Wash the shower with vinegar. How to wash the shower with citric acid? Folk remedies for cleaning

You have made repairs in the bathroom, you have purchased a beautiful shower cabin, but over time, during use, your beautiful equipment loses its beautiful original look, shine and beauty, becoming soiled and accumulating soap and lime deposits, and in some cases fungus and mold. How to keep the bathrooms clean?

During each bathing on the walls of the shower streams and streams of water and soap stream. Thus, the cabin eventually acquires an unsightly appearance and it is often difficult enough to remove a white solid that distorts the beauty of the cabin. Therefore, the owners of this equipment often have a question - how to clean the shower from the lime scale? Fortunately, limescale and soap can be effectively removed with a number of specialized cleaning agents and traditional home methods.

What to wash the shower from the lime deposit

Studying the question of how to wash the plaque in the shower, you will find a lot of recommendations and a lot of tools, but in a wide range it is difficult to understand. Therefore, we will consider in detail the means for cleaning shower cabins.

Shower cabins should be cleaned only with soft or harmless chemical preparations with specificity for home use.

  • Never use abrasive materials (for example, cleaning milk or pastes, as well as soda or salt). True, their use can give a quick and seemingly satisfactory effect. Milk and cleaning pastes can quickly cope with the bloom, but they can scratch the walls of the cabin. Some abrasive preparations can also significantly reduce the transparency of the glass and apply micro scratches to the surface, so that the surface will be comfortable for the bacteria to inhabit.
  • In addition to cleaners, it is worthwhile choosing carefully the brushes for cleaning. Avoid using hard brushes or sponges with an abrasive surface. Much better suited is a thin cotton fabric that does not scratch the surface of the glass, and can effectively remove dirt.

Effective means for cleaning the shower from lime and soap deposits

Given the previous tips, the question arises, how to wash the shower from the plaque and not damage the glass and plastic? In the proposals of manufacturers of household chemicals, we will find many successful formulas dedicated to the cleaning of plastic and glass. For cleaning, it is better to choose products containing natural fruit acids. These preparations are delicate, they will not damage the surface, they do not cause discoloration and will effectively clean the walls and pallets from soapy deposits.

More persistent dirt, lime scale, stone, we can clean more powerful means. Just be careful, do not use them on the tile in the bathroom - strong cleansers can discolor the tile.

How can I clean the windows of the shower?

To clean the car windows, use soft formulas that do not drain off the surface to be cleaned. After cleaning the glass, the foam should be removed with a dry cloth or a special sponge to clean the walls of the cabin.

Good detergents form an invisible protective layer on the glass, which prevents re-deposition of plaque and reduces the frequency of harvesting.

On the outer side of the glass, a conventional glass cleaner can be used. Thanks to this cabin will be more shiny, and the glass will become attractive, will have a fresh look.

Valuable advice.   Means for cleaning the cab can damage some elements of the fittings or finish in marble or granite. If you have tiles on the walls, and especially structural it would be better to use only household cleaners that are soft enough and do not cause tile discoloration.

How to clean a shower in your home - effective home remedies

Supporters of home remedies and methods, how to wash the shower from soapy deposits, pay special attention to the fact that chemical detergents can cause irritation to the eyes, skin and respiratory system. Their use is not recommended if the shower is used by young children or people prone to allergic reactions to household chemicals.
  A natural alternative to chemical preparations are some effective home methods:

