How to make a shower tray of tiles. Facing the shower tray with tiles. The problems of installing plumbing in a wooden house

Installing a shower tray is a serious exercise. Especially for novice home masters who do not know which side to approach this plumbing fixture. Calling specialists requires money, and the qualifications and conscientiousness of untested masters can be unpleasantly surprising. To hedge against unprofessionalism it is enough to tighten up the theory a little, roll up the sleeves and start independent work.

Preparatory activities: what to take into account

Even before buying a pallet it is necessary to decide on its shape, material and installation location. And if the form is a matter of taste, then the rest of the points should be approached with special attention. Having chosen the place where the shower arrangement is planned, check the following parameters:

  • Approach of communications. If we are talking about a hydromassage booth, then in addition to water and sewerage, electricity will be required. Select a separate wiring line and do not forget to equip it with an RCD.
  • Remoteness from the risers. The dream of placing a shower in a remote corner of the apartment can be difficult to implement. Sewage should be sufficient slope for unimpeded outflow of water, and with a considerable length it will be necessary to raise the floor level.
  • Correctness of angles. When planning to mount a shower in the corner of the room, make sure that the walls are clearly perpendicular. If the corner is a bit sharp, the pallet will not be in the space reserved for it. The blunt angle is not so critical, but a deviation of more than 6 mm per meter is undesirable.
  • Base. The smoother the floor, the easier it will be to expose the pallet. This parameter is not critical, but if the finishing of the floor has not yet been performed, it is better to fix the unevenness of the screed.
  • Waterproofing. Especially carefully it is necessary to waterproof the base when it is planned to install the shower tray on a wooden floor. In this case, the wood is impregnated with antiseptic solutions, and the roll-up waterproofing material is placed on top with a 20 cm-high wall approach.

The further algorithm of actions will depend on the selected pallet material. Each of them requires its own approach, and deserves consideration in a separate section of the article.

How to install an acrylic shower tray: step by step instructions

The most common material, which fell in love with buyers for high performance, affordable price and variety of forms. Another indisputable advantage is the fact that the installation of such a shower tray with their own hands is able even for beginners:

  • Acrylic models have adjustable legs, which greatly facilitates installation. The legs can already be fixed or attached in the kit, and then they should be fixed according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Turn the tray upside down and twist the legs so that their height is sufficient to accommodate the siphon. Try to keep them all about the same length.
  • Place the pallet in the space reserved for it, and set it absolutely exactly. Excellent, if there is a long bubble level, which can be put from one side to the other. Otherwise, you have to control each side separately.
  • If the manufacturer has not strengthened the bottom of the reinforcing frame, in the central part it is necessary to make an additional support from the brick or foam blocks laid on the mortar.
  • Connect the siphon and check its tightness by draining some water. Disadvantages are better to correct now than to work in a limited space, when the design is already fixed.
  • Now it is necessary to mount to the wall, preventing its displacement. The installation of a shower tray on a wooden floor requires a non-rigid fixation, since the tree can be slightly displaced. In this case, you need a fixing strap, which, as a hook, hooks the bottom edge of the pallet. The level of fastening of the bar must also be accurately measured.
  • To simplify the process, the craftsmen prefer to glue the pallet to the wall with the usual mounting glue.
  • Joint the wall with a silicone sealant. This process can be stopped, but if you are not satisfied with the appearance of the seam between the pallet and the wall, fix the standard bathing area there.
  • Fasten the decorative panel. It is attached to standard latches, the design of which depends on the specific model,

To properly install the shower tray, you must strictly maintain the horizontal. Failure to comply with this condition will lead to the fact that it will not be possible to install the doors, and if the slope is obtained from the drain hole, the water will not merge.

Plate instead of level

If the building bubble level was not at hand, put a wide bowl on the rim and gradually draw water into it. If the plane is correctly exposed, the water edge will fit all the edges of the dishes at the same time. If water is poured out on one side, this edge of the pallet should be raised.

