Fortune telling how to proceed. Tarot reading about the best choice

Finger of fate or What to do and what to be wary of

5 80 35 10 1 28 42 13 96 4
75 15 97 3 12 76 2 100 18 25
63 47 14 39 8 51 11 24 99 6
9 21 7 93 54 16 62 50 41 88
44 33 20 77 55 31 17 22 60 19
23 53 64 38 79 59 30 74 48 68
72 84 46 98 82 66 89 56 87 32
34 70 92 94 26 37 61 43 83 52
67 85 45 95 91 57 86 69 90 73
29 58 78 81 36 49 65 40 71 27

This fortune telling is performed absolutely at any time, but no more than once a day. Focus your attention on three questions, which you repeat to yourself three times: “What should I do? What to expect? What is there to fear?

With these thoughts, poke at the table without looking, then look at which number you hit, and find the prophecy under this number.

1. Your heart will grieve, but trust in God.
2. There will be profit, but tears will also come.
3. You have already buried your talent, save the rest.
4. Hope will not deceive you: live honestly.
5. You will get joy soon, be careful.
6. Don’t think evil, evil is punishable.
7. Not everyone can live in wealth; everything in the world will change: the poor become rich and vice versa.
8. Dare, do not be afraid, he who seeks finds.
9. Your desire will not be fulfilled, man: do not rely on what is promised. You'll be a fool.
10. The one you fed and gave drink to will betray you.
11. The thing you are thinking about will change soon and will not bring you joy.
12. Avoid the company of bad people.
13. Don’t waste time and money - what falls from the cart is lost.
14. Your wish will come true, but not soon.
15. The path of your life is prosperous.
16. Do good deeds, help your neighbors, avoid evil thoughts.
17. Someone will shed blood, but you will shed tears.
18. Expect happiness to change in your life, but if you listen to a woman’s advice, you will lose everything.
19. You do a lot of good, and because of your virtue your life will be extended for many years.
20. You will have many enemies, but with God you will defeat them all.
21. What you think about will happen.
22. A great storm is coming: if you act smarter, it will pass you by.
23. Stop doing evil to people, so you don’t experience it yourself.
24. Whoever you rely on stands behind you and speaks blasphemy against you. Is it clear what I'm saying?
25. You have pain in your heart and soul. Be patient, it won't be long.
26. You will receive greater joy.
27. You wish this in vain, your years are passing, live like a Christian.
28. In old age you will live in peace and joy.
29. Our life, like the sea, is agitated. The one who left you will be beaten by the wave.
30. You will receive what you ask and want soon, but hold your tongue.
31. Friends will deceive you, and you will repent.
32. You are hot and touchy, not everyone understands you, but you have a good heart. There will be bright days for you too.
33. They deceive you, but you, out of weakness, believe.
34. And tears flow through gold, then you will understand my words.
35. Don’t fuss, you won’t have anything to think about, man, who you were thinking about won’t return.
36. Get the nonsense out of your head and live in truth.
37. You can hide it from people, but never from God. The time will come, you will remember these words.
38. You will hear the news and be horrified.
39. Do not give free rein to your evil thoughts.
40. Change your bad temper.
41. Eat one, eat another, and then they will eat you too.
42. Soon your wish will be crowned with success.
43. You will have sorrow.
44. Don’t always listen to people’s advice.
45. Look around. Some people have it much worse, but God pities you.
46. ​​Don’t judge, don’t spread false rumors.
47. The time will come and you will get what you strive for.
48. You loved to ride, you pull the sled.
49. You will be careful on the street, but at home you will get burned.
50. All your sorrows will disappear.
51. You run around to doctors.
52. Your evil is under the threshold.
53. Don't raise money.
54. You will love, but they will beat you.
55. Expect new things.
56. Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done. Wait a little longer.
57. Your hopes are doubtful.
58. Wait for separation.
59. Don’t renounce the bag or prison.
60. Expect the bad.
61. Give up hope.
62. Nothing bad will happen.
63. Take care of your luggage, then there will be no theft. Keep your eyes open.
64. Don’t drive around at night without doing anything if you’re not tired of living.
65. You are suspected of an unkind act.
66. You will lose your way.
67. Quarrel over trifles, make peace.
68. Be afraid to accuse the innocent.
69. Whoever the heart loves will love you.
70. Don’t worry, there won’t be a big problem.
71. You will pour from empty to empty.
72. You'll get some money.
73. If you don’t recognize the ford, don’t poke your nose into the water.
74. There will be a kind heart for you too.
75. You will worry in vain and torment your heart.
76. Your gullibility will let you down.
77. Don’t open your mouth to someone else’s loaf.
78. You will probably be disappointed in everyone and everything.
79. First beauty will disappear, health will go, and then the coffin.
80. You are loved and be satisfied.
81. Sit by the sea, wait for the weather.
82. This year is unhappy for you, preparing a lot of troubles.
83. A loved one destroys a loved one, but a stranger will love you.
84. Old age will be bitter and difficult.
85. The table will be rich, the bed will be soft, and life will be bitter.
86. There will be an enemy at work (work).
87. Wait for a gift.
88. You will bury it.
89. It’s easy to get married, no matter how married you are.
90. Get dressed, get ready, and never come back from there.
91. You will live a very long time.
92. A win awaits you (is it money?).
93. Mother spoke, warned; the child acted in his own way. Who is to blame for this?
94. You too will be happy.
95. The sick will recover, and the healthy will fall ill.
96. One will start saving, and the other will go on a spree (is this good?).
97. Widow's outfit, who is happy about it?
98. You will complain about your health, but you will live a long time.
99. You will find consolation in your children.
100. All your fortune-telling will be useless if you do not live in truth and without trust in God.