  1. How to clean the shower with vinegar. We will need vinegar with hot water, you must prepare the mixture in a ratio of 1: 1. Vinegar very effectively removes the lime scale and soap. We can use it both on the walls of the cabin, and on the ceramic tile. The solution is applied to the surface and left for 10 minutes. Then carefully wipe the dirt and rinse clean water   walls and floor. At the end, wipe the walls with a dry cloth. The method is effective, safe for health, and at the same time does not cause discoloration or fading of glass plates and tiles. A mixture of vinegar and water also works well for cleaning places in which stone and plaque is deposited from the mud. Just wipe the mixture with such places, faucets and mixers and leave for a few minutes, then carefully polish them with a damp cloth. In the case of a strong deposit of stone, you can use hot vinegar, leaving it on the surface for several hours.
  2. Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide for a pallet   - the agent should be used to remove fungi and mold, which are formed in hard-to-reach places, usually in the corners of the pallet. The principle is quite simple. On the musty surfaces, apply soda and leave for 10 minutes. Then clean it vigorously to remove everything. Soda alone will not remove the fungus, so the surface is wipe with hydrogen peroxide (3% concentration). Do not rinse, leave the drip tray. With hydrogen peroxide, all fungi will be effectively removed. The method described above is much more effective than many cleaning liquids that are not able to remove all forms of the fungus, or are too strong and harmful to health.
  3. How to clean the shower with citric acid. A packet of citric acid weighing 10 g should be diluted in a glass of warm water and spray the composition on the walls. As in the case of vinegar, leave the compound on the surface for 15 minutes, and then wipe with a sponge and rinse thoroughly with water. If the deposits are difficult to clean, you can change the proportions of citric acid and add two sachets. Remember that gloves should always be worn when working with cleaning agents.

How to remove mold in the shower

Mold is formed in unventilated and humid rooms. To prevent the development of mold, it is necessary to well ventilate the bathroom after each shower. Well, if the room has windows, it is worthwhile to put them in the ventilation mode, when you do not swim. Thanks to this, the cab quickly dries and the tiles do not suitable place   for the growth of bacteria and mold.
Helpful Tips

  • Lime scale and soap can be quickly removed by special impregnation of glass. There are many preparations for processing glass cabins. You can apply them every 2-3 months. These formulations fill the micro-cavities, as a result of which, the water flows out quickly and leaves much less sediment.
  • Another way to reduce the visibility of scale, is to buy a cabin with a pattern or pattern on the walls. True, the spots will appear, but will become much less noticeable.
  • To remove dirt and plaque better to use home remedies, it will cost a lot cheaper and will be cleaner. Unfortunately, sometimes very stable dirt accumulates, which must be removed with household chemicals and special detergents.
  • Remember to use gloves when handling aggressive substances and ventilate the room well. Chemicals should not be used in a closed and unventilated room. If we can not open the windows, then at least we should open the bathroom door, turn on the ventilation and open the windows in the apartment.

Care for a shower is not the easiest thing to do, for someone it's just a punishment, and for me as well. Usually showers are made of acrylic and plastic, which can not be rubbed with abrasive agents, and salt deposits and soapy stains on the walls appear oh how quickly, and this sometimes made me lose my temper.

Every time after taking a shower it is recommended to rinse the cabin first hot, then cold water   and wipe dry with a cloth that does not leave any streaks. Instead, or in addition, you can use a means for cleaning the shower cabins for each day in the form of a spray (they are more convenient to apply).

The stores offer funds for daily care of the shower, but they are not so cheap, and their consumption is great, because cleaning the bath is recommended every day. I bought similar products and I can not say that I was particularly pleased, some smelled strongly, some did not clean the surface at all. The full composition of the funds on the packaging is not indicated, so he always bothered me. And I began to use improvised means. I must say, this simple tool was much better and cheaper than what I bought in the store.

Here I propose two options for funds. One is quite simple, another option is a little more complicated, but works better.

A very simple recipe


2 tbsp. water;
  1 tbsp. white vinegar;


Water and white vinegar pour into a container with a spray, then you can drip tea tree oil (it has antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiseptic properties) and / or lemon (it removes grease and dirt). Shake the mixture well and use.

A more complex but more effective recipe


1.5 tbsp. water;
  1 tbsp. white vinegar;
  50 ml of medical alcohol;
  1 tsp. Castilian soap (or other natural liquid soap or dishwashing liquid);
  10-15 drops of tea tree essential oil (optional);
  10-15 drops of lemon essential oil (optional).


Water, white vinegar, alcohol and soap, pour into a container with a spray, then you can drip essential oils. Shake and use after showering. This means protects the surface from plaque formation and soap divorce.