Installing a metal shower tray with your own hands

Models from this material do not have legs, since they are manufactured by stamping. Therefore, the manufacturer offers special supports from the metal profile or pipes, which can be bundled, and can be sold separately. Geometrically, the stand completely corresponds to the model to which it is attached, and it is not difficult to properly install the metal shower tray:

  • Place the pallet in the frame, and turn the resulting structure upside down. Mounting foam walk on the bottom, gently bypassing the place of entry of the siphon. This will protect you from sonorous noise throughout the apartment with hygiene procedures.
  • Give the foam a good grasp. If the foam has expanded to the wrong place, then cut it with a construction knife.
  • Move the frame together with the pallet to the place of future installation and twist the legs to get the correct plane. Do not forget to check yourself by level.
  • Connect the siphon and check the tightness of all connections.
  • Mounting glue fix the pallet to the wall, support it with something heavy and wait until it is fully set.
  • Finished front decorative panels manufacturers do not offer, so make it selected material. Perfectly suitable plastic or plasterboard with subsequent tiling. Just do not forget to make the inspection window.
  • Seal silicone joints, if desired, cover them with a decorative corner.

Installation of a steel shower tray, made by yourself, is not limited to this option. It can also be mounted on a parapet made of bricks, as will be described below. Although, given the lightness of the design, there is not much point in this. Unless, if you want to perform tiling and do not like drywall.

Mounting ceramic shower tray: exquisite luxury

Made of ceramics, natural or artificial stone make the interior interesting and refined. But these products have a feature, which must be considered when installing - a lot of weight. Therefore, they have to build a parapet of bricks or other masonry material. This way of installing the shower tray with your own hands will clearly demonstrate the video posted at the end of the article, but for now we will pay attention to the description.

Fee for quality

Models of well-known brands can have prefabricated cavities in the thickness of the material in which the siphon is placed. In this case, it is enough to lay the pallet on the tile glue, previously leveling the base.

  • If you do not have such a cavity in your pallet, you will have to build a parapet in order to raise the bottom and place a siphon under it.
  • Place the pallet on the floor at the installation site and circle its contour with a pencil or marker.
  • Turn it over and inspect, in what places it is still possible to make props. Act carefully, because the pottery or stone is easy to break.
  • Measure the height of the siphon and make marks on the walls to determine the height of the parapet.
  • Perform brickwork or scraps of the foam block, following exactly the outlined contour on the floor. Do not forget that the support is needed around the perimeter, so that along the walls also erect a parapet.
  • Think about where it is convenient to leave the inspection window so that access to the siphon is as convenient as possible.
  • Connect the drain and check its tightness, then all have to do through the inspection window.
  • Apply a thick layer of tile adhesive to the surface of the resulting retaining wall. This is necessary in order to qualitatively align the upper edge.
  • Gently and gently place a pallet on top. If the first time did not work, adjust it, the tile adhesive gives 10 to 20 minutes for the adjustment. Controlling yourself with a level, gently knock the mallet over the protruding places, leveling the edge.
  • Do not touch the result of the work until the glue dries completely. Given that the layer was thick, take the maximum duration indicated by the manufacturer for drying.
  • Face the front panel to your taste, without forgetting to draw also the hatch auditing window.
  • Treat the joints with silicone sealants. If you want to make them invisible - choose a colored sealant, in the color of the bowl or tile.

In the same way, you can install any steel shower tray without legs, if other materials are not at hand.

Self-made shower tray

This is not at all a way to save, but rather an effective interior solution, in which you yourself form the cup, and do not think how to install the shower tray with your own hands. To do this, proceed as follows:

  • Buy and install a shower ladder - a special siphon, which is embedded in a monolithic base.
  • Raise the shower of the chosen altitude. Inside the received pedestal it is necessary to make a screed, the height of which will be just below the ladder. Below is the thickness of the tiles and the layer of tile adhesive.
  • When facing, do not use a quick-setting glue, since you have to create a slope towards the drain hole.
  • Lay the tile and gently tinkling with a mallet to form a slight slope to the sink. The easiest way to do this is if the mosaic is used for facing.
  • Make sure that no one step on the tile until the glue is completely solidified. Wipe the seams with a hydrophobic grout.

Now you can be proud of yourself, because this shower tray looks really cool, especially in combination with glass walls.