From the book “5000 conspiracies of the Siberian healer” Natalya Stepanova

When a person cannot independently decide what is best for him to do, what to do, what to expect from his actions and deeds, he should turn to magic and its many rituals for help. So, the simplest fortune telling can get rid of the unknown and uncertainty, suggesting what to do in a particular case.

Don't believe that magic can solve your problem and find the answer? Then pick up the cards and start fortune telling, as they will most fully tell you about your past, present and future, as well as about your personal life and work.

Almost all fortune-telling of a situation using a playing deck or Tarot cards is built on the same principle. The fortuneteller needs to ask a specific question and get an answer to it by reading it in the meaning of the dropped images. Each fortune-telling has its own interpretation, but usually they are similar, for example, a six of any suit is a road, but which one can only be known by its suit.

These fortune-telling can be simple, answering questions unambiguously - “yes” or “no”, as well as complex - with difficult layouts, which only experienced fortune-tellers can not only interpret, but also lay out.

Fortune telling about the situation (what worries the heart)

This is a general way of telling fortunes about the current state of affairs in your life. It is based on runes, although the above was about cards. But they are not the only ones who can give answers. We decided to start with runes, since they do not require complex layouts, specific days for the ritual, time and place.

Before fortune telling, completely relax, abstract from the world around you, focusing on a specific issue or situation.

With one rune you can get good advice. So, without looking into the bag of stones, take out the first pebble that comes into your hands and, without turning it over, place it on the table.

The position in which the stone will lie – straight or inverted – is very important. After all, most often the upright position interprets even runes with negative meanings in a more favorable light for you and your question; an inverted position is not good, but it is not a sentence either.

If you do not know the interpretation of runes, you can easily find them on the Internet. The main thing is to carefully study every line and every sentence, penetrating into the essence of the advice of the dropped rune.

Tarot is an amazing tool for fortune telling.

We strongly do not recommend fortune telling on several runes for beginners, as you may get confused about the meaning of a large number of runes and not understand the essence of the answer. One rune means one answer - clear and concise, and most importantly - always to the point.

"Cross" layout

This layout is one of the simplest that Tarot cards have seen. With its help, you can analyze any life situation and find the answer to your question, ask it clearly enough, and the information itself will flow into your hands. We will tell you how to make the layout, and for general interpretations, look for yourself on the Internet, where they are available in large quantities.