  • Remember that these funds are designed to maintain the cleanliness of the shower cubicle, so it is best to apply them to initially clean surfaces to prevent subsequent contamination.
  • By these means, you can clean and pollute the cabin, but the cleaning will not happen at once. If you constantly apply the product on the surface after taking a shower, the dirt will gradually come off, but not immediately.
  • In the means you can add any other essential oils to taste. I indicated in the recipes tea tree oil and lemon oil, because they are good for cleaning.
  • As in any homemade product, the ratio of ingredients can be changed.

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A shower cabin is a danger to housewives. Often during cleaning, the question arises: how and what to wash off different surfaces of the cabin, without damaging it at the same time.

Types of cleaning

During the care of the shower, the following steps can be distinguished:

  • Current care - occurs after each shower. Correctly do it as follows: rinse all surfaces first with hot water, then cold and wipe dry.
  • Basic care - is carried out with a periodicity of one week to a month. Use at the same time cleaning agents with mandatory rinsing and wiping dry.
  • Intensive care - cleaning with the use of strong drugs. Produce, if the booth has not been used for a long time, as well as with severe soiling.


In order not to damage the surface and clean up the pollution, it is necessary to know what materials your cabin is made of and what means can be used at the same time.

Basically, in the manufacture of shower cabins, the following materials are used:

  • for the walls, roof, doors use glass and plastic;
  • ceramics, natural or artificial stone, acrylic, enameled surfaces - for pallets, sometimes for the walls of a booth;
  • chromed steel is used for shower heads, mixers, door handles and hinges;
  • for the production of frames and rails use painted aluminum.
   At once it is necessary to note, during cleaning of a shower cabin it is necessary to refuse powder means, rigid brushes, metal sponges.

What can I use? For cleaning, you can:

  • polyurethane or rubber scraper;
  • a duster of non-woven fibers;
  • synthetic sponge;
  • special steam cleaner.

My shower cubicle

To wash the shower booth use special sprays. They usually do not require additional grinding on the surface. But there are situations where it is better to apply the product on a rag and wipe the surface by hand.

So in order to wash the doors from the inside, you need to be in the middle of the booth. Accordingly, with poor ventilation, this can lead to poisoning.

   It is better to remove the detergent from the door with a scraper. It will clean up even imperceptible pollution.

The cleaning agent is usually immediately washed off with water. If the shower is not heavily soiled, that's enough.

   And how to wash the shower from the lime and soap divorce? For these purposes, use a potent cream or paste. It is applied to the problem area, waiting for the time indicated on the packaging and rinsing with running water.

But before using any cleaning agent, you should make sure that it contains no such harmful components for coating:

  • formic acid;
  • formaldehydes;
  • organic substances (solvents, acetone).

Alternative Chemistry

There are time-tested tools that can cope with severe pollution. We'll figure out how to wash the shower with folk remedies.

   In order to clean the glass, taps and mirrors, you should take one tablespoon of vodka and two tablespoons of water. Dampen in this solution towels, wipe them with dirty surfaces, and after wipe all dry.

To clean metal elements or acrylic tray   from contaminants, you can use ordinary toothpaste. It should only be applied to the desired area with a thin layer and rinse with water.

   But to get rid of rust, you can take the help of vinegar. Spray them from the spray gun to the surface, leave for half an hour and rinse thoroughly.

There are known ways to wash the shower with citric acid:

  • In one glass of warm water mix 20 grams of soda, 30 grams of citric acid. All this should be poured into a spray gun, shake well and apply to the tile or walls of the shower cubicle. Wait 10 minutes and rinse with water. The treated surfaces will shine.
  • You can clean the surface with citric acid, dissolved in a small amount of water. Apply to a problem site with a cloth, wait a bit and rinse with water.


What can I advise at last:

  • The doors of the booths can be cleaned with a window cleaner, and then wiped with a double-sided scraper (on the one hand - an elastic band, on the other - a sponge). This method is used by maids in hotels for daily cleaning.
  • Be very careful when using soda when cleaning plastic. Very often soda can scratch this material.
  • Flush the toothpaste from the surfaces immediately. It is easier to do this than to wipe the dried one.
  • Be sure to wipe dry the surface after cleaning. So they will not form a calcareous plaque.
  • Leave the door in the booth slightly ajar. So you prevent education. For the same purpose, periodically ventilate the bathroom.

More and more often in the rooms of personal hygiene you can find a comfortable and compact shower enclosure that came to replace the old bathroom. This room is a frequently visited room, and therefore the observance of cleanliness here is one of the most significant tests for every housewife. We will tell you what to wash the shower from the lime scale at home, and also share tips on how to care for such devices so that you can ease your household chores.

Features of care of a shower cabin

Every person who decided to buy a shower cabin should realize the need for constant care. After all, proper maintenance and timely cleaning will prolong the period of its operation.

What should I do all the time?

Before thinking about how to wash the shower from soap divorce and calcareous plaque, you should learn the basic rules of care. Their observance will help to avoid the appearance of hard-to-remove contaminants:

  • rinse the shower with the help of clean water, without additional detergents, after each use;
  • at least once a week, clean and install the unit;
  • once a month, perform general cleaning of the cabin with the use of disinfectants.

What should I clean?

Before you wash the shower, you should prepare for cleaning several different materials that make up the unit:

  • Mixers and shower heads are often made of stainless steel.
  • The side surfaces of the product are usually made of glass or plastic, and therefore they need careful cleaning, to avoid scratches and chips.
  • The pallet, which is made of stone, acrylic or metal - requires thorough cleaning, because it runs down to both clean and dirty water.
  • Do not forget to pay attention and clean the tile near the cockpit.

Important! Before choosing a cleaning agent for shower cabins, evaluate all possible risks of exposure of its components to the structure of the material. Due to the wide variety of surfaces, it will be very difficult to choose a universal detergent, and therefore you will need to be patient and get different cleaning agents.

How to wash the shower from soap divorce and lime deposits?

No matter how carefully and carefully you are not concerned with the care of plumbing, the emergence of divorces and plaque on the surfaces of the shower is inevitable. Therefore, you should know how to clean the surface of the structure from them.


Asking the question, what is to wash the walls of the shower cubicle from the formed raid, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the material of their manufacture:

  • Glass surfaces are quite convenient in care, because they are highly resistant and resistant to the effects of a variety of chemicals. To clean glass parts, you can use any cleaning agent for windows. To do this, simply spray the active substance onto the surface of the walls and wipe with soft cloth.

Important! If the first time to remove the plaque failed, then you can repeat the procedure until the desired result. In the modern market of household chemicals, cleaning products from such manufacturers as "Cif", T "ilex", "Sanelit", "Mr. Muscle" are popular.

  • If your cabin is made of plastic, then caring for it will require a little more attention, since the fine-porous structure of the material does not resist the effects of chemicals. To clean such products, remove from the list of detergents all formulations that contain solvents or formaldehydes.


Puzzling, how to clean the shower from the lime scale, you can not ignore such a important detail   as a pallet. The solution for cleaning this part of the installation also depends on the materials used in the production:

  • Ceramic granite - is best cleaned with the help of special tools for the care of artificial stone. Dirt does not usually accumulate here, and therefore for cleaning it will be enough only to thoroughly wipe the part from all sides.

Important! An effective tool for caring for stone surfaces is "Mellerud", which can be purchased at any of the hardware stores.

  • Acrylic is prone to scratching, and therefore, powder and abrasive substances do not work for its cleaning. It is best to use funds that are intended for the care of acrylic baths.


If you are the owner of a corner shower model, then in addition to cleaning the walls of the structure itself, you will have to pay attention and wash the wall tiles. If you leave ceramic tile   without proper care, then its joints will quickly darken, and the coating itself will lose its aesthetic appeal. This can be done by any cleaning - universal, kitchen, tile.

Important! To eliminate excessively stale and obsolete contaminants, you can use a steam cleaner. The jet of steam coming from the nozzle of this device is able to remove the most difficult to remove stains and dirt.

Folk remedies

If for some reason you do not want to use cleaning agents from modern manufacturers of household chemicals, the following recommendations will help you to clean the shower in your home:

  • Independently, you can prepare a fairly effective spray to clean the surfaces of the shower. Make a solution from the water in which to add citric acid and soda in a proportion of 1.5: 1, then carefully mix the resulting composition. Add it to a bottle with an atomizer, spray the product on the surface of the walls and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then it will be enough to rinse the surface with running water.

Important! This method of cleaning is not suitable for plastic and acrylic surfaces, since soda is an abrasive and can lead to unpleasant scratches.

  • Glass and cranes can be cleaned with a normal medical alcohol, which should be mixed with water in a 1: 2 ratio. Dampen a soft rag in the prepared alcohol solution and wipe the surfaces that will shine like new after washing.

Important! For some time in the cabin can reign a strong smell, which will erode in 30-40 minutes, provided the door of the construction is open.

  • Chromed surfaces of the structure can be cleaned of limescale, wiping away many of your favorite beverage "Coca-Cola".
  • Sites of severe pollution can be cleaned with toothpaste, which is squeezed out of the tube into spots and after 15-20 minutes simply washed off.


I washed myself - wash and bathe! Alas, ah, we do not always follow this wisdom, although it would be worth it. Washing the bath and the shower box over time becomes a real problem: an unpleasant coating of water and a residue of soap, gels and shampoos accumulate on the walls.

And if cleaning the bath is a relatively small problem, then the shower cabin, because of its very design and dimensions, brings a lot of trouble to the housewives.

But with the help of my advice collected below, you can easily cope with the most persistent pollution and continue to not be tormented by the question of how to clean the shower from the raid.

The causes of plaque and dirt

A dirty and untidy bathroom is a verdict for the mistress. Keep it clean is not so difficult, it is enough to clean regularly and adhere to our simple advice.

People's funds, which will be found in any home, will be suitable in almost any case.

Cabins are a convenient thing, especially for those who prefer a shower and who save space in the room. The designs of the cabins vary, most often it is completely enclosed space, in which, after water procedures, it becomes very warm and humid. And it causes mold.

To avoid such trouble, always well ventilate the cabin, and during cleaning do not forget about the joints and nooks. After showering, do not forget to wash off all dirt with warm water and a soft rag. Take care of the shower whenever possible daily. You can and without additional funds, just rinse the booth with water and wipe dry with a microfiber cloth or a simple soft cloth.

Cope with the lime coating is very difficult. The reason for this is the quality of the water itself, which is practically impossible to combat. Hard water will eventually accumulate on the pallet and walls, it needs to be cleaned with a soft scraper after the shower.

Here are some tips on how to clean the shower at home.

You can use household chemicals: anti-scale water for the substrate and a means for washing glasses and any improvised means. However, give up hard jaws and brushes and powders that can scratch the surface. Otherwise, you will damage the booth not only externally: microbes will accumulate in the damages.

Especially neat should be with acrylic coating. But still, it's better to focus on folk methods.

The doors are the most visible and therefore the most problematic part of the cabin. Even a dried drop of water becomes a stain on them.

Soapy coating can be washed off with citric acid and soda, which is diluted in water and sprayed with an atomizer: one glass of warm water - 20 grams of soda and 30 grams of "lemon".

Return the gloss to the glass and chrome plumbing can be a mixture of vodka and water (diluted in a ratio of 1 to 2). Wet a rag in the solution and wipe dry.

Vinegar will cope with rust. Spray them on the soiling, leave for half an hour and rinse.

Calcareous deposits from the door will remove ammonia. Pour it into warm water in the proportion of 1 to 10.

The shower head too accumulates on itself a touch, because of what pressure can worsen. Clean the bowl as follows: remove it and soak for several hours in 3% table vinegar.

To get rid of mold by household means it is possible so: pour into a container hot water   and add there vinegar and ammonia (for three liters of water - half a cup of liquids) and ¼ cup of soda. Protect your hands with gloves, moisten the sponge and handle problem areas. After rinse with water and wipe dry. The smell is not pleasant, but it's worth it.

To give less time to cleaning, protect the doors from sediment. How to do it? It is enough to treat them with furniture polish and rub it with a soft cloth.

The stains on the doors can be cleaned with an unusual detergent such as toothpaste. Of course, it's better if it is without dyes. The sponge in this case will be perfectly replaced by an old toothbrush. After rinse the foam with water or vinegar.

That's all. These simple ways will keep your bathroom clean and tidy, you and your household are in good health, and your family treasury is in abundance.

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Natalia Bryantseva