Instructions for installing the shower tray yourself: a video lesson

For readers who prefer a visual demonstration of detailed descriptions, we have prepared a short and understandable video lesson. Despite the short duration, all stages of the construction of a retaining wall, the installation of a shower tray by one's own hands are shown here, as well as recommendations on the necessary materials and tools.

Share your experience in self-assembly with the users in the comments to the article, because lively discussion is the best way to create the truth. If you have not yet chosen a shower tray, be sure to look in, where all the possible sizes, shapes and materials of these sanitary products are analyzed.

In the modern interior of the bathroom, shower cabins are used every year more and more often. This is due not only to their low cost and practicality, but also to convenience.

Today you can purchase both complete sets of shower equipment, and each of its component parts separately. In the latter case, you can save a lot, especially if you try to make a shower tray with your own hands.

Types of shower trays

The shower tray can be made of almost any material. It all depends on your preferences and means. All of them differ not only in design, color, but also in practicality. Let's look at each one separately before making a shower tray with our own hands.

The acrylic pallets are durable, do not absorb dirt, do not change color over time. The only drawback is the possibility of their deformation. To avoid this, the acrylic pallet either needs to be installed on a sturdy frame, which, as a rule, comes with it, or use a support system.

A pallet made of artificial marble is an ideal solution for practical people. Such products are strong, keep the heat well and do not rattle under the stream of water. But not everyone can do this with their own hands. This requires special material and skills to work with it.

Steel and cast-iron pallets are remnants of the past. They heat up for a long time, very "noisy", but strong. It is for the first two reasons that they are not in great demand today.

A ceramic tile tray is one of the most common types. It is durable, easily washed and simply mounted.

Buy ready or make a pallet yourself?

Very often during the repair of the bathroom in a particular situation, certain parameters of the shower tray are needed. In order to find one that suits you, it will take a lot of effort and, perhaps, more than one month. Therefore, if you have at least a minimal experience in the field of repair, then you can easily make a shower tray with your own hands.

In this situation, you not only make the shower the right size and shape, but also significantly save. The latter is explained by the fact that the manufacture and installation of the shower tray by one's own hands are one and the same. In addition, the material will cost you much cheaper than the finished product.

What you need to know before building a shower tray in the bathroom?

Usually during construction or masonry the floors are poured with concrete. Proceeding from this, it can be concluded that the best material for the pallet that you want to make yourself is tile.

The modern choice of this material is so great that you can easily choose the one that fits perfectly to your interior in color, size and texture. In addition, this tile is also used for wall finishing in the shower room. And if you make the walls of the pallet higher, then it can serve you as a full bathroom.

A great opportunity to translate your ideas and wishes into reality is to create shower pans with your own hands. Photos of some options you see in the article. It is worth noting that not every manufacturer can please you with the right size, shape and configuration of the product.

Shower tray in a wooden bath

If you want to make a shower tray in a Russian bath, then it is done on the same principle as in the bathroom. The only thing you need to know is that the walls from the concrete screed are separated by ruberoid and polyethylene film.

In general, the shower tray is a concrete floor, tiled, along the perimeter of which the wall of the desired height is laid. The drain hole is usually made in one of the corners of the pallet, and below it there is a drain pipe. It should be noted that in the direction of the drain hole is a slight slope of the surface.

Instead of tiling some lay a smooth decorative stone on the walls and bottom of the shower tray. But many consider this impractical, since dirt is not easily absorbed in an insufficiently smooth surface, and it is very difficult to wash it out.

Water draining system

Have you decided to install the shower tray yourself? The water draining system is the first thing you need to start with. If your floor is already tiled, then this cover must be removed.

Before planning the location of the drainage hole, one must take into account the fact that the drainage pipe of the sewage system must be laid at an angle so that the water drains by gravity. Otherwise, she will not leave.

As a rule, the installation of the shower tray with its own hands should be carried out on a hill. It may be necessary to raise the structure a little. As a result, the pallet will be a bit like the pedestal.