Concentrate, shuffle the deck, mentally ask the question, and lay five cards on the table. The first three are placed in one line: 1, 2, 3. The fourth card is placed at the top above the second, and the fifth at the bottom under the second. So, we get a cross.

Moreover, each card has its own meaning: the first will tell about the past, the second will tell about the present, the third will tell about the future, the fourth will give advice, and the fifth will warn.

Fortune telling "Arrow of Time"

This fortune-telling is done on Tarot cards and helps to study in detail the issue and options for solving it. The Arrow of Time can cover most of the life cycle if it concerns a specific issue. Using the layout, you can learn about the origins of the current situation, important events of the past, and prospects and the near future will also open up.

And for all this, only five images are enough, which are laid out in one line and interpreted one by one, as they were laid out. But before that, you need to carefully shuffle the deck, focus on the question and take out five cards one at a time, laying them out on the table in one row.

  • The first card is the cause and origins of the current situation, its beginning.
  • The second is the events of your past that influenced the course of the case.
  • The third one will tell you what is important in the present, what you need to pay attention to or who to give it to.
  • Fourth – how the situation will develop in the very near future.
  • Fifth - the result and final outcome of the situation for which you performed fortune telling.

Choice is a concept that we encounter very often in our lives. We choose our education, job, husband, wife, real estate, etc. Hundreds of “pros” and hundreds of “against” each of the types of self-realization offered to choose from.

Our life is a kind of game with its own laws and rules. When choosing a profession, we can never fully understand whether it is the best or whether there is something more worthy. The solution to a problem, agreement with oneself, usually comes in adulthood, when it is too late to change anything. In addition to choosing a profession and moving up the career ladder, a person has to choose a life partner. And here, too, a mistake can be costly.

You can endlessly calculate all sorts of options and try to make a choice intuitively. And someone chooses the simple path and turns to the Tarot.

Tarot card layout - the best option to make the right choice

Choosing the best solution is reminiscent of a vicious circle or a program with a given cycle. You have to make a choice about what to do with your life. You look around and find thousands of opportunities to ruin your life, thousands of opportunities to implement your life program.

The Major Arcana of the Tarot is what it can do:

  • illuminate a person’s life path;
  • talk about his past life;
  • warn against mistakes in the future.

The cards will mark the best options for you, but the choice is yours. Fortune telling does not tell you what to do, it only suggests the path along which you can resolve the issue of choice correctly and quickly.

There are many different layouts, with the help of each of them a person’s eyes are opened to what is happening. If you need a layout for a specific situation, the minor Arcana of the Tarot cards come into play. If it is necessary to make a layout for the past and future, if it is necessary to describe a person’s current life path, they make a layout in which the Major Arcana of the Tarot take part. In it you will receive complete information about whether you made the right choices throughout your life or whether you could have followed a parallel path with fewer losses and greater achievements.

So, if you want to avoid serious life mistakes, trust the Tarot cards. A free layout will allow you to look into the essence of what is happening, indicate possible choices, and analyze the positive and negative sides of each.

First, a person must put his emotions in order. You need to calm down, let all the experiences pass through you, take a breath. And only when a person feels that his condition has returned to normal can he begin to think about the most important thing.

If he is overwhelmed by the question of what to do when he doesn’t know what to do, then he is in a vicious circle. A person will endlessly torment himself with these words. But the question will never be answered. Although, in fact, this is not so.

There is always a way out. And the answers too. It just seems to us that they don’t exist. What comes to mind, a person rejects because it does not suit him. But you can’t refuse options. Everything that comes to mind has the right to life. What if every thought was developed as a possible development of an event? Even the most absurd one. Since there seems to be no way out, we can try.

A fresh look

The problem with many people thinking about what to do when they don't know what to do is their default thinking. Let's say a person urgently needs money. There's still a long time until payday. There is no one to borrow from. As a rule, a person does not allow any more options. Either pay a salary or borrow.

When thinking, you need to go beyond the usual. Even if the thoughts are completely absurd. It doesn't matter. The main thing is that anything happens in our lives. And in any case there will be a way out. Usually the subconscious produces an unusual, non-trivial option. Sometimes an epiphany comes to a person. And a thought that had not previously arisen as an alternative turns out to be quite adequate and capable of influencing the situation.

Listen to yourself

Often a person thinking about what to do when he doesn’t know what to do is hindered by his head. And to be more precise - logic and reason.

Let's say there are two options for the development of events. For clarity, we can give a fictitious example. Let's say a young man is offered a promising permanent job abroad, which he has dreamed of all his adult life. But here, in Russia, he has a girlfriend, with whom he has been together for several years. And she cannot go with him, as she continues her master’s studies. Or she simply doesn’t want to go to this country, afraid of the foreign language, environment, mentality, and if only because she doesn’t know what she can do there.

This is approximately the situation when you don’t know what to do with a person. On the one hand, improvement of your own life, prospects and a chance that may not come again. But on the other hand - the other half. Well, if all possible compromises have been sorted out, then there is only one thing left to do - listen to your inner voice. And be honest with yourself. The heart will tell you what is more important and necessary. And after making a decision, a person himself will feel whether he was mistaken or not. Usually the heart does not deceive.

Of course, the first time after making a decision will not be easy. After all, a person will still have to give up something. Or, at a minimum, make adjustments to the plans. But time will put everything in its place.

Search for information

What to do when you don't know what to do? Of course, look for useful information that can help in other sources. You don’t need to be limited by your own thoughts, especially if they don’t help. You can seek advice from a close friend or from various thematic resources. Watch a movie, read a book, listen to music. Sometimes this happens - the ear “clings” to some phrase, and then a person understands that the correct decision lies in its context. In any case, even if you can’t find the answer to the question of what to do when you don’t know what to do, you will definitely be able to get distracted. And then, after a little mental relaxation, you can return to the problem at hand.

Appeal to conscience

Austrian writer Karl Kraus said: “When you don’t know what to do, do the right thing.” There is a simple truth hidden in this philosophical phrase. “Right” as your conscience dictates, so as not to harm anyone. Sometimes it turns out that a person acts stupidly, but correctly. An example is a simple situation. Let's say a person found a wallet. Inside, in addition to a considerable sum of money, was the owner's debit card. He takes and takes the wallet with all the goods attached to it to the bank branch. Employees find the owner’s information, call him, outline the situation, and a happy but absent-minded person comes to collect his property, heartily thanking the one who found everything.

Stupid move? Surely many will nod in the affirmative. After all, you could have kept the money for yourself. Is it correct? Definitely. After all, anyone could find themselves in the place of the person who lost their wallet. Again, anything can happen in life.

God willing

But it happens that all arguments are useless. And the person really doesn’t know what to do. And believers even turn to the Almighty for help. There is even a special prayer. When you don’t know what to do, the Orthodox faith will help. Whether there will be a result or not is a separate conversation. But at least it will become easier for a person.

Who should you pray to when you don’t know what to do? Lord God. The words are something like this: “Lord Almighty, thank You for allowing me to have spiritual insight into this situation and to mercifully come to terms with it. God, You are all-knowing, guide me to the truth and strengthen me in love. Amen".

Motivation and Action

To resolve this or that situation, you need to completely abandon fear. Modern people are afraid too much and often. Fear blocks consciousness and prevents you from thinking. And also uncertainty. These are two qualities that prevent you from making a decision that, it would seem, is already in the palm of your hand. Therefore, you need to gain confidence. Quotes from great and successful people often help with this. Michael Jackson, for example, said: “If you are not confident in yourself, then nothing good will ever happen. Why? But because if you don’t believe in yourself, how can anyone believe in you?”

In general, motivational quotes often help you make that decision. They seem to morally push a person towards this. And in his subconscious the thought arises: “This is an authoritative person who has achieved a lot. So this man knew what he was saying. You can trust him."

We should remember a person like Nick Vujicic. This is a modern motivational speaker. Looking at him, everyone understands that there are no hopeless situations. After all, this man has neither arms nor legs. But he was able to achieve success, plays sports, got married and always smiles. He also travels to different countries and cities, gives performances and publishes books. This ability to not give up is impressive. So, Nick once said: “You can’t run away when faced with difficulties. You need to look for solutions without stopping, and believe that everything is for the best. Patience is the key to victory.”

Radical change

There are thousands of situations in which a person gives up because he does not know what to do. So, it was said above - you should never run away from problems. This is true, but if there is definitely no way out, you can try.

For example, at work a person has a disgusting boss who forces him to do things that are not in his competence. Quitting is not an option because you could end up without money. What if there won’t be another job? In this case, you need to put aside fear and quit. And then - be as it will be. Many will confirm that a problem is solved much faster and more effectively when a person meets it face to face. In extreme cases, it will be possible to “get by” with part-time jobs for a while.

This is just one example. As practice shows, radical changes are often the best solution. After all, they change not only a person’s life, but also his worldview in some way.

What can I do to quickly meet the partner I dream of?
1. Eight of Swords
2. Two of Wands
3. Page of Wands
4. Sun

I hope very much for your help!

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Everything is obvious). By 8 of swords, your problem is isolation, you are captive of fears or lack of time or bad mood. In short, you don’t get to know each other and you push them away. With 2 wands, you should look into the future with a positive outlook, be filled with enthusiasm and faith in the best. The Page of Wands advises becoming sexier, igniting the fire in yourself, pampering yourself, revealing sensuality, feeling femininity, and attracting. Then you will succeed. The sun promises a hot relationship full of happiness. The problem is in the internal mood. Best regards, Veronica [email protected]

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The question arose with partners about selling the business. Big losses. I don't want to sell. It's my soul's work. But I don’t have the strength to drag it either. No money. I do not know what to do. I asked what to do in this situation. 1. lovers. 2. 3 denarii. 3. 8 swords. 4.Jack of denarii
I would be grateful for your interpretation. Help. Very important for me.

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Hello! I really hope you can help! My son is 16, I am raising him alone (my husband died 7 years ago). The boy is smart, but cruel, a manipulator, he torments me, but most of all I am afraid for his future life, I have tried all methods of influence, at a dead end. Answer: 1 King of Swords, 2. King of Cups, 3. Four of Denarii, 4. Empress. Help me fight! Thank you

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Good evening, dear tarot readers! At work, an employee tried to show me signs of attention. Let's just say, I told him off very unkindly. In retaliation, he framed me in front of management. I asked the cards what to do in this situation (to be offended, to take revenge, or just to let go of the situation and forget)? Here's what the cards said:
1. Death; 2.Peace; 3.Emperor; 4. King of Denarii.
Forget. Did I understand correctly? Please explain in more detail. I never wondered about a man. Can not understand. Thank you in advance.

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Good day, Sveta!!!
There is absolutely nothing to forget here. I understand that by nature you are a soft person, like Leopold the cat (sorry for such a comparison), and it is really easier for you to forgive and forget, but this is not the Option. Try to isolate yourself from this person as much as possible. Show your boundaries that cannot be crossed. It would not be amiss to clarify this issue. And of course, communication, only on work matters, so that he sees you as a colleague, not a girl.
Wisdom and prudence to you.

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Thank you very much, Elenaki!

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How to start taking action? -
1. 9 of wands
2. 10 cups
3. 3 of wands
4. Strength

Thank you for your help with decoding!

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As a volunteer, I am giving a home to the dog; she has been sitting too long. What should I do to ensure she settles in successfully?
1 2 wands
2 Wheel of Fortune
3 Chariot
4 7 cups

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Dear tarot readers, please tell me the layout, I asked the question: “How to encourage a person to communicate more closely?” answer: 1. Four of Swords, 2. Priest, 3. Moon, 4. Emperor. Thank you!

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Natalie, hello, help me figure out the schedule. Question about selling an item, what else do I need to do to get it bought, 6 denarii, peace, chariot, 9 swords, it seems like the swords are starting off well... I don’t understand

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Hello, dear tarot readers. Very difficult relationship with my husband. What should I expect? Dropped out
1. Jack of Wands
2. King of Wands
3. Nine denarii
4. Ace of Swords

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In the institution where I work, everyone is friends against everyone. After much butting heads, a good, friendly relationship was established with my supervisor. Sometimes we flirt a little, sometimes a little more. But I am not sure that he is interested in me. Rather, he treats me as a like-minded person. Or he doesn’t allow himself to relax.
How should I behave with him?
Moon - 9 of Wands - King of Denarii - Peace

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Leave intrigue, mistrust and omissions for everyone else. Consider yourself among those who work. Invest in your career and work. This is the right way.
Good luck!

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Hello, dear tarot readers! I turned to the tarot for advice in the current difficult situation, please help me with the interpretation.
My son's father left us for another woman. After the tragic death of his passion, he invited me to “restore the family,” I gave him such hope, but doubts gnaw... There is reason to think that by choosing life with him, I will jeopardize my own future and also harm the interests of the child. And those close to me Now the people who helped me survive alone with my child will turn their backs on me.
And you need to choose now...
I'm between two fires
What is the right thing to do so as not to ruin my son’s and my life?
1) King of Wands
2) Hermit
3) Eight of Wands
4) Court
Thank you in advance!

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Hello Natalie! The holding bought the neighbors' land to build a store. The project does not comply with the law - they plan to build the store at a distance of 1.5 meters from the wall of our house. Plus build a wall that will block the access of light to the window. Plus the noise. Our house will lose value and life will be uncomfortable.
We wrote an objection to the administration. But the administration gave them permission. Apparently they were given a bribe. They offered to buy our land, but they don’t want to.
We contacted lawyers and we will sue.
What is the possible outcome?
1. Jester
2. Star
3. 5 swords
4. 9 denarii.
Thank you!

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Hello. Please tell me, I asked a question: what else needs to be done to sell the apartment in August? The situation is somehow stuck, and time is running out (Disposition: Ace of Denarii, Strength, 8 of Wands, Empress. Thank you for your help!

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Hello! Help me understand the cards. I live alone in a 3-room apartment, and it is privatized to me, my ex-husband and 2 children. Now everyone wants money and therefore wants to leave me with nothing. I didn’t expect this from my son, but here it is demand their shares. 1. Card-Jester, 2-Star, 3-Three of Swords, 4-Queen of Swords. Thank you,

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Hello! Is there hope for happiness in your personal life? There's been no one for a long time...
1. 7 cups
2. Queen of Denarii
3. King of Denarii
4. Empress
Thank you!

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You have too many fantasies about this. You are detached from reality and want to achieve material well-being through partnership.
And the cards advise you to focus, firstly, on your career. And secondly, look for a person who is close to you in interests, who cares about status and appearances.
Everything will be fine.
Good luck!

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Hello Natalie! Thanks for the answer. Probably fantasies about reuniting with an ex-man, but I'm getting rid of them. I have neither the desire nor the ability to improve my financial situation at the expense of a man, and it contradicts my attitudes. But for a man to match me, yes. But this, in my opinion, is normal. Thanks again

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Good afternoon I asked the cards how I can open a business (what to do to start a business. Help with the interpretation.
1. Ace of Swords
2.six of cups
3. Six Denarii
4. Abstinence

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It is necessary, without delay, to accept the offered help. Development will go in several directions.

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Hello, dear tarot readers! Please help me interpret the cards correctly and understand the layout.

Question: I’ve been alone for a long time, I met a man, will we be together?

I would be grateful for any help in interpretation.

1. 4 cups
2.4 swords
3.8 cups
4. Jester

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Good evening! I turn to tarot on rare occasions when the situation is really important. Now I am going through a difficult period: a man abruptly left me, saying in a message that he had decided to return to his ex-wife. This is a shock for me, since their relationship was over a long time ago, and I didn’t notice anything during the six months of our relationship. Everything happened very abruptly, I can’t forgive him. In order to clarify at least some truth for myself, I decided to write to his ex-wife. But I don't know if this is the right decision. The Tarot said the following: 1 - six denarii, 2 - peace, 3 - lovers, 4 - nine denarii. Help me interpret correctly. I will be very grateful

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