent, now the householders are needed. T now we have to pay for the heating of entrances, cellars.  Payments are mandatory for everyone.

Each tenant has the right to reduce costs. To do this, you need to insulate the apartment and install your meter. In this case, the fee will be charged only for personally spent resources.

Install the equipment can those organizations that have a license for this type of work. The device is sealed by inspection companies.

Measurement of coolant temperature

The heating system operates from hot water. It is considered a coolant. For self-measurement of temperature in a glass it is necessary to type hot water and place a thermometer in it. The temperature should be in the range of 50-70 degrees.

There are other methods of measuring heating. Determination of temperature is performed near pipes or radiators.

For this, an infrared thermometer-pyrometer is used. Suitable alcohol thermometer, which must be put on the pipe and cover with a heater.

There is more complicated equipment - an electric thermometer. He is put to the pipe, fixed and performs a stop. Each device has a scale of deviations.

Types of radiators

Often a radiator replacement is required to improve the heating system. When buying, consider the following nuances:

  • For multi-storey houses it is better to choose a cast-iron radiator. The device does not spoil from bad water. Devices are resistant to pressure and water hammers;
  • Bimetallic radiators are suitable for such houses. The device is made of steel, aluminum and copper. The equipment is protected from impacts and corrosion;
  • To the closed systems it is better to choose an aluminum radiator. The device has an original design and high heat dissipation. Because of its low inertness, it is used together with thermoregulation;
  • Quality are steel radiators. They weigh a little and have an unusual design.

Heating systems are changed by competent organizations. Before choosing equipment, it is necessary to consult about what is suitable for home.

After that, the system is checked for operability. During the overhaul, you can immediately install meters. This will control the costs of utility payments.

06.2.2015 | Economy, Tariffs and Budget

Today, February 6, Tatyana Nestatova, the head of the social and economic development department of Lyubertsy, spoke about pricing principles. As she said, the payment for municipal services is calculated proceeding from volume of the consumed municipal services defined under indications of devices of the account, and at their absence - under specifications.

According to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the utility fee is calculated on the basis of the volume of communal services consumed, determined by the readings of the metering devices, or in the absence of them according to the standards.

The procedure for calculating and making payments for utilities is defined in the Rules for the provision of public services approved by Government Decree No. 354.

Let us now consider the issue of determining the payment for heating:

The bodies of state power of the subjects of the Russian Federation, i.e. to the ministries of the Moscow Region, Government Decree No. 857 allowed to make a decision on the use in the calculations for heating standards for the consumption of heating energy for heating, effective until June 30, 2012.

Accordingly, the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Moscow Region, through Order No. 33, enshrined the ability of managers and resource suppliers to calculate the heat consumption for heat that was in effect until 30 June 2012 when calculating for heating.

In our city is 0.0145 Gcal / m2.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1380 determined that this decision is valid until July 1, 2016. Ie, the procedure for settlements for heating in residential houses does not change. In houses that are not equipped with common heating meters for heating, the heating fee is calculated according to the standard.

For example:

The apartment is 55 sq.m.

The tariff for the production of 1 Gcal - 1991.13 rubles / Gcal

The standard of heat energy consumption for heating is 1 m2 - 0.0145 Gcal / m2.

Heating tariff:

1991.13 rub / Gcal X 0.0145 Gcal / m2 = 28.87 rubles / m2

Total heating fee:

In houses equipped with common heating meters for heating, the calculation of heating fees is based on the average monthly volume of heat energy consumption for heating for the previous year. At the same time, the management company makes an annual adjustment to the amount of heating fees.

For example:

The apartment is 55 sq.m.

The average monthly consumption of heat energy for heating 1 m2 is 0.0145 Gcal / m2.

Total heating fee:

55m2 X 28.87 rubles / m2 = 1588 rubles.

However, a common house metering device showed that, in fact, it was not 0.0145 Gcal / m2, but 0.0150 Gcal / m2, that was used to heat 1m2 of living space.

Accordingly, the management company at the end of the year - usually this occurs in January, exposes an additional payment for the actually consumed resource.

In our example - about 1100 rubles.

I emphasize - once a year.

According to the data of the Luberetsk Housing Trust, this recalculation was made in 556 residential buildings, of which 276 are in the direction of increase, in 280 - in the direction of decrease.

Further. In November and December of 2014, representatives of the city administration and the largest management companies appeared on television, on radio, in print media and explained to residents that since January 1, 2015 the procedure for calculating heating fees has changed. inhabitants of apartment houses equipped with common accounting devices for heating were to switch to payment with 1/12 - equal monthly installments for 1/7-only in the heating season.

However, Government Decree No. 1380 postponed the introduction of this rule until July 1, 2016.

On hot water.

In the city, all houses are equipped with community water metering devices.

We have repeatedly explained to residents that

The Committee on Prices and Tariffs has established a two-component tariff:

Component for cold water

Component for thermal energy.

The component for cold water is the volume of cold water for the needs of hot water supply. It is determined in the presence of individual meters - according to the indication of the hot water meter, in the absence of an individual meter - according to the standard - 3.5 m3 / person. per month.

The tariff for cold water is 30.27 rubles / m3;

Individual meter - 3 m3

30.27 rub / m3 X 3 m3 = 90.81 rubles.

Without an individual meter - 3.5 m3

Total component for hot water:

30.27 rub / m3 X 3.5 m3 = 105.95 rubles.

Component for thermal energy.

Everyone who lives in an apartment with stationary heating, faced with cool radiators in the heating season. If the window frost, not enough hot batteries are not able to provide the house with heat. There are natural questions: are there any norms for heating the apartment, where they are recorded and what are they? We will try to answer them.

Causes of under-heating

The construction of heating plants and the connection of users to them took place beginning in 1931. That is, more than 80 years ago, the first heating batteries were installed in the houses. And even if the radiators were installed in the 70-80's, 30-40 years have passed since then. This means that for many years the radiators have "overgrown" with salts and other chemical elements that carry warm water through the system. From this, the thermal conductivity of the batteries decreases and ceases to correspond to the design design standards.

In addition, the time has changed. Under the Soviet regime, builders did not save on fuel, but they built houses from rather "cold" materials - brick and concrete, and did not use a heater. Today, thermal resources need to be saved, so the design norms for the thermal conductivity of the enclosing structures of buildings are changed, but the old houses remain the same. If in our time the coolant is supplied to the radiators, in the calculation of heating new, insulated buildings, then in the old - the room temperature is below the norm.

Standard room temperatures

The heating norms of the apartment are approved by the RF Government Resolution No. 307 of May 23, 2006 and are called "Rules for the provision of public services to citizens". They report that the lower limit of temperature for all rooms is +18 ° C, except corner rooms, in which the temperature minimum should be +20 ° C. These temperatures may differ for different regions. For example, in the Nizhny Novgorod region they were changed to +20 and +22 ° С, respectively.

In "GOST R 52617-2000" it is stipulated that heat suppliers have the right to reduce the temperature of the coolant from 0 to 5 hours of the night, but not more than 3 ° С.

If we talk about a multi-storey house as a whole, then in a corner room min the temperature should not be lower than +20 ° С, in the living room +18, in the bathroom +25, but on the staircase +16, in the elevator +10, in the cellar and in the attic + 4 ° C.

The beginning of the heating season should be set depending on the average daily temperature outside the window: + 8 ° C for 5 consecutive days. On the sixth day the organization should include heating.

Methodical documents of housing and communal services (MDK 2-03.2003) stipulate that for the efficient operation of heating mains, the following executive organizations are responsible: housing construction cooperatives (housing cooperatives), condominiums (homeowners' associations) and management companies (management companies); in them it is possible to address with complaints.

Complaints of tenants and ways of elimination of problems

Nobody wants to pay for substandard services. On the other hand, you can not live in the cold, especially if there are children or elderly relatives in the family. Therefore, people come out of the situation of insufficient heating, as they can: install additional radiators (change to new or more powerful ones). By the way, this is a violation, because the heat that your apartment will additionally receive, will receive less of the neighboring, connected behind it. If there is an unauthorized intervention in the heat supply system, you may be fined and forced to disassemble the batteries.

Consumers of heat who have to warm their own homes themselves and because of this overpay for electricity, want to know how to prove the lack of heat in the house and demand to return the money spent at the expense of the money they have to pay for heating.

To resolve the relationship with the organization that provides heat and compensate for the money spent, the following should be done.

Organization of compensation for lost heat

The requirement for heat recalculation takes place in accordance with the "Procedure for providing services of inadequate quality or their failure to provide". In accordance with the regulatory documents (the above-mentioned "Rules: Section VIII" and "Annex 1"), consumers have the right to require the correspondence of heat in the home to the declared parameters. If they do not correspond to reality, the user has the right to declare unsatisfactory service in the emergency dispatch service of the executing organization. The application must be made in 2 copies, one of which is to be left in the reception organization, having previously registered it and obtaining the name of the employee who accepted it, and the registration number of the application stamped on the copy.

In response, the organization should send its representatives, so that they compiled an act of checking the temperature indicators in the premises of the house; The act must be signed by both parties. It is the basis for the recalculation of fees for payment of services and penalties, if provided for by the contract concluded between the supplier and the consumer of the heating services. (If the auditor and the consumer did not reach a consensus, the act can be signed by the members of the housing inspection or representatives of the public). The recalculation is carried out until the provision of a service that meets the standards is resumed.

The room temperature is measured under the following conditions. Batteries should be open: they can not be "dressed" in boxes with decorative grilles, since some of the heat will escape into the material from which the box is made, even despite the laws of convection (air movement in the room). Also they should not be made furniture. Neither the table, nor the sofa, nor, especially, the cabinet should not obstruct the radiator. The thermometer is installed in a meter from the outer wall at a height of 1.5 m from the floor.

Features of temperature control of radiators

Every consumer would like to control the amount of heat that actually comes to his house. Is it possible? If so, how?

The only way to control the heat that comes to your house is to install a heat meter - a device for determining the temperature and pressure in the main. However, because of the cost and industrial scale of the device, it makes sense to install it on the entire entrance or even the whole house. Calculation of heat will occur, based on the size of the apartments and their location on the riser.

Although the rule stipulated in SNIP 41-01-2003 (paragraph 6.1.3) states that individual heat meters must be installed in each apartment, which will take into account the circulation and heat consumption, in order to correspond to the amount of heat passing through the meter supplied to house.

There is also such an thing as an electronic evaporator that shows the temperature of heating the batteries. But, firstly, they are not available for free sale, and secondly, it can not be the basis for the recalculation. These devices are used in boiler rooms for temperature control and its adjustment.