Arrangement of the pallet

During the installation of a shower ladder and a discharge pipe, it is advisable to use wooden stands of different heights. They will provide the right slope for draining. Plastic pipes replaced plastic pipes. This should not be neglected when you make a shower tray with your own hands. They are easy to attach to a plastic ladder, except this, will last you long enough.

After you fix everything you need to drain, make a floor screed. You can pour concrete or the entire bathroom, or just part of it, a place under a future shower.

Walls around the perimeter of the pallet

The enclosing walls are expelled immediately after the screed has dried. This can be done with the help of formwork or brick. The first option consists in the fact that from equal boards or special boards two parallel vertical partitions are made each other, and a solution is poured between them. In the second case, the enclosing walls are laid out of a brick, which then plastered. It should be noted that the wall, made with the help of formwork, does not need to be additionally plastered to lay tiles on it. Therefore, here you will save not only time, but also efforts. But everyone does as he likes.

After the walls along the perimeter of the pallet are ready, it is mandatory to make an additional screed bottom with a slope on the drain. After a few hours, when the concrete has dried, primetute and treat it with a waterproofing compound.

Tiling of the shower tray

Completely installation of the shower pallet by the hands will be executed only after facing its ceramic tile. Here it should be noted that the material must be laid exclusively on a special moisture-resistant adhesive. Otherwise, the tile will not last long.

So, when buying a glutinous mixture, consult the seller. He will recommend the manufacturer to you. In addition, do not forget to specify for which specific purposes you need glue.

Information on how to prepare this solution, you will find on its packaging. Be sure to adhere to all proportions. Thoroughly mix the adhesive mixture with water using a construction mixer.

Begin to lay the tile from the corner. Only in this way you can correct all irregularities and errors. The solution is applied with a special notched trowel directly onto the tile, which is put on the screed and pressed down a little.

To ensure that the seams are even, in the process of laying between the joints of the tiles, insert special crosses. After the glue dries, it is necessary to remove the crosses, and put a special water-repellent mixture on the seams.

At the end, wipe the tile with a damp cloth, then dry it.

As you can see, making a shower tray with your own hands is not so difficult. But all the same in this case it is necessary to adhere to the sequence of work and take into account some nuances.

Experts advise not to install a massive pallet, as it will heavily load the slabs. In case of doubt about your calculations it is better to consult a professional of this case.

If you want to install or repair a shower tray with your own hands in an apartment on the ground floor or a country house, in this case it is better to insulate both the floor and its part under the pallet. To do this, use modern high-quality materials. It can be as a mineral wool, and foam glass. Electric floor under the shower tray is not recommended.

Only the pallet, which was designed according to all rules and quality materials, will serve you long and will bring pleasure during its use. Besides this, you will undoubtedly be proud to have made it yourself.

Dismantling the bathtub and replacing it with a shower cabin is a very common solution today, allowing to give a small bathroom a more or less decent look.

This work is not difficult and to cope with it, you do not need to be a hereditary plumber. From this article you will learn how to install a shower tray.

Shower trays differ in material and form. This is what they are made of:


  Plastic pallets are bought today more often, and first of all - because of their affordable cost.

There are other advantages: light weight (easy delivery and installation of the shower tray) and low thermal conductivity, thanks to which the material does not burn cold.

Disadvantages: polymers are easily scratched and do not have high strength.

Pallets are made of 3 types of plastic:

  1. ABS plastic  with a thin acrylic coating: this is the cheapest option, but it is characterized by a complex repair technology in the event of scratches.
  2. Acrylic:  is somewhat more expensive, but scratches can be eliminated by simple polishing.
  3. Kvaril:  Acrylic with the addition of quartz, is characterized by high strength and is resistant to scratches.

Steel or cast iron with enamel coating

A pallet made of such material is more expensive than plastic, but it is more durable and durable, and it is much more difficult to scratch it. But there are also disadvantages: it's quite unpleasant to stand on a cold metal with bare feet, in addition, cast iron is too heavy, and steel under the streams of water loudly "rings."

  In some cases, it is more convenient to make a pallet yourself, rather than buying ready. In this case, it will be the size that you yourself want and there will not be any restrictions. - advice, materials, current trends.

Useful tips for choosing a shower cabin you will find.

In a small bathroom, it is not possible to install a shower and a bath at the same time, so you have to choose one thing. By this link you will find the comparative characteristics of baths and showers. This will help determine the choice.


Porcelain and earthenware pallets look very stylish and their dignity is not limited to this. The glaze, which covers such products, remains very smooth and shiny for a very long time, unlike enamel, prone to abrasion, loss of density and soaking in dirt.

The disadvantages of ceramic pallets can be considered a high price and fragility, because of which the product can crack with careless transportation or installation.

Shower tray ceramic square LuciaSalud - Spain

Marble and other types of natural stone

Expensive pallets of "luxury" class. Such products are chosen by those who are ready to spend money on the refined atmosphere.

Design features

The shape of the pallet can be any, and its choice entirely depends on the owner's preferences. If there is a lack of space, the semicircular shape or quarter of the circle (for a corner installation) will be optimal.

Also the pallets differ in depth. Products with a maximum height of the bead (35 cm) can be used as a miniature bath, for example, for bathing children.

But if the family has a person with limited mobility, it is better to install an ultra-flat pallet with a board height of 6 to 10 cm - it's much easier to climb into it.

Correctly placed pallet

Features of installation of shower trays from acrylic

Due to low strength, acrylic pallets are installed on the metal frame supplied in the kit. In some models, the frame does not provide adequate support for the plastic bottom in its central part.

Under the weight of the user, the plastic pallet is deformed, so sealing the seam between it and the wall sealant may not give the desired effect.

To prevent the seam from breaking apart, the side of the pallet should be screwed or glued to the wall.

Installation of shower trays made of ceramics, cast iron, steel

How to install a shower tray?

Ceramic  The pallets do not have adjustable legs, so the floor in the installation site must be flat and strictly horizontal. Due to the lack of a mounting clearance under the product, access to the pipes without dismantling it will be impossible, therefore it is very important to assemble all connections between the pipeline components as high as possible and seal them well.

Installing the pallet

Metal pallets usually installed on a brick podium. Its height depends on how much space is required to accommodate the sewer pipes. To start the installation of the pallet it is possible only after the mortar in the brickwork completely dries, which usually takes a couple of days.

The product is installed on a layer of cement-sand mortar and with the help of a building level is brought in a strictly horizontal position. After connecting the pallet to the sewer, the seam between it and the wall is filled with sealant, and the brick podium is covered with tiles or plastic panels.

Steel pallets of the budget class due to the small thickness of the wall can strongly bend, so they, like acrylic, it is recommended to screw to the wall. Under the bottom, you can lay bricks or a piece of steel pipe.

The technology of making a shower tray made of bricks by own hands

Anyone who likes to develop and implement the design ideas of an original nature, can make a pallet yourself. In this case, the owner himself can choose both the form and the color solution.

Construction of a brick pallet

For the device of a self-made pallet you will need to purchase a drainage device - a ladder.  We will make the side of the pallet out of bricks.

It is better to buy a high ladder, since such devices are characterized by a large bandwidth.

Sequence of base mounting

Arrangement of the pallet is carried out in this order:

  1. At the work site, the floor covering is struck together with the screed, reaching to the concrete slab.
  2. On the border of the future pallet lay a wall of brick, so that it was at least 50 mm above the drain hole (depends on the height of the ladder).
  3. The gangway is dismantled to the lower and upper parts (they are connected by means of two flanges). The lower part is connected to a sewage pipe with a diameter of 50 mm, laid with a slope of 3 cm / m. Usually the gangway is located in the corner. Remember that all connections will be inaccessible, so they need to be sealed not only with rubber cuffs, but also with silicone sealant. The pipe and the gangway must be fixed with a cement-sand mortar.
  4. Then the area is covered with sheets of extruded polystyrene with a thickness of 50 mm, in which slots are cut for all elements of the drainage system.
  5. Over the expanded polystyrene should be laid a layer of concrete about 40 mm thick - it should reach the flange of the ladder.
  6. Hardened concrete is covered with roll-up waterproofing, for example, roofing material (fused with a gas burner) or "Isoplast", with obligatory release to the walls and a brick edge, at least to the height of the next layer of screed. For reliability, it can be laid in two layers. Above the ladder in the waterproofing material, a hole is cut with a diameter corresponding to the inner diameter of the flange.
  7. Install the upper part of the ladder, while the waterproofing will be pulled together by two flanges.

Having installed plastic beacons (to provide a slope toward the ladder), lay a layer of waterproof cement-polymer screed (for example, Ceresit CR65). Its surface should be below the grate of the gangway by the thickness of the tile with glue. Along the corners along the entire perimeter with adhesive cement on a polymer-cement base, it is necessary to glue a waterproofing tape.

Today there are a large number of shower cubicles on sale, but high cost or other criteria make such an acquisition impossible. Therefore, many seek to make a shower booth for their own, acquiring only a shower tray. Finished products are offered in various versions, so you can choose the optimal size, the appropriate shape and material. The shower tray is installed according to the latest specification. After installation, it remains only to install the fasteners for curtains and pull the curtains, getting an original and comfortable space for swimming.

   Shower tray made of bricks is the best option for major repairs

Possible variants of construction

The shower tray can be purchased with a square, triangular, rectangular or U-shaped base. In the case of a triangular shape, the outer corner becomes rounded or beveled. As for the material, there are the following options:

  • Steel shower tray. On durability, such models occupy the second place. characterized by a good margin of safety, lightness and affordable cost, but when hit on the bottom of the water jet creates a strong noise, which introduces some discomfort;
  • The shower tray made of cast iron is quite expensive, but the high cost is justified because of the durability and strength of the model. Due to their large weight, such shower bases are as stable as possible. True, in the case of cast iron, one should not expect a variety of forms;
  •   for the shower are characterized by lightness, an abundance of forms and modifications. The appearance of small scratches does not affect the appearance and does not cause structural disturbances. Negative quality is the deflection of a standard acrylic product under the weight of the body, but you can eliminate this moment using an additional fastener. When purchasing a model with intermediate reinforcement, such actions are not necessary;
  • Ceramic shower trays. They are one of the most expensive solutions, but the price justifies durability, beautiful appearance. Among the negative qualities are the coldness of the material and the susceptibility to mechanical damage;
  • Models of marble - the most expensive, but practical, in contrast to products made of ceramics. Scopes on them practically do not appear.

Even for the shower. In this form of bathing will not create a decorative picture, but it will be a good alternative with a restriction in money. Particularly relevant are plastic pallets, if they are to be installed in a bath. This is because the plastic is not subject to excessive heating and is not afraid of temperature changes.

Considering an acrylic or ceramic pallet as a possible acquisition, you need to correlate all the pros and cons, because the answer to the question of which product is better depends on the specific conditions.

   Pallets are different, it depends on the shower you want

Mounting Features

The installation of the shower tray with its own hands is considered as the most laborious part of creating a bathing cabin. The complexity of the assembly is due to the restriction of the space for maneuver with the overall design, especially in small spaces. Immediately, there should be a slight inclination towards the drain hole. A similar bias is formed when collecting drainage pipes.

Another nuance concerns that, due to a lack of space under the base of the pallet, it integrates into a single hole with a drain hole, resulting in a siphon sewer opening, the outlet of which is provided vertically or horizontally. The choice of the type of output depends on the features of the sewage release in a particular case.

The installation variant is determined based on the features of the material of the base of the cabin. The most common are pallets made of acrylic and ceramics, so they should be discussed in more detail.

Install the structure of acrylic

The pallet is easy to install, as it is present on the market in assembled form. Increased attention during the installation is paid to leveling the construction horizon and sealing the connection of the pallet with the sewer pipe. Installation can be done without special tools. It is enough to have a hammer, a screwdriver, a wrench, pliers and a jigsaw. The works are carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The installation of the shower tray begins with which acrylic models are completed. After installation, the legs are to be adjusted by means of the adjustable wrench.
  2. At the same time, the plum is fixed and its connection to the siphon. Such actions help to ensure protection against odor from the sewer.
  3. Siphon is connected to the drainage pipe of the sewage system.
  4. Install decorative panels, masking the drain and acrylic construction from the sides along the perimeter. For maximum tightness of the joints with adjacent walls, as well as contacting the floor and panels, a part is smeared with a sealant having a silicone base. For such purposes, a putty is chosen in which additives are present against the growth of mold, which rapidly develops under conditions of high humidity.

Estimate the correctness of the installation can be mounted on the structure. The appearance of a sharp crack and deflections indicates that the assembly technology was not observed. Such phenomena can also be observed with the qualitative installation of models of Chinese production. Therefore, it is better to provide at the installation stage the reinforcement of the pallet by blowing the space between the floor and the floor with mounting foam, laying bricks or ordinary boards.

Mounting foam is an ideal option if, in addition to amplification, noise insulation is necessary.

   with a minimum of knowledge in construction, you can install the pallet yourself

How to install a ceramic version

Pallets for a shower cabin made of ceramics are characterized by a lack of free space between the bottom and the floor, so it is easier to install the shower tray with your own hands than the acrylic version, because there is no need for additional reinforcement. The product is placed on the floor, but this feature significantly complicates the connection of the pallet to the drain pipe due to restricted access.

Instructions for installing the shower tray involves the implementation of a number of actions to solve this problem:

  • The structure is placed, combining to the maximum the sewer hole and the supplied drain pipe;
  • To install a shower tray without legs, mark its boundaries, tracing the contour with a marker, and mark the place of the planned plum;
  • Using an electric jig saw, the floor element is cut out at the location of the siphon;
  • Outside the construction near the first cut make another groove in the floor. Here, a siphon and pipes will be laid;
  • At the next stage, the installation of the shower tray with its own hands consists in the formation of a cut out part of the floor covering of the viewing panel. For this, the rails are attached to the edges.
  • The place intended for the shower tray is greased with PVA glue, slightly diluted with water. After the first layer has dried, the adhesive is applied repeatedly;
  • Now you can mount the siphon, connecting it with the drain hole, and install the pallet on the adhesive solution, giving it a horizontal position;
  • After 24 hours a pipe and siphon connection is made through the inspection panel. In places where the ceramic is in contact with the floor and walls, apply an even layer of silicone sealant.

If the ceramic construction is installed in a bathhouse or a wooden house, it is necessary to make the insulation of the adjacent walls using a roofing material and polyethylene film.

We make the base for the shower cubicle independently

Shower pans are made by own hands, if there is a desire to receive a unique design or save on a finished product. Having correctly prepared for work, it is possible to make a shower tray of any shape with decoration with various facing materials, the most demanded of which is the tile. This requires preliminary work:

  • The preparation of the base consists in the execution of the concrete screed. Also, the shower tray is installed on bricks;
  • Selecting the cladding material, you can make some effort and make a shower mosaic tray, laying it out in the provided sequence of color combinations, forming original patterns, or making a monophonic base;
  • To assemble the shower enclosure with the finished pallet it is possible, using the semi-transparent panels present on the market. With limited funds, the classic shower curtains become an alternative.


Shower pallets with their own hands are assembled in the following order:

  1. First lay the drain pipe and mount the neck of the sewer. When selecting plastic elements, installation is not difficult, and the service life is significantly increased.
  2. The shower enclosure provides for natural water withdrawal, so there is a need to create a slight slope of the base in the direction of draining.
  3. The bias is made at the stage of creating a concrete screed. The work is done by pouring the entire shower room with concrete with concrete, or concreting only the area where the bathing cabin is planned to be installed. After the end of the screed and its drying, priming and waterproofing are performed.
  4. Mount the fencing edges, preventing the flow of water throughout the bathroom. The function of the side walls is made with the help of formwork pouring from concrete mortar or masonry of bricks, which is then plastered and lined with suitable material. with a tile tray is the most practical solution, especially when choosing a budget material.

Thus, the choice of a shower tray depends on personal preferences, bathroom features and financial capabilities. The main thing is to correctly approach the issue of creating a plum, choosing a scheme of water supply. As for the arrangement of the booth, there is where to go for a walk, because besides the original sliding doors or curtains, you can eventually install a hydromassage unit, creating a kind of resort area for relaxation after an eventful busy